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  1. #501
    Quote Originally Posted by Santoryu View Post
    One of the problems, as has already been stated in this thread, is the LFG system. Even though it is very convenient to get into dungeons with it, it completely obliterates any semblance of community within the game. Back in WOTLK I actually had a list of people I had previously grouped with and found them to be very experienced and reliable players and would therefore ask them when guildies werent available or recommend them to somebody who was struggling to form a group. I think sacrificing a little commodity would be warranted here, because the community is struggling!

    And last but by no means least - it prevents Blizzard from introducing challenging 5 man content that drops loot because random, unorganized groups cannot handle it.
    This. This. A thousand times THIS! All the trolltastic fanboys BS counter with "OMG Y U SO HATE CASUALS SEEING CONTENT???" No. I hate what LFR has done to the WoW community. Ever since Vanilla you developed a reputation on your server that reflected many things, most importantly your skill, leadership ability, willingness to play well with others, and whether you would ninja loot. Even your membership in certain guilds said something, as many GMs would kick insta-boot players for verifiably committing acts that reflected poorly on the guild as a whole.

    Now you have an anonymous system where skill is irrelevant (24 other people to carry you), content is faceroll (seriously, LFR is easier than heroic 5 mans for the most part), anonymity enables sociopathic behaviours, and there is no way to tie reward (loot) to performance/teamwork/effort.

    Most of the big guilds on the server I've been on since Wrath are dying. Only one of them even tries to get 25 man content down anymore. Why bother? 10 man loot is the same thing. That's led most to stabilise around a 10 man core, but that is a fragile ecosystem. Nobody wants to hang around as the 11th or 12th player who never gets to run, so there is no depth. Two people take a break, lose connection, get ill, go on holidays, etc, and you're screwed. Back when there were talented players available for recruiting this was not all that big a problem. But all thta is out there anymore are LFR-babies who only know faceroll and that there are no consequences for acting like a slavering droog because it's "just the internet."

    Yeah, its my first post. Been lurking here for I cant recall the number of years. Hell, I even followed this site during the year and a half that I wasnt playing, from Dragon Soul rollout up to 5.3. But this issue is important enough that I finally quit lurking to speak out. Blizzard is killing this game by destroying any sense of community and not hammering anti-social behavior.

  2. #502
    5 man heroics...They are useful for around 2 weeks then they become "just" a way to get VPs - and now that there are too many other alternatives to getting VP cap it finally feels they're becoming obselete, or extremely dated.
    Personally i'd rather they just made level cap normal modes for farming VPs or JPs that way they can stay faceroll throughout the expansion and nobody loses anything.

    I thinks its now a good time to take Heroic 5 mans back to the drawing board and maybe change how they fit into the game and why they exist, without design limitations like LFD friendly/Short/faceroll they could really go back to reworking them to be challenging, re-evaluating the rewards and perhaps working on them to sustain a lifespan that lasts throughout the expansion.
    Last edited by Morbownz; 2013-07-30 at 04:00 PM.

  3. #503
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrgannus View Post
    This is far truer than most people playing since Vanilla want to admit.
    Been here since Vanilla, and I'll be the first to admit it. Try a private server sometime, one that doesnt hand out free gear to start. I played one fairly recently. Farming dungeons for the BiS blues was harder than using them in MC. OMG, I"M THE BOMB, I"D BETTER RUN OUT!!! That was such a tough fight, guys! Vanilla raiding was only difficult because you had to find 25 decent players to carry the 15 mouth breathers, and no DBM to tell turbls that they were standing in bad. In a private server environment where pretty much everybody is a solid raider, 40 people hardcore enough to farm BiS blues will ROFLSTOMP on everything up to Naxx.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Djuntas View Post
    All I can say is reading most comments, gief back TBC model. I will keep saying it, cause its the truth.

    Everyone raided something, and you feelt like you did progress at your own level. Yes I didn't see Sunwell, but I was damn happy to do 4/5 MH and up to and included Bloodboil inn BT, didn't matter if I was never gonna see Sunwell. I was happy and satisfied the hole way.

    People need something to do inn wow. When everyone gets everything, you loss long term goals fast. I loved logging on to wow with a long term goal, be it a grind for gear or some rep...
    Perfectly, exactly, and precisely put. Not everyone has to see every bit of content. I was a scrub in Vanilla, and never got into one of the big guilds. I was rockin three pieces of upgraded D0.5 and a Robe of the Void. I was so bad I bought mats and crafted the FR shoulders because OMG THEYRE EPIX!!

    The point was, I aspired to have what the guys parked outside the Orgrimmar AH had. Now everyone gets that, or at least a watered-down version of it, handed to them by queueing up for LFR. Nobody is special now that everyone is. And dont get me started on the stupidity of handing out a legendary item to every retard that can do some dailies and get carried thru LFR. Shadowmourne, earning that was legendary. Valanyr. Atiesh. Whatever that caster staff in Cata was (I quit right after Firelands anyway). Oh look, we give out a legendary cloak out to anyone with a pulse! See how special it is!

  4. #504
    i don't get why people complain about the LFG system honestly. what is the difference spamming "LF 1 tank" for half hour than standing in stormwind in a queue for half hour? sure it's okay for some people who have friends online all the time they can group with, but you can still do that today? LFG has given people who play the game on their own an easier way to find a group. absolutely nothing wrong with it.

  5. #505
    For me this is the second best expansion, BC being the best. i dont see how ppl dont think this is alt friendly. I started playing again oh about 6 months ago. Leveled a monk from 1-90 in 4 days tops and was raiding about 2 weeks later. then my hunter alt leveled from 85-90 in about a day lol and was raiding with it in about 3 days. my shaman leveled to 90 mostly used for crafting stuff and didnt take no time and i was raiding lfr with her just dont feel like playing another class really than my monk i love it. and i am currently working on another alt a warrior. so the alt friendly thing is stupid excuse anymore. But i love the way the game is and feels.

  6. #506
    I think that the convenience and accessibility related changes have shown that:

    cheaply induced fascination is short-lived. Hence the sub drop.

    Content needs to be hard and good and not facerollable. This would increase the game's longevity and devs don't have to push so hard to release "content", but can take their time and release "good (and immersive, difficult) content".

  7. #507
    - Pandaren looking (animation, voices, etc) way too silly, and are really annoying to see.

    - LFR, it started in Cataclysm and they expanded on it in Pandaria, I think it's a bad feature and you should feel bad about liking it (huehuehue).

    - Way too many dailies.

    - Too much locking things up, that being reputation grind and whatnot.

    - Carefree leveling or raid/dungeon running. Nothing is dangerous, you can fart through the content without ever, ever dying. The only way to die is to jump off a cliff on purpose. There is no tactic or thinking in the leveling.

    - While talking about leveling and quests, I hate how there are no group quests anymore and how Blizzard use the Elite frame on enemies that aren't even supposed to be elites. They are abusing the elite frame far too much.

    - The whole game is becoming more of a solo game than an MMO. Yes, that is stupid. People starting to play an MMO and expecting to be able to solo everything, and then come to forums to say ''I should be able to play my way'' are just dumb players. These players should expect to group up with others, if not, just go and play a solo game, MMOs are not for you.

    - Too many menus.

    - At least they are trying to release expansions even though how similar every expansion is after The Burning Crusade. Always the same pattern with raids, dailies and some dungeons, with perhaps a 'new' added feature.

    - They are trying to adress the dead server issues, even though they are too greedy to merge.

    - Ghostcrawler even said on twitter during Pandaria that he regret that they added flying mounts to World of Warcraft, props to him.

  8. #508
    Quote Originally Posted by Brainsnack View Post
    It must be a personal thing, because everything in this expansion has worked for me. Although this still doesn't make it my favorite expansion, it did offer enough to keep me going without getting bored.

    That said, I haven't been online for little over a week though
    Same here. Have one alt to keep me entertained till next tier ^^,

  9. #509

  10. #510
    The Lightbringer MrHappy's Avatar
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    people wanated more content and boy did Mists delivered. Even today my main did not do everything this expansion has to offer. With 5.4 I realistically could have the patch last for 6-8 months without running out of things to do.

    as many have pointed out the "i would love this on my <insert class here> but don't have the time to level another to 90". You may not care for farm/pets/mounts/brawler's guild/proving grounds/reputation whoring/achievement whoring and still find things to do, but if you don't you may be the one with an alt or two at lvl 90. Currently with the 20h a week of wow i only have 1 lvl 90 alt and few toons here and there for different purposes.

    I wanted to see new models before 5.4 but looks like not going to happen. Overall I am pleased with this expansion and can't wait for more

  11. #511
    - Not enough useful things to craft after 5.1; requiring raid mats means only raiders can make them, and they need them the least!
    - Barrens catch-up grind takes pretty much all day if you aren't geared, and if you are geared, you don't need 489 gear
    - Shieldwall/Dominance had a good story, but you never wanted to go back after you were done. High fatality rate from pats..
    - 9 wings of LFR that all my alts have good reason to run every week is a bit excessive, and the player fatigue is tangible
    - The button bloat has hit critical mass. On my Mistweaver Monk, I have 30 keybinds
    - New talent system worked well for some classes (Mage, Priest), very poorly for others (Druid, Shaman)

    On the plus side, the quests are great and getting Loremaster of Pandaria was very rewarding the first time through. Pretty much all of the raid encounters are excellent, except for Lei Shi - fuck you Lei Shi.

  12. #512
    I believe it's partly to the LFR system. People see the content, get gear without having to socialize with others, and then call it quits because what else is there to do after that for some people? I think thats the biggest problem. Because think of it, if we didn't have LFR and only the new flex option, those people that left would probably still be around trying to get into a 10m or 25m guild to see the content and get better gear. Instead of giving into the players and giving them what they want, they should have just kept it like it was and made it worth the players while in the end. Now they can just end the sub when they see the content.

  13. #513
    The Lightbringer Aqua's Avatar
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    Tune down normal mode (or added flex earlier) and trash lfr (opinions, let me have them). That would have made the expansion perfect to me. Everything else has been just great.

    I've always hated managing alts, and I did alot less alt management in Cataclysm to be honest.
    I like all of the raiding. I like all of the lore. The Pandaren are a wonderful race, the story and questing is the most engaging it's ever been (ON BOTH SIDES, stop being a whiner), the atmosphere works well. I like pet battles when I'm bored and need things to do, I like the farm idea, I like the dungeons and challenge modes, I like the sub races that have been added, via the continent and the greater implications of the existence of these people.

    Obviously if your guild has held together for the expansion it can make alot of difference. And thankfully the time in MoP has been far less turbulent for me than Cataclysm.

    Actually everything about Cataclysm left a bitter taste in my mouth so ...there was very few ways Blizzard could have utterly fucked this up for me.

    I like Mists of Pandaria. Alot. And if the Siege of Orgrimmar turns out a good raid, it'll have been right up there with one of the best expansions for WoW ever.
    I have eaten all the popcorn, I left none for anyone else.

  14. #514
    Herald of the Titans Sylreick's Avatar
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    In Wrath, getting alts to max and gearing them through the heroics was great (aside from the gearscore trolls), they were fairly easy, but for some reason fun to run through. Now, heroics are just there to quickly generate a blue set to shuffle you into LFR (which I feel just replaced previous expansion heroics, with a slightly worse gearing rate).

    Dailies have always been there, but for the most part they were an avoidable part of the game (unless that was your chosen endgame of course), forcing us back into TBC rep grinds, but adding the badge system gear to the faction setup killed part of the game (dailies were for gold, potential upgrades, and cosmetics... while raiding and doing heroics were for obtaining badges for pieces as potential upgrades with viable replacements dropping in raids). Fuzing the badge system to the faction system was just terrible. If you want dailies to be viable PvE content, that's fine, but to force them onto everyone with no alternative to those that dislike dailies is a pain in the ass (talking about alternative ways to gain the valor gear, the only way to get it is going through the reputation gate... or hoping against hope for the rare drop in LFR to come your way... but that was what the valor gear was FOR, as an optional piece for one that wouldn't drop for you in the raid).

    The fact that their solution to "not enough pve content" was dailies, dailies, and even more dailies, was rather annoying. I had hopes for scenarios, but those were rather pointless optional nerfed instances (until the heroic mode ones came, but I didn't do them before putting a stop to my account). The barrens events weren't bad, but they could be pushed to be better in the future.

    Class dulling. It's my opinion, so people won't feel the same, but when blizzard started aiming everyone at doing middle of the pack damage, they took a lot of the enjoyment I had out of the classes. They made it easy for the newer players to do roughly similar (though, obviously a tiny bit less) damage as the people who've been playing for a long time; it lost some of the enjoyment of playing a class well. It's come to a point where you have to purposely play bad to do anywhere near a decent amount of damage less than a person following their priorities.

    Pushing PvP towards an esport. I liked it in Wrath, kills were quick and effective, deaths were slightly less aggravating, had to keep on your toes to push a victory. Now healers are godmode, and battles can last agonizingly long. All of this is in BG's though (I never was much of an arena player). Also, going into bg's at anything under the max level for it (LvL 81+, in any case) is asking to have your face bashed in repeatedly, and to drag your team down.

    Those are the main drawbacks of what MoP brought, for me at least.

    The things I liked about MoP:
    No flying until max level (could've been improved with the BoA tome, like wrath had)
    The leveling quests and story of the zones
    The scenery, was all appealing and set the mood of the zones
    Rare mobs with fun item drops and distinct abilities that had to be paid attention to
    Storytelling scenarios from the patches (the original ones were rather lackluster as they were completely avoidable... even though they dealt with the story, it would have been better had they worked them into the leveling aspect, as the culmination of the questing in certain hubs, like the quests that award blue items)
    Questing solo through dungeons that are explorable in the game world
    Cosmetics, so many cosmetics (mounts, challenge mode sets, quest items with fun functions... looking at puntable marmot)

    All in all, I hope blizz can change some of those negatives and bring my friends back so I can enjoy the game again.

  15. #515
    Titan draykorinee's Avatar
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    Ciderland, arrgh.
    Quote Originally Posted by Syax View Post

    Also no main boss to look forward to (Illidan, Arthas, Deathwing, etc.)
    Arent we all looking forward to SoO and Garrosh?

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