Two questions about WeakAuras.

Firstly, is it possible to reduce text padding inside icons?
I can't find an option for that anyway, and the "bottom right" anchor is almost at the middle of the icons.

Second question is a bit more complex.
I'm trying to make icons for BS and CS with these conditions: Battle Shout icon is shown if -I don't have my own Commanding Shout (I don't want to overwrite my own buff) -I don't have an Agility/Strenght buff -Remaining time on Battle Shout or Horn of Winter is 5 seconds or less.

Everything else seems to work, except that I can't get a timer to show for BS and HoW when they are about to run out. (The icons do show up at that point)

Here is the LUA:
    ["fontSize"] = 12,
    ["displayStacks"] = "%p",
    ["color"] = {
        [1] = 1,
        [2] = 1,
        [3] = 1,
        [4] = 1,
    ["disjunctive"] = false,
    ["stacksPoint"] = "BOTTOM",
    ["parent"] = "Shouts",
    ["yOffset"] = 0,
    ["regionType"] = "icon",
    ["untrigger"] = {
    ["icon"] = true,
    ["animation"] = {
        ["start"] = {
            ["type"] = "preset",
            ["preset"] = "slidetop",
            ["duration_type"] = "seconds",
        ["main"] = {
            ["duration_type"] = "seconds",
            ["type"] = "none",
        ["finish"] = {
            ["type"] = "preset",
            ["preset"] = "slideleft",
            ["duration_type"] = "seconds",
    ["customTextUpdate"] = "update",
    ["additional_triggers"] = {
        [1] = {
            ["trigger"] = {
                ["type"] = "aura",
                ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START",
                ["ownOnly"] = true,
                ["event"] = "Health",
                ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL",
                ["inverse"] = true,
                ["names"] = {
                    [1] = "Commanding Shout",
                ["unit"] = "player",
                ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL",
            ["untrigger"] = {
    ["actions"] = {
        ["start"] = {
        ["finish"] = {
    ["trigger"] = {
        ["type"] = "aura",
        ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START",
        ["event"] = "Health",
        ["unit"] = "player",
        ["custom_hide"] = "timed",
        ["useRem"] = true,
        ["inverse"] = true,
        ["rem"] = "5",
        ["remOperator"] = ">=",
        ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL",
        ["names"] = {
            [1] = "Battle Shout",
            [2] = "Horn of Winter",
            [3] = "Roar of Courage",
            [4] = "Strength of Earth",
        ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL",
    ["stacksContainment"] = "INSIDE",
    ["zoom"] = 0,
    ["auto"] = true,
    ["selfPoint"] = "CENTER",
    ["id"] = "Battle Shout",
    ["width"] = 40,
    ["frameStrata"] = 1,
    ["stickyDuration"] = false,
    ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER",
    ["font"] = "DorisPP",
    ["inverse"] = false,
    ["xOffset"] = 0,
    ["height"] = 40,
    ["displayIcon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Warrior_BattleShout",
    ["load"] = {
        ["class"] = {
            ["multi"] = {
        ["spec"] = {
            ["multi"] = {
        ["size"] = {
            ["multi"] = {
    ["textColor"] = {
        [1] = 1,
        [2] = 1,
        [3] = 1,
        [4] = 1,
...and string, if you need to import it: