1. #1

    Does Priest get more enjoyable post 40?

    Hi Guys,

    Trying to decide on an alt - I want a healer/damage dealer of some sort. The concept of priest and the transmog options really appeal to me, but I took one to 40ish as Disc and can't say I was blown away by the class mechanics.

    I know that Priest's don't come into their own till higher levels, but is the difference that extraordinary across the specs? I heard that Holy changes vastly post 50ish as that's when the good spells unlock - is it worth sticking with it for another 10-20 levels?


  2. #2
    I loved my priest from level 15-90 and leveled almost strictly in the dungeon finder as Disc, being top DPS as well as HPS well into level 70 is the bomb digs.

  3. #3
    I recently started leveling a disc priest and I have to say it, I love it. The survivability, the dps, and healing output on a single spec. Most times I come up as top dps in dungeons, and during quests I can always pull 8~ mobs and kill them all and only use powerword shield. I play on a pvp server and people 6 levels above me have failed to kill and I have killed them. I'm level 75 right now and i'm doing 3-4k dps, that's twice what most people pull in dungeons. I tried to level as Shadow and quickly learned that leveling as Disc was just the way to go.

    I tried to level a monk and I was disappointed, it felt way too repetitive, simple healing, simple class and I just couldn't get into it.

  4. #4
    I don't know if being better dps than newbish players makes priest all that attractive. Shadow is fun fun though, and the 90 talents are fun to utilize.

  5. #5
    Right, but at what level would you say it really starts to shine? I'm guessing not 40?

  6. #6
    When I switched to a discipline priest from a resto druid I started really enjoying the class from about 10 onwards. Getting to about 38 was what sealed Disc as my favoured spec. Before that, I had played around with a different priest and really enjoyed playing as Holy when I hit 50 but found Shadow to be a little bit boring so ultimately stopped playing the Holy / Shadow priest around 60.

  7. #7
    I can't really recall the moment when my Priest alt became "fun" but I can say at max level I enjoy playing Disc much much more than playing my Resto Druid, which was my original toon that I have also leveled and played at max level in every expansion since classic.

    I have pretty much played every healer to some degree or another - and Priest (Disc) is by far the most fun.

    In terms of DPS, I much prefer my Warlock main over Shadow.

  8. #8
    Herald of the Titans Kuniku's Avatar
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    I levelled as disc, have never found shadow all that appealing tbh, find it quite a boring spec to play - tho shadow form is cool!

    levelled mostly in dungeons, atonement gets you top dps and top healing most of the way to about 80 (i found, pennance has been nerfed a bit since though)

    I've never played holy. But at max level I find disc an odd one, healing isn't very straightforward, to get the most out of it you don't just cast your healing spells like most other healers, its all about a strange mix of atonement and shields... sometimes I really enjoy it, sometimes I would really rather just be casting healing spells... but when I'm in the right mood to do it 'properly' it can be quite challenging!

    While I didn't have my priest then (i leveled him 2 weeks before mop hit to become my mop main) I think the woltk/cata disc was more what I wanted to play...

    TBH I don't think I'll ever enjoy a healer as much as tbc resto druid... though I'm told monk is kinda similar... should probably finished levelling her up...

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Siksoh View Post
    Right, but at what level would you say it really starts to shine? I'm guessing not 40?
    As discipline, it gets good at 38 when you get atonement. Healing purely through DPS is pretty amazing.

  10. #10
    As shadow, 45 is when it becomes fun because you get Solace and Insanity talent. Mobs will just melt away...even with a 2 orb DP + insanity. It remains very enjoyable all the way to 90. Although once you hit 85, your dps will lag behind everyone else.

  11. #11
    lvl'd mine with the old energizer spec.
    It was a blast..

    No idea bout the fin now a days, but Disc seems to be the way to go.
    If you like spamming Smite till eternity while doing dungeons go for it.

    Holy is more fun imo, if 5mans lvling is your thing make it more fun by going Holy and the DPS Chakra.
    Atleast you get to heal, do good pew pew.

    Anyways, priests are good fun and you get to look awesome as shadow priest.
    But yea its all personal preferences, if you dont like the priest now you might consider getting another alt.

  12. #12
    i found disc to be the most fun while leveling - shadow's toolkit is severely limited at low levels. you get penance which hits mobs like a truck, and a shadowfiend that can out damage most of the dps in LFG groups. have you gotten the passive atonement yet? once you do, disc becomes an unstoppable killing machine in BG's, as well.

  13. #13
    Brewmaster dawawe's Avatar
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    disc never really changes from its new model. its still the same at 90 as it is leveling just with a few more CDs. shadow isnt reliable damage at lower levels and disc is boring but can switch from dmg to heals easily at low levels. holy is fun at 90 but shit for questing if you level thru instances got holy if u just want to heal disc all else. shadow is just kinda "there" for leveling now.

  14. #14
    If you're shadow it never gets enjoyable.
    When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
    When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
    And I held your hand through all of these years

  15. #15
    Herald of the Titans Kuniku's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghillie View Post
    As discipline, it gets good at 38 when you get atonement. Healing purely through DPS is pretty amazing.
    it loses its novelty after a while tbh, probably because its a 3 spell rotation that requires no thought (especially if you put a nochanelling macro on smite and holyfire/solace) But during the early levels where you top meters while healing can be quite fun, especially when the DPS get pissy at you and try to kick you for DPSing instead of healing... lol

  16. #16
    Shadow doesn't really start to take off until you get the lvl 45 talents. After that I would stick with shadow for questing. Devouring plague one shots mobs, and with vampiric touch/shadow word pain you can dot up as many as you like and emerge victorious with full mana. Later on when you get instant mind blast procs you'll be tearing through everything. Until the harder content a mind blast + mind flay will usually take care of most enemies. The only thing that annoyed me was not getting an AoE ability until fairly late in the game. Before you get mind sear other classes AoE capabilities in dungeons will make you cry, and tbh even when you get it you'll probably find it a bit underwhelming. Overall though shadow is just awesome.

  17. #17
    Over 9000! zealo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by calcinator View Post
    As shadow, 45 is when it becomes fun because you get Solace and Insanity talent. Mobs will just melt away...even with a 2 orb DP + insanity. It remains very enjoyable all the way to 90. Although once you hit 85, your dps will lag behind everyone else.
    Pretty much, shadow priests are tanks in both low level pvp and pve with massive damage, they become fairly gear dependent at higher levels though which is why this happens, shadow priests are weak in low gear levels with little haste.

  18. #18
    Bloodsail Admiral Frmercury's Avatar
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    Every class gets more enjoyable as your level increases.

    What a silly question.

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