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  1. #1

    Too high intial threat as a fury warrior?

    I was just wondering how big of an issue over-aggroing at the start of the fight is for you guys. I'm running 10man, and even though we have the luxury of a hunter's misdirection and a rogue's tricks, most of the time I still end up with the aggro for a couple of seconds during my opening burst. The new hand of salvation is useful, but I still have way too much threat for my liking. If it wasn't for Die by the sword, I'd probably be dead on most pulls.

    I don't charge in straight away. I wait a few seconds before going in. We run with a prot paladin and prot warrior. I seem to have more problems with the prot warrior than the prot paladin, but there's definitely issues with both tanks. Our 10man roster consists of 11 roughly equally geared players and my ilvl is 490 with 2x 489 starshatters, so it's not like I have insane gear or anything.

    I find it incredible that my own threat would be enough to surpass the rogue, hunter and the tank's threat but it is what it is. Any thoughts? Is this a problem for anyone else? The obvious solution would be for me to wait even longer of course, but that seems plain dull WTB threat dump

  2. #2
    TBH, it sounds more like your tanks aren't pulling their weight at the pull? In my guild we're running with a Prot tank and a DK tank and the only time someone overaggro's is when the warr accidently forgets to switch to Prot stance or one of them is having latency issues. And that is while I prepot, charge directly at the pull and use offensive cooldowns almost as soon as I start hitting the target.

    Are you sure the tanks are doing the correct rotation and using cooldowns at start? Are they prepotting?
    Last edited by mmoc77a2bb18a3; 2012-12-06 at 11:23 PM.

  3. #3
    Immortal Ealyssa's Avatar
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    With a MD+trkicks and you not charging, something must be horribly wrong with your tanks. I just can't imagine how you can pull agro.

    My guild also prepot and tanks never have agro issues on pull (we have a hunter in who MD everytime).
    Quote Originally Posted by primalmatter View Post
    nazi is not the abbreviation of national socialism....
    When googling 4 letters is asking too much fact-checking.

  4. #4
    Beg for salvs, it's OP now. And if you're pulling off the tanks with it, your tanks need to step up their game and work on their opening. The prot warrior can pop recklessness on the pull, etc.

  5. #5
    Banned Gandrake's Avatar
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    nope, not a problem

    If it is, tanks aren't doing their jobs.

    The only time I really have a problem is on wind lord and i get salv like 5 seconds into the fight

  6. #6
    More than likely.. your tanks aren't at 7.5 hit/exp. That will fix your issue.

    If they are at the soft caps and still you're pulling. They suck. As a brewmaster tank I noticed our fury warrior was out threating my OT but I always pull so it isn't an issue for anyone once I've established a large threat lead.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandrake View Post
    nope, not a problem

    If it is, tanks aren't doing their jobs.

    The only time I really have a problem is on wind lord and i get salv like 5 seconds into the fight
    Same. Usually get one or two of them on me, but that's nothing I can't tank for a few seconds.

  8. #8
    Very rarely, but that's what Die By The Sword is for.

  9. #9
    Which 90 talent did you pick? Rolling as arms right now, and the 400k+ crits from Stormbolt 3 seconds into the fight usually rips threat off our tanks almost every time.

  10. #10
    Is the warrior tank prepotting & using recklessness on the pull?

  11. #11
    What? Aggro issues on a tank? HAHAHAHAHA. Sorry, how is that even possible nowadays?

    Tell your tank to make sure to get hit/exp. Tell your tank to use DPS cooldowns on pull for an easy lead. Profit?!

    If I have to hold threat against a 200k dps melee bomb (which is not uncommon at the pull with pots etc on single target) I counter that by using Dragon Breath+Blood Bath followed by Reck + SSlam + Leap -> Rotation. That will even give the prot 100k dps for the first seconds. No dps can ever pull aggro on that.
    Last edited by mmoc48efa32b91; 2012-12-07 at 01:46 PM.

  12. #12
    Yyyy, tell the tanks to make a "pull-macro" containing pot and all cd's. Obviously this isn't good if you look at min-maxing raid-dps, but it should help with threat. As for the paladin, popping wings and holy avenger should be enough. As for the warrior recklessness, deadly calm and a shield slam combined with 3 heroic strikes would fix it. Bloodbath too ofc arter the initial hit for vengeance.

    As for dragon Roar, is the threat on this still bugged?

  13. #13
    Why would this be bad for raid dps? All those are personal dps cooldown which everyone is using on pull. If you have multiple warriors you will even align your banners properly. Having a boss that you kill in under 5 minutes is pretty uncommon. How could that be called a "boss".

  14. #14
    Preferably the pala should start while the warrior insta stack 3x sunders, then shatter, then skull banner depending on setup and many other things. But that wasn't the topic here =)

    OT: it's probably the tanks fault, not yours.

  15. #15
    I've had aggro issues too when I was in my previous guild. I had to wait almost 5-10 seconds before charging into the fight. Other dps were already at around 1 million damage before I charged. I realized it was tank's issues when I changed guild. I kinda still need to wait. but no more than 2-3 seconds, which is totally normal.

  16. #16
    The tank could use Taunt at pull. This will fixate the boss on him while he is building his threat-stack. The important seconds are the starting ones. DPS cannot hold back (you pre-pot and all out)...holding back is a huge dps loss.

    Back in the days where threat actually mattered I used taunt preemptively to make sure the mob stays on me in certain scenarios.
    Last edited by mmoc48efa32b91; 2012-12-07 at 06:55 PM.

  17. #17
    Thanks for all the replies.

    The tanks are hit+exp capped but it seems that their offensive cooldown usage might be a bit off. I guess that's subject to discussion though.
    I had a look at the logs and the warrior tank typically pops reck+bloodbath 3-5 gcds after I do. I'm guessing that he wants to build up some vengeance before popping his offensive cds but yeah, not being able to trust your tanks' threat is pretty annoying.

    Also yes, @wind-lord aggro is a major problem for me. I do get hand of salvation on every pull. I've tried all kinds of funny tricks like stepping into a demonic gateway just before charging in (not sure if this actually does anything, but trying wont hurt, right?). When both my trinket procs are rolling and I pop reck, bloodbath, blood fury, synapse springs and heroic leap into bladestorm, some of the mobs seem pretty pissed at me.

  18. #18
    I generally only have threat problems in the first few seconds of elegon when i'm doing a lot of dps, solved by a simple hand of salv. Just ask your paladins to salv you on the pull and you should never have any issues.

  19. #19
    Ret Paladin with Clemency here, Salv fury and myself on the pull... That being said, are your TANKS prepotting?(str)
    Edit: Wind lord is one fight you should hold back on for a few seconds, all they have is AoE threat on a mob you're bursting ><
    Last edited by Jinivus; 2012-12-07 at 07:35 PM.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Jinivus View Post
    Ret Paladin with Clemency here, Salv fury and myself on the pull... That being said, are your TANKS prepotting?(str)
    Edit: Wind lord is one fight you should hold back on for a few seconds, all they have is AoE threat on a mob you're bursting ><
    Learned this pretty quickly after I did in the middle of my bstorm.

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