<Vainglory> 10man - Horde - Hyjal

You must be able to make our raid schedule: 8:15 - 11:15 PST(Server Time)
-Tuesday 8:15 - 11:15 PST
-Wednesday 8:15 - 11:15 PST
-Sunday 8:15 - 11:15 PST
On occasion raids may go longer.

You must be:
-Know your class, as well as WoW in general.
-A "min-max" type of player who is willing to go the extra mile for even the slightest advantage.
-Willing to respect the guild's rules, policies and methods, as well as our officers' requests.
-Able to take criticism, and build on it to make you a better player.
-A team player. A guild-first attitude is important.
-A very sociable person with a good sense of humor who is fun to play with and easy to work with.
-Able and willing to motivate yourself to learn and master the latest and most challenging encounters.

Final things to remember:
We are a raiding guild. Your gear, attitude, and spec should reflect that.
You are expected to be able to handle constructive criticism.
You are expected to have and use Omen, a boss mod such as Deadly Boss Mods, and any essential class mod such as Pally Power.
We also DO NOT use ventrilo, it's ineffective. We use "DOLBY AXON"(Gamer Skype). If you get approved to the guild, we expect you to create an account there(10 second signup) and make your display name your in-game name.

Reliability: We're looking for players who are honest, responsible, reliable and trustworthy. They always let us know when they're going to miss a raid night, and they're always honest with the guild as a whole.

Currently Recruiting:
Tank(Warrior, Paladin, Druid)
Resto Shaman\Priest Heals
ALL exceptional players can apply and WILL be looked at!

To apply please go to our website at www.vaingloryHYJAL.enjin.com and fill out the application on the forums
or please contact Prödigy, Insomiàc in-game!

Or my real id: rein_123@live.com

We hope to hear from you.