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  1. #21
    "I am to trust you if you cannot give me your name?", she screamed, as her nostrils lightly let off smoke. Before Ebonria could continue, Rakaen cut in.

    "She was born into a corrupt world. Her heart stuck to the darkness that she had been birthed within. Fanatically loyal to her father, Neltharion, she had recieved a blessing from another follower of his. Maloriak had transformed her into this malefic beast. I worked along with some of Alexstrasza's kin to rein her in, and imprison her here. Neltharion's forces took a toll that day, and she has remained here ever since.".

    "Amber wench! How dare you bestow my story upon this nameless runt!", she roared once more, tugging onto the chains that bound her to the ground.

  2. #22
    Terin seemed somewhat touched by the story of Rakae. It reminded Terin of all the mistakes she had heard about. Mistakes that humans, orcs and apparently dragons have all committed before. There was one thing Terin needed to make clear though. The youngling didn't know why or how, but for Terin to be at peace, it was something she needed to say...

    "Ebonria, your fate saddens me greatly.. Standing for what we believe in is what gives us purpose. The purpose is what makes us more than mere puppets following orders. I'll also fight for what I believe in, even if it means going against rules, even if it means crossing your path. I won't do it for selfish reasons like you though. All dragons, guardians, were meant to protect, not destroy. That is what I believe.
    With those words, Terin let forth a faint smile. This was her resolve, this was the guideline the youngling would be following through her life. This would stop her from mindlessly doing things under orders, that she couldn't abide by her personality. That was the one thing even Rakaenormi wouldn't wrestle from her, regardless of the amount of teachings she would force upon Terin. "...I am Terinisera, child of Ysera, and I will die if I have to, to protect this world."

  3. #23
    "Prepare to die today then, Terinisera!", she screeched, as she tugged further on the chains at either side. Slowly, cracks formed around where they were bolted upon the charred earth. Ebonria's horns grew, as her form slowly contorted. The shackles shattered. Roaring at both Rakaenormi and Terinisera, the abomination in her draconic form charged at both of them. Instantly, they both vanished, in a flash of light. Roaring in her unleashed fury, she flew past those that had been tasked to keep her within the sanctum, as she burst out of the portal, into the area beneath Wyrmrest. Releasing yet another terrifying scream, she departed the temple, within moments.


    There was a flash of light within the icy wastes, yet again, to the south of the temple this time. As they materialised atop the cold blanket that lay upon the Dragonblight, Rakaen instantly turned to the youngling.

    "Are you okay, my child? I do apologise for the sudden return to the cold. We would not want to tread within her path. I do fear that she may have escaped, but we must set such a duty upon those that vowed to keep her imprisoned.".

  4. #24
    Prepare to die today then, Terinisera!
    The younglings resolve was burning brightly now as she had spoken it. This enabled Terin to stand her ground next to Rakaenormi, rather than hiding behind her. Even though Terin was shaking slightly with fear as the shackles started to recieve cracks and deformations, the youngling kept her eyes on Ebonria. As Ebonria's transformation began, the entire Obsidian sanctum started shaking. Ebonria's prisonwardens came rushing somewhere in the background. Terin could hear their roars, their growling. Ebonria was enormous compared to Terin. Terin stood by her words, stood by her principle. As the shackles broke, a minor gasp of fear left Terin's lips, as she closed her eyes, expecting to be impaled by Ebonria's huge claws any second.

    Though, instead of feeling the claws penetrate her skin, the only feeling Terin recieved was that of snowflakes. Opening her emerald green eyes, Terin was greeted by Wyrmrest temple in the distance. Rakaenormi had managed to get them out safely, yet Ebonria would.. they'd have to ----
    Are you okay, my child?
    Terin turned to look at Rakae, tears apparent in the corner of the younglings eyes. This menance was all Terin's fault, all of it. If Terin had kept quiet Ebonria would.. she wouldn't have escaped. The tears slowly dripped down Terin's cheeks, landing in the snow below. Remaining silent, it was quite obvious that Terin didn't need words to describe how she felt or what she felt... Awful.
    Last edited by mmoc510818b846; 2011-06-02 at 06:48 PM.

  5. #25
    Standing before the youngling, Rakaen wiped away Terin's tears with her warm hands. "Do not fret, child. Her time will come. She shall fall to justice, and life shall go on. You could not prevent this.".

    Grabbing Terin by the hand, she travelled down the pass before them. Descending down into what seemed like a jungle in the middle of nowhere, she looked to the ancient bones surrounding them, without fear. As they stopped before the lush vegetation, she looked upon the drake.

    "The words that you spoke within the sanctum. I do understand your plight. All that are young want to be free, but we must still keep loyalty to our kin. All I beg, is that you understand that.", looking for a brief moment towards the sky, she turned back towards Terin, and continued her speech.

    "I'm sure you know where this is. But, can you name it?".

  6. #26
    "I've never claimed to be unloya---" Terin stopped speaking mid sentence.
    As they walked down, something grabbed hold of Terin. The breathing of the youngling changed entirely. Closing her eyes, Terin seemed to be experiencing great pleasure. It was with a gentle movement that Terin took a few steps forward, out of Rakae's grasp. Terin was being completely overwhelmed with the lush beauty of this place. The peacefulness was invigorating. Terin walked into the bushline, as if being called there by the place itself. Transforming into her dragon form, Terin spread out her huge wings, let out a minor growl, and bowed her head down in respect for nature. After that she bent her legs and curled up in the bush.
    "This place is the Emerald Dragonshrine.." Terin spoke in a calm tone. The youngling was pleased by being there.. Exceptionally pleased. Terin laid her head upon her claws. The youngling would need rest at some point, and right now she was enjoying every single second she could attain.

  7. #27
    "It has been a tiresome day. I shall report to some errands in Wyrmrest, but only if you are fine to remain here overnight. Would that be okay, Terinisera?", she spoke, kneeling beside the drake.

  8. #28
    Terin nodded with a gentle smile on her face. Yawning loudly, Terin seemed to be at peace with herself. It was a strange contrast to the Terin that had recently been exhausted and crying vividly. Perhaps the youngling was just too tired to make sense of it all. So much had happened in such short amount of time.. Even so, Terin felt that Rakaenormi at least tried to understand her. Something Terin deeply appreciated..

    After a mere moment, Terin's breathing clearly told everyone that she was taking just a minor nap.. that could easily become a couple of hours or half a day.

  9. #29
    The next morning, loud wingbeats could be heard, as Rakaenormi set down within the Emerald Dragonshrine. Dropping what seemingly looked like the carcass of a mammoth beside the sleeping Terinisera, she slightly nudged the drake to wake up.

    Speaking lowly, but remaining in her draconic form, she lowered her head and whispered to the youngling. "Wake up, Terinisera. I have brought food, to sate the hunger of your small stomach.".

  10. #30
    The youngling was basically sleeping in the exact spot Rakae had left her the past evening. Yawning lowly and stretching her tiny body, Terin's nose caught the nose of food. Blinking slightly, Terin smiled at Rakae. "Goodmorning Rakae.. Sounds good with some food" Terin's voice was clearly carrying the fact that she had just woke up. Stretching her neck, Terin closed her teeth around the meat of the mammoth, biting off a hunch and chewing on it hungrily.

  11. #31
    Standing up tall above the kill, Rakae looked down upon the two.

    "Inform me as to when you are ready, for our next departure.".

  12. #32
    Terin was munching in the carcass, clearly having been hungry. After a while, the youngling had wandered off to a nearby pond to clean the blood and cleanch the thirst. When Terin returned, it was in her mortal guise. "I'm ready.. yet, before we depature, please tell me.. what happened to Ebonria? Did she.. escape?"

  13. #33
    "Ebonria shall see justice soon. She did escape, but she shall not remain so for too long. Remember, that I am of Nozdormu's kin.".

    Shifting into her High Elven form this time, she stood before Terin, "Now, are you ready?".

  14. #34
    Terin got a few steps closer, smiling slightly at Rakaenormi. The reassurance in Rakae knowing about the future and so stonefast said that Ebonria would see justice was just what Terin needed to know and hear. "I am ready, Rakae"

  15. #35
    White light erupted around them. As the Emerald Dragonshine faded away, they were found beneath a grand tree. The greenery here too was lush, as a swirling magical pool lay still before them. Upon the other side of the magical well, lay a reasonably sized building. Urging the youngling to follow, Rakae began to walk towards the Kaldorei base. The air slightly shimmered, similar to the pool of energy beside them.

  16. #36
    Terin was quickly looking around, trying to figure out where they were. Yet this was not a place the youngling could easily recognize.. "Rakae... where is this place?" Terin allowed herself to enjoy the place. It was almost like.. another home. Lush, peaceful, in balance...

  17. #37
    "Current day. We stand before the Well of Eternity, little one.". Glancing to the side, they both looked upon a small procession. Amongst the attendees were highly notable individuals, with two orcs at the group's center.

    "Moments before our arrival, they declared themselves mates. Aggra and Thrall, or Go'el to the people of Garadar, have joined hands, to better the future of their own desires, and to the benefit of Azeroth herself.". Standing back as to not gain the attention of those present, Rakae pointed to a few of those visible.

    "Can you name any of them?", she implored upon the drake.

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