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  1. #201
    I'm quite happy it got nerfed

    We run a 10m squad that's 6/7 HC, we did like 30/40 wipes so far on the fight, and i know some people were really looking up against this fight, now don't get me wrong we don't mind wiping, it took us 180 wipes or so to get Sinestra down, but somehow from all the stories this fight felt really daunting to quite a lot of us.

    Especially the fact that most of the serious wiping seems to happen in p4 after 10 minutes along with a 10m corpse run/buff up really limits u as 10m guild.

    We aren't method or paragon and sure as hell don't have ambitions to be, so i welcome this, as i sure the remaining encounter mechanics still will make it a tough nut to crack for my guild, and many others. We were already happy surviving a seed wave , so it can only get better from there on

  2. #202
    Stood in the Fire
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mihir View Post
    Forcing you to go with 3/4 healers on a 25man fight in order to have a chance at making the dps requirements is bad design anyway, plenty of guilds don't have that flexible a roster
    Best comment in this thread thus far. Can't quite tell you how much I agree.
    We, among others have been severely punished on this boss because of the setup, and have had to skip many hours of progression because of the fact that we don't have more than about 30 raiders.

  3. #203
    You have about 30 raiders and each of them is capable of keeping up 1 or 2 reasonably geared alts giving you abouts 60 characters to choose from.

  4. #204
    Quote Originally Posted by Mihir View Post
    Forcing you to go with 3/4 healers on a 25man fight in order to have a chance at making the dps requirements is bad design anyway, plenty of guilds don't have that flexible a roster
    Honestly, this. People farming up an old trinket and running with an extremely bare minimum amount of healers to meet an insane DPS requirement just destroys guilds. I mean, they could make a fight which requires 5 tanks each supported by outside mitigation cooldowns to survive, but they don't because they don't balance around the Paragons and Methods of the world that can cherry pick their raid composition of geared and competent players.
    Alt-aholics Anonymous member since 2005.
    85 Restoration Shaman, Elemental off-spec.

  5. #205
    What happened tot he ICC style of nerfing? People seemed to like the way you could simply "turn off the nerf" by talking to an npc. It worked, why Blizzard has abandoned that model seems strange to say the least. Then again, ICC was out for over a years in the end. It's understandable that they had multiple nerfs there, and wanted to give new players a shot at killing the harder bosses. It's not like this was my main during WOTLK, but it was fun doing the content without nerfs with this by talking to the npc. (during wotlk)

    This seems like a missed chance by Blizz. =/

    As to all the people who are now working on the encounter and rage at the nerf: yes, you will have an time then before. That doesn't mean that the encounter is meaningless. In the end it's still the hardest boss in the tier. You will still get more wowprogress points or whatever for killing it faster then other guilds who are working on it. In the end, this isn't going to affect rankings at all, and I always thought that was a big factor for hardcore raiding guilds?

    Ah well. Haters gonna hate. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to be happy with my "noob progress" of 2/7 HM. PvP guild and all that.

  6. #206
    Everyone that killed it before nerf raise a hand and smile to the others o/

  7. #207
    The nerf was necessary and expected. Maybe 15% is a bit much, but Ragnaros was clearly a overtuned Encounter to stretch the rather short content. The boss was beginning to destroy the top 50 to 200 ranked guilds, which can't be in the interest of Blizzard.

  8. #208
    Warchief SoulPoetry's Avatar
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    wow. really? i can understand when the next raid is out, since his loot will probably still be competitive but now? i guess i'll quote Rag himself: TOO SOON EXECUTUS!

  9. #209
    Stood in the Fire
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    I thought heroic was meant to be hard for those who wanted to be challenged. Therfore nerfing heroic content seems at odd with this.

    Normal content is where nerfs should be applied (if any).

  10. #210
    Field Marshal
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucyinthesky View Post
    Everyone that killed it before nerf raise a hand and smile to the others o/

    As always, Blizzard can't make everyone happy. A nerf was to be expected sooner or later, and it might be a sign of a 4.3 PTR incoming soon.

    I'm still happy we killed him pre-nerf, though
    Getting hit in the face by mobs since 2004.

  11. #211
    Quote Originally Posted by Rapret View Post
    Yeeeeeees finally! We've been stuck on p2 for ages! Realm first INC!
    Maybe in 6 Month... /trollface

    OT: We killed him with 3 healer setup in 25. Now I think we can switch some people or play with less bomb-speccs. Best nerf is not the boss hp, but the molten elemental (seeds) hp is!

  12. #212
    Quote Originally Posted by Retalius View Post
    I can see your reasoning for A, C and D, but keep in mind that the reason why some guilds are complaining is because they were actually looking forward to killing a boss before it was nerfed. The hours they put into it would become less significant because of this stealth nerf.

    No matter when they nerf it some people are going to be affected.

    The pre-nerf kill is what it is now, (Gratz those guilds get their e-prestige which will mean absolutely nothing come 4.3, Who honestly remembers the realm first 85s as an example), if blizzard did it sooner there would still be the "you didnt give us long enough" arguments. However, if they left it longer theyd have even more people working on the kill that would feel frustrated with the changes.

    If you're working on it now and its just been nerfed, well as far as blizzards concerned "sorry, try again with deathwing, you had just as long as everyone else, we have to nerf it sometime. Unfortunately it coincides with your progression".

    Blizzard have never claimed that they release content 100% tuned, in fact they prefer to release bosses way harder than they intend them to be and then gradually tune them back based on feedback, this allows the 'elite' guilds to get their shinys and praise while allowing them to get feedback, rather than every man and their dog going out and beating the bosses and them needing to implement midweek quickfixes to pump up the difficulty cause 1bajillion people are able to classify it as a farm boss first week of raiding.

    Firelands is brutal on raid makeup, nerfs now allow some flexibility in raid composition
    Last edited by DarkPhoenix; 2011-09-07 at 08:41 AM.

  13. #213
    Quote Originally Posted by Mior View Post

    As always, Blizzard can't make everyone happy. A nerf was to be expected sooner or later, and it might be a sign of a 4.3 PTR incoming soon.

    I'm still happy we killed him pre-nerf, though
    I'm thinking 4.3 PTR will be coming real soon. It wasn't in Blizzard's interest to only have very few guilds testing out the 4.3 content since we all know the primary testers are the hardcore top 150 guilds. By nerfing Ragnaros so that a lot more guilds kill him, they allow more guilds to help test the PTR.

  14. #214
    Quote Originally Posted by Fendris Malarky View Post
    LoL@ all the scrubs complaining about this. The boss was over-tuned and did not fit in with the difficulty present in the rest of the instance. It was inevitably going to be nerfed before it ceased to be relevant.

    Also if you play this game because of it's difficulty you've always been playing it for the wrong reasons. Blizzard occasionally releases things at a slightly over-tuned difficulty level to appease the hardcores, but truthfully bosses are programmed to die, the hardest thing about this game pve-wise is getting 25 competent people to work together every week and raid. Truly PVE is like a placebo effect.

    There is nothing really tremendously difficult about slamming the same keybinds over and over watching out for predictable incoming damage. Bloody hell you don't even really need to see what you're fighting most of the time, just need to know you're targeting it and in range to hit it.
    Truth of the Year! Progress also shows the learning curve for your guild/raid, not you personally. You are as strong as your weakest Player.

  15. #215
    oh lol 4.3 is comming and all u can do is raging on nerf lol
    go kill him now and stop crying

  16. #216
    Bloodsail Admiral Revelations's Avatar
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    Expected but kinda.. hmm, weird when you're working on p4.

    Not that I dislike it, the 1 day with 6 bosses and 4 days wiping on rag/week kinda got boring

  17. #217
    Quote Originally Posted by Flail View Post
    Maybe in 6 Month... /trollface

    OT: We killed him with 3 healer setup in 25. Now I think we can switch some people or play with less bomb-speccs. Best nerf is not the boss hp, but the molten elemental (seeds) hp is!
    Can you confirm with how much these are nerfed ?, i havent really seen any numbers on this yet :/

  18. #218
    Only 58 guilds wins the game this time.

  19. #219
    Quote Originally Posted by Auralan View Post
    What happened tot he ICC style of nerfing? People seemed to like the way you could simply "turn off the nerf" by talking to an npc. It worked, why Blizzard has abandoned that model seems strange to say the least. Then again, ICC was out for over a years in the end. It's understandable that they had multiple nerfs there, and wanted to give new players a shot at killing the harder bosses. It's not like this was my main during WOTLK, but it was fun doing the content without nerfs with this by talking to the npc. (during wotlk)

    This seems like a missed chance by Blizz. =/

    As to all the people who are now working on the encounter and rage at the nerf: yes, you will have an time then before. That doesn't mean that the encounter is meaningless. In the end it's still the hardest boss in the tier. You will still get more wowprogress points or whatever for killing it faster then other guilds who are working on it. In the end, this isn't going to affect rankings at all, and I always thought that was a big factor for hardcore raiding guilds?

    Ah well. Haters gonna hate. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to be happy with my "noob progress" of 2/7 HM. PvP guild and all that.
    Because even if there was a "Turn off the nerf" option... people would say they are so cool and awesome on the forums, but ingame...It wouldnt even be an option.

    Why would you go through the pain of wiping it pre-nerf when you could kill it, get a realm first and get gear. if you dont, the next guild probably will and would steal your kill.
    The more you would wipe on heroic rag pre-nerf, the more people asking "So, can we just put the nerf on and kill him?"

    This kind of option is not an option. Please tell me, realistically, how many people turned the buff off in icc? None. There were a billion people on the forums going like "Oh yeah we're so tough we remove the buff when we zone" , but realistically, they werent, because it sped up the farming / improved progression.

    It's the same thing as going "Raiding with a flask is easy mode compared to raiding without a flask" . Sure you can do it, but why would you?
    Quote Originally Posted by Bahumut5
    I don't want to call Boubouille and wake her up for something like this.

  20. #220
    Quote Originally Posted by Chaoslux View Post
    Because even if there was a "Turn off the nerf" option... people would say they are so cool and awesome on the forums, but ingame...It wouldnt even be an option.

    Why would you go through the pain of wiping it pre-nerf when you could kill it, get a realm first and get gear. if you dont, the next guild probably will and would steal your kill.
    The more you would wipe on heroic rag pre-nerf, the more people asking "So, can we just put the nerf on and kill him?"

    This kind of option is not an option. Please tell me, realistically, how many people turned the buff off in icc? None. There were a billion people on the forums going like "Oh yeah we're so tough we remove the buff when we zone" , but realistically, they werent, because it sped up the farming / improved progression.

    It's the same thing as going "Raiding with a flask is easy mode compared to raiding without a flask" . Sure you can do it, but why would you?
    You would because you want to? Various top guilds who wanted the prestige have done it with the nerf turned off. Go look on youtube right now. There's plenty of people who care, so I don't see why not. Further, your argument of raiding without flasks is just rubbish, to be honest. It's just a basic buff that's been there for every single piece of content for years and years. You can't compare that to a fairly major nerf on a single heroic mode boss.

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