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  1. #21
    Some people like to be at max level asap? Why does it matter? Most of the people I know aren't rushing. So I honestly don't know what you're talking about. Yeah some do, but who cares, it's a game, and everyone should play it how they want to play it. Not the way WoW want's you to play MMO's.

  2. #22
    I could stay level 1 forever if I had all my traits to use...I really want to see my character after all my traits, try lots of builds, e.t.c. And I want to do this in pve, I am not interested in pvp at all although I don't rush at all, I play 4 characters at the same time..but I can't say that I don't look at my experience bar, waiting to spend the next trait and unlock a major Trait...
    The trick of selling a FFA-PvP MMO is creating the illusion among gankers that they are respectable fighters while protecting them from respectable fights, as their less skilled half would be massacred and quit instead of “HTFU” as they claim.

  3. #23
    some people like to be first with everything and quick.

    i like to play a game like sex, i take soooooo long.

    unless im going for server first monk, in which case im exploding after 2 minutes

  4. #24
    Bragging rights... That's the reason players rush to reach level 80. It's not to see the content at that level necessarily. It's the belief that everyone else will think you're good at the game if you rush to max level and make it there before anyone else.

    Me? I'm level 25 and I started playing at 9:00pm on August 24, 2012 the second the servers went live. But I'm multiboxing 12 accounts and it takes quite awhile without any form of auto follow.

  5. #25
    I am Murloc!
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    Meh, some people just play differently. No big deal either way.

    If you get lucky with DE's and have them going off around you all the time you can easily knock out five levels in just a few hours (had this happen to me earlier today). I literally just went to a zone to check it out (it was about five levels below me but looked like fun) and it was just one DE after champion boss fight after DE...two hours, maybe a little less, and I was up five levels.

    If you use crafted cooking recipes they all give a +xyz to experience on top of their primary stat. Even other professions have these 'crafted boosts' (I know weaponsmithing as them). Even if you are taking them for the primary stat the +10 or whatever experience for each kill starts to add up really fast.

    I don't think people have to be pushing for 80 or anything to get there quite easily.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Dethox View Post
    No it's because common sense would make you think that a game entitled as an MMO ought to have at least some viable game play after reaching the level cap, which obviously is not gw2's case. ( and please, don't start telling me pvp is fun for so much more then a couple of weeks )
    Common sense says you research the game first, GW2 is essentially the opposite to your standard MMO in that it is a PvP game first and PvE is secondary, for those of us that like PvP in an MMO style, particuallry thso eof us who loved DAOC or have alwys wished for balanced, competitve PvP without dumb PvE concepts such as gear progrssion mucking things up, GW2 is a godsend and will keep us going for a very long time.

  7. #27
    Herald of the Titans Vorkreist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prepared View Post
    Bragging rights... That's the reason players rush to reach level 80. It's not to see the content at that level necessarily. It's the belief that everyone else will think you're good at the game if you rush to max level and make it there before anyone else.
    Cool story.
    The reason I always rush in a mmo is because I'm interested in the end game and not the leveling. I don't care about the vistas or exploration or questing or whatever. I'm only interested in end game raiding or high end pvp so I think its quite simple to understand why I would want to reach faster the part of the game that interests me. Another thing is efficiency. I like to do everything in the most time efficient way and not waste hours with stuff that for me are meaningless. I do that for myself and not to brag to the whole server. This retarded argument I see every day on wow threads. People still seem to think that the guys that farm and rush for the best titles and mounts, do it only to brag and show off. They can't conceive that they do that because *NEWSFLASH* They just like to see that stuff on their chars. They like to watch their char riding an awesome mount.

  8. #28
    Old God endersblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doozerjun View Post
    mmo conditioning
    Basically this. It's an MMO, and there's a level cap. I don't think anything else needs to be said.
    Quote Originally Posted by Warwithin View Post
    Politicians put their hand on the BIBLE and swore to uphold the CONSTITUTION. They did not put their hand on the CONSTITUTION and swear to uphold the BIBLE.
    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Jensen View Post
    Except maybe Morgan Freeman. That man could convince God to be an atheist with that voice of his . . .
    Quote Originally Posted by LiiLoSNK View Post
    If your girlfriend is a girl and you're a guy, your kid is destined to be some sort of half girl/half guy abomination.

  9. #29
    Mechagnome Gritalian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cairhiin View Post
    Because WoW has bred an MMO population which seems to think that the game only starts at level cap.

    Or maybe it's because people enjoy the game and thus are actively playing it, in which the game rewards you by granting experience that eventually puts you at the level cap.

    Or are people suddenly supposed to not explore the world or become an inactive participant on their server in order to delay hitting the cap?

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by endersblade View Post
    It's an MMO, and there's a level cap. I don't think anything else needs to be said.
    Quite so. It has a goal. Thus the only conclusion is that the goal must be reached. Only once the goal is reached can satisfaction occur. Ergo, the goal must be reached in as short a time as possible, else satisfaction will be unnecessarily delayed.

    Not that I'm saying that mindset is wrong. There is no "right" or "wrong" way to play a game, unless your way of playing the game greatly detracts from the enjoyment of those around you.

  11. #31
    Clearly there is some significant to hitting max level, otherwise you wouldn't care that people who are not you have done it. You care enough to have made a thread about it. Instead you say, "Please tell me because I personally just relax because there's no rush. What's up with you other people?=)", giving the impression that they have to play the game the way you do, because there's something wrong with playing it however they want to.

    Why so judgemental of other people?

  12. #32
    Just because some people like competition and aim to be the first/the best/as good as possible/as fast as possible ?

    You know, the kind of person that want to do something great in their life, create a business and make it successful.
    It amazes me how some people lack this sense of personal improvement, and are just happy being mediocre and "having fun with the game".

    If your only goal in life is to have fun, well that's your choice. Some people have objectives and do everything they can to reach them.

    Same goes for raiding.

    Western societies now claim that it's perfectly fine to be mediocre, same for Blizzard, and if you ask me this is one of the worst thing that could ever happen to our countries.
    Last edited by mmoce6f32586f5; 2012-09-06 at 09:35 AM.

  13. #33
    People in guild wars 2 have wrapped what rushing means, it seems the poster as well as alot of other think that, those of us who played one character have rushed to 80. Well no i didnt, i played one starting area fully, then i went on to finish all the hearts in all but 4 other zones on my way to 80. 3 of those zones i didnt touch and will play on alts, during that time i did vistas , crafting, explored etc. I was 80 by the friday after release, if i was to rush it (or even play at my normal pash) , i would have reached that early on the thursday if not before then. And from playing at max level, i can tell you a-lot of people took it way slower then me, as orr is a dead zone

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Toinouze View Post
    It amazes me how some people [...] are just happy being mediocre and "having fun with the game".

    If your only goal in life is to have fun
    Please don't make the analogy "game equals life". Because some people like having fun in a game, it doesn't mean they don't want to be successful in life. Likewise, if people work quickly and efficiently towards a goal in a game, it doesn't mean they have a clear and definite plan for life accomplishment.

    Just... please no.

  15. #35
    The Undying Cthulhu 2020's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elite Peon View Post
    Your asking this question because GW2 has no end game once you hit 80 there is nothing to do other then level another character .
    GW2 has more end game than most MMOs are released with. Just because you personally define "End game" as organized raiding doesn't mean there isn't any end game.

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Jinna View Post
    Clearly there is some significant to hitting max level, otherwise you wouldn't care that people who are not you have done it. You care enough to have made a thread about it. Instead you say, "Please tell me because I personally just relax because there's no rush. What's up with you other people?=)", giving the impression that they have to play the game the way you do, because there's something wrong with playing it however they want to.

    Why so judgemental of other people?
    Im not judgemental, Im just curious. You cant be offended if people ask a simple question. The reason I ask is because of all these posts about what's happening at lvl 80 and noticing people feeling a "finally" to have reached the max level. Obviously they marketed the game as endgame from day you log in, but it seems not to be working as intended in some cases. Do people not enjoy playing the game as it is, sipping every moment just for simple enjoyment or is it so painful that you need to say "finally" when you reached max level? Did they fail in the way they marketed the game, is the road to max level not enjoyable enough so there need to be rushing to max and why is that? And that's where my question hits. I know how I feel about it, as you understood since I said how I play, I just wonder what other thinks. Is the game as it is when you start not good enough, or the ways of level and explore and spvp not good enough that there need to be something at lvl 80 that needs to be reached fast that will change the game into something completely different? Or is it other things that makes you go there, like preassure from guilds, or fame and uniqueness, or whatever reason you want to share. Understanding better now? Just to make clear, Im not mocking any people of any kind it's just questions.

  17. #37
    They say 'finally' because it IS the end of a long and [entertaining/toiling/arduous] task. It is the end of the levelling process, whether they enjoyed the trip or not. It is a very clear and empirical measurement of a destination. You can no longer gain more levels. So yep it is a 'finally' no matter how you look at the journey.

    Unless they actually said "OMG I'm glad that's finally over", you can't make a judgement on how much enjoyment they got out of it.

    Other games gave you new abilities as you hit certain plateaus along the way up the mountain, as I am progressing up the levels (currently 52) I get my enjoyment out of landing in a new area, and getting swept up in the tide of a few linked events (I managed to get all 5 of my daily events completed in a short space of time on Laughing Gull Island.) But otherwise, with Trading post down a lot of the time I've had a whole lot of trouble with my crafting discipline, unable to buy the missing materials (usually blues) that I need to progress my craft. So I'm left considering that, since I can experience any zone at any level, wouldn't it be so much easier to leave crafting alone for now, wait until I'm higher level and can afford mats much easier when the TP is back up and running again.

    So, lets say I just progress through every zone that's level appropriate, participating in DE's along the way, and not spending time trying to get a group for dungeons, I'll end up lvl 80 in short order and can go back and experience anything I missed with plenty of extra cash and experience.

    Some people might think you quite foolish spending hours earning coppers and silvers at your low level, grinding for ages to get enough coin together to buy mats for your crafting, or worse still, grinding mobs for the materials! Instead you could be getting up higher level where the rewards are much higher and you could simply buy what you need, saving yourself so much time, that could otherwise be spent exploring viewpoints or doing dungeons.

  18. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Tea View Post
    Lots of spare time then?=)
    But wont you be able to do that in time anyway, for probably quite some time? Or wasnt the road to reach lvl 80 enjoyable so you wanted to get passed it asap? Because I feel there's plenty of options what to do in game already, even though Im not a higher level dude
    Leveling doesn't take very long at all, they did really well with the horizontal progression, it flies by like you wouldn't believe. I had a lot of time on my hands, I probably reached 80 in about the same amount of play time as any casual player would, i just did it all in a lot less real life time than it would take one.

    I've still got 58% world map completion and 863 achievement points, got every trait and skill unlocked, so it's not like I was just power leveling up as fast as possible.

    But it's not like other games where rushing to 80 sure gets you to endgame, but it skips a whole chunk of content. Even at 80 every single zone is still relevant to me, and I'm not just one hitting my way through everything either. It just means I can do the same things anyone lower level can do, but I can do so much more as well.

    Things are nice at 80, you should check out Orr, it's a lot of fun, there's tons to do still.
    Last edited by Keldrath; 2012-09-06 at 11:18 AM.

  19. #39
    Titan draykorinee's Avatar
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    Because levelling in GW2 and in general is boring, so the sooner its done the better.

  20. #40
    Because other MMO's have only been about getting to cap as fast as possible its now expected this is how you should play every MMO.

    I've been playing since the game first went live in headstart, already put in well over 100 hours on my character and I'm only level 55, for me there’s simply no reason to rush through the content in GW2 as the areas are all fantastic with plenty of hidden locations and events to find.

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