1. #1

    TG - US 6th 7/7H- LFM Exceptional Raiders

    TG has been around since day one of World of Warcraft and is still going strong, but we could use a little help from you! We are currently recruiting for Cataclysm 25 man raiding.

    Past Progression Achievements:
    Sub 50th US guild for all vanilla and BC content.
    US 27th Kil'Jaeden Kill
    US 42nd 0Watcher Yogg Kill
    Realm First! Obsidian Destroyer
    Realm First! Conqueror of Naxxramas
    Realm First! Magic Seeker
    Realm First! Celestial Defender
    Realm First! Death's Demise
    Realm First! Grand Crusader
    Realm First! The Light of Dawn (US 114th)
    ♦♦Realm First! Heroic: Nefarian♦♦ (US 15th/World 52nd on 2/23/11)
    ♦♦Realm First! Heroic: Al'akir♦♦ (US 25th/World 139th on 2/27/11)
    ♦♦Realm First! Heroic: Sinestra♦♦ (US 14th/World 73rd on 3/22/11)
    ♦♦Realm First! Normal: Ragnaros♦♦ (US 3rd/World 3rd on 6/28/11)
    ♦♦Realm First! Heroic: Ragnaros♦♦ (US 6th/World 21st (25m) on 8/22/11 PRE-NERF)

    Current Progression:
    7/7 Normal Modes
    7/7 Heroic Modes

    If you're an exceptional player and are serious about raiding, TG may be the guild for you. We take pride in the fun and successful raiding environment we provide to our raiders. Most of the guild are achievement lovers,we got ten mans going on almost everyday, you will find arena junkies here, and a late night-early morning raiding crew on for both mains and alts! In other words, if you can't find something you enjoy in this guild you'd be hard pressed to find it somewhere else!

    We are recruiting all classes for Cataclysm, however regardless of that fact, our current (as of 10/5/2011) focus is:

    Immediate Need(s):
    Dragonwrath wielders - Will look at all applications with the new legendary
    Rogue - (1) Knowledge of all specs.
    Warlock - (1)

    High Priority:
    Any Exceptional DPS not listed with impressive logs/rankings.

    Raid times are as follows:

    Sunday 6:45-11:15 (EST)
    Monday 6:45-11:15 (EST)
    Tuesday 6:45-11:15 (EST)
    Wednesday 6:45-11:15 (EST)
    Thursday 6:45-11:15 (EST)

    Once progression is over many raid weeks are shorter, and tend to be 1 to 2 day clears. Loot is done via a blind-bid DKP system so that loot can be divided as equally as possible without giving anyone too much of an advantage.

    Applications most likely to see a trial:
    -know their class front to back,
    -are able to maintain an 90% attendance ratio,
    -show up prepared for the entire night,
    -read up on the fights that we are scheduled attempt,
    -execute the most simple requirements of strats (like: move out of big black void zone)
    -be motivated/goal orientated and want to complete all current content

    When you apply, know that brevity is not your friend on your application. This is your first and sometimes your only impression, so make it a detailed one.

    Another important thing to include is a recent parse (via World of Logs or Wow Meters Online, or some equivalent source) that showcases your performance. A screenshot of your UI is also a must!

    Apply at: http://gimpedguild.org/forum/index.php

    Inquiries can be sent to Turnon, Sanadoz, Pakagan, or Seal in game on the Arthas realm, Horde side.

    You can also add me to RealID:
    rawrtryforce (at) gmail.com
    Last edited by Sinfonia; 2011-10-05 at 02:25 PM.

  2. #2
    Recruiting wielders of Dragonwrath.

    Feed us legendaries! RAWR!

  3. #3
    Orange sticks, pl0x. <3.

  4. #4
    Added need for a rogue. We're back down to ONE.

  5. #5
    Thank you, sir and/or madam.

  6. #6
    Still looking for a rogue or two.

  7. #7
    WTB Rogue(s). Also legendaries.

  8. #8
    Still looking for a quality rogue.

  9. #9
    Still looking for legendaries and rogues.

  10. #10
    We have a mage leaving soon, leaving us down to one. Come apply and get your T13.

  11. #11
    Still looking.

  12. #12
    Pretty much just need a Warlock now to round out our T13 roster.

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