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  1. #1

    Class Information on all classes for PvP by players.

    Hello fellow PvPers!

    I have hard time following on class changes and how they are played as I now only play casualy. That said, I figured we could make a thread where everybody writes about their main class. How its played, what cc they have, how they burst, how they survive, etc. But realy short. Avoid writing about spells and talents that are pasive or are spammed every 5 sec.

    This will be a lot easier to understand then if I'm to go and check all spells of a class, watch movies and read forums about they playstyle.

    I'd realy like to hear from DK's and Monk as I dont undertand them that well.

    And please, keep it as short as possible! Dont write about unneccessery thing like every talent. Keep it short!

    Thank you! I will start with my Resto Shaman.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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    Post #1



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Spec: Resto
    Class: Shaman

    What we do:
    We basicly pop totems and cast heals. Very little dot healing. We keep our main healing target shielded (earth shield) keep riptide (hot) on them and then cast heals.

    - Instant greater heal every 1.5 min (ancestral swiftness (ns)) (talent)

    - Spirit link totem.
    - Its on 3 min cd so its like oh shit button.
    - It basicly makes everybody in the radius share health for as long as totem is up. Kill it fast if you can.

    - Healing Tide totem.
    - Also a 3 min cd and a oh shit button.
    - Heals everybody for shitloads. Kill it fast if you can.

    - Ascendence.
    - 3 min cd.
    - Duplicates all healing done. You will see shamans change form and become somekind of an elemental. Best thing to do here is to CC me. But I will usualy pop this with Healing Tide Totem.

    - Spiritwalkers Grace.
    - 2 min CD.
    - Makes you cast spells even if you run. But with 4 set piece gears you get 5 sec silence and interupt immunity. Makes this very useful when you have hard time casting or when we want people to blow they interupts on us. We will start to cast something and then in the middle of the cast we will pop Spiritwalkers Grace makeing the cast immune but still hopefuly make people blow interupts/silences on us as Grace can be used during a cast. It has no Global CD.


    - Hex
    - Every 35 sec.
    - Its curse so druids and mages can decurse it.

    - Capacitator Totem.
    - 45 sec CD
    - 5 sec AOE stun. We have to put totem down. Then it stays there for 3 sec before it explodes and stunds everybody around. With glyph the time before it explodes can be reduced. Often we combine this with a Totem Projection talent. We will pop Capacitator totem down then use Totem Projection to place totem another place right before it explodes and that way avoid totem being killed before it explodes. Meaning it becomes a range stun.

    - Bind elemental.
    - CC any elemental for 10 sec. Usualy mages pet. Its like sheep for elementals.

    - Wind Sheer
    - 12 sec CD
    - Interupts spellcasting for 3 sec

    Other things to notice:

    - Windwalk Totem (talent)
    - 1 min cd
    - Gives us immunity for 6 sec to all movement imparing abilities. Combine this with Ghost Wolf and we basicly get out of everything. You have to stun or cc us at this point.

    - Grounding Totem
    - 22 sec CD
    - It grounds (destroyes) one enemy spell. We can ground just about anything. Hex, sheep, frostbolt... you name it. There is a glyph that makes this totem a spell reflect but CD is increased to 45 sec. So watch out for that.

    - Earth Shield
    - Whoever has earth shield (a yellowish rock around a player) on them, they recieve 20% increased healing from shaman. + some extra healing when they get hit.
    Last edited by Duano; 2014-01-01 at 06:58 AM.

  2. #2
    Spec: Shadow
    Class: Priest

    Mind blast: Casted spell, instant damage, builds orbs for devouring plague. Sometimes procs from sw: pain if talent specced.
    Shadow word: Pain: instant cast, dot that ticks for about 20% of deep wounds. Only real noticable benefit is it has a 5% chance to proc an instant mind blast.
    Vampiric touch: Casted dot. 3 sec horrify if dispelled. doesnt do alot of damage either.
    Devouring Plague: This is the only time a spriest can do any real damage, requires shadow orbs, which require mind blasts, which require lucky procs or alot of hardcasting.
    Mindbender: 3 minute cd, decent damage.
    Psyfiend: aoe fears, but very weak and easy to kill. can also be cc'd.
    Dispersion: 2 min cd, 90% damage reduction. cant cast anything while dispersed and can still be stunned, dotted, gripped, silenced.

    *I think you mean HoT's not dot's. Dots = damage over time. HoT's = Heal over time*

  3. #3
    Thanks for participating.

    How often can Psyfiend fear?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Duano View Post
    Thanks for participating.

    How often can Psyfiend fear?
    45 sec cd. fears every 1.5 secs for 6 secs (I believe). Whats the cd on grounding totem?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Decorpse View Post
    Spec: Shadow
    Class: Priest

    Mind blast: Casted spell, instant damage, builds orbs for devouring plague. Sometimes procs from sw: pain if talent specced.
    Shadow word: Pain: instant cast, dot that ticks for about 20% of deep wounds. Only real noticable benefit is it has a 5% chance to proc an instant mind blast.
    Vampiric touch: Casted dot. 3 sec horrify if dispelled. doesnt do alot of damage either.
    Devouring Plague: This is the only time a spriest can do any real damage, requires shadow orbs, which require mind blasts, which require lucky procs or alot of hardcasting.
    Mindbender: 3 minute cd, decent damage.
    Psyfiend: aoe fears, but very weak and easy to kill. can also be cc'd.
    Dispersion: 2 min cd, 90% damage reduction. cant cast anything while dispersed and can still be stunned, dotted, gripped, silenced.

    *I think you mean HoT's not dot's. Dots = damage over time. HoT's = Heal over time*
    Psyfiend is not an aoe fear. Psyfiend is a stationary pet that will essentially tab target anyone in 20 yards and hard cast a fear. A lot of instant cast spells in the game can one shot it.

    What it boils down to playing against a shadow priest is orb generation. The entire spec is balanced around generating orbs. At three orbs, the shadow priest can use devouring plague to do incredible burst. Therefore, you should slow shadow orb generation as much as possible. There are three ways in which orbs are generated. First, hard casting Mind Blast. Second, instant cast mind blasts from shadow word pain tick procs. Third, shadow word death. All you need to do is interrupt as many mind blast casts as possible while popping your defensives during devouring plague. A shadow priest's true burst however is when they combine devouring plague with a shadow fiend (3 min cd). It is best to CC the shadowfiend when you see it. Finally, as long as no one is in danger, dispel dots on cooldown vs a shadow priest. Vampiric touch is their main mana regen spell; dispelling it can run the spriest OOM.

    TLR: stop as many mind blast casts as you can. The more you stop, the less threatening a shadow priest is.

  6. #6
    ^ true. Congrats, you can now counter the weakest pvp spec in the game.

  7. #7
    There better be some more replies when I get home all drunk and stuff and want to read about them classes and specs and do some pvp at 05 am!!!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Decorpse View Post
    ^ true. Congrats, you can now counter the weakest pvp spec in the game.
    Lol, sit on sp = worthless sp and busy healer, you have just won the match.

  9. #9

    Elemental - Keep Flame Shock's off of your allies and they're pretty much nullified.

    Enhancement - Easily focused, won't hurt you outside of an Ascendance every 3 minutes.

    Restoration - Hard switches hurt our mana and we're very weak against melee classes.


  10. #10
    The Insane apepi's Avatar
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    What we do best- Hardest healer to kill. If the mistweaver is good you might as well leave him alone and cc him and kill everyone else. A Mistweaver can have the best burst healing healing out of any class, you can face a teams 7 dps and heal all the way through the dps until another healer gets there(though you will be oom). You also are one of the most mobile healer. Melee(besides ww and feral) should never be able to even hurt you, you literally almost have everything to counter them. You can also have a good amount of dispels as a mistweaver. We are the rbg healer.

    Healing Spheres- Summons a healing sphere to the ground, if stepped on it will heal them, you can have up to 3. It is by far the strongest heal Mistweavers have, if you can land it(skill).
    Renewing Mist - A great aoe healing blanket, it somewhat counters dot spread, and with uplift it can negate them. It jumps target to target, 8 sec cd.
    Soothing Mist- Channeled heal, will give the mistweaver chi and will let them cast Chi Surge and Enveloping Mist instantly, interrupt this as much as you can.
    Enveloping Mist- A burst and hot single target heal(last , very strong, purge this off the target.
    Surging Mist- A strong burst single target heal, makes you go oom, if a mistweaver is using this a lot they are bad. They need to use Healing Spheres instead.
    Healing cds:
    Revival-Heals everyone by a good amount and dispels all magic, poison, and disorient effects. 3 min cd
    Life Cocoon- Gives the target a big absorb and a healing hot, it also increases hots by 50%(not sure if it helps other classes?). 2 min cd
    Tier 6:
    Rushing Jade Wind: Replaces Spinning Crane Kick, gives you a buff which will damage and heal people around you and last 4.53 secs, you will get 1 chi if it hits at least 3 targets. It is great on node/flag maps because you can spin flags easily, even if you get cced this spell will still hit people stopping them from capping a flag(expect from getting cycloned). 4.53 secs(the cooldown and duration depends on your haste).

    Fistweave: Damage and healing!
    Tier 6:
    Jab- Gives you a chi cost a lot of mana but gives you Memory Muscle
    Muscle Memory- When you use jab you will gain Muscle Memory, this increases Tiger's Palm and Black Out Kick by 150% damage and gives you 4% mana. Last for 14 sec
    Teachings of the Monastery- Increases Crackling Jade Lighting and Tiger's Palm by 100% damage, Tiger's Palm will give you Vital Mist(last 30 seconds) which reduces the cost and cast time of Suriging Mist by 20%, Stacks up to 5 stacks. Using Blackout Kick will give you Serpents Zeal(last 30 seconds) which heals people for you auto-attack damage by 25% for both you and your Jade Statue(so 50%).
    Tiger's Palm- Deals damage for 1 chi, also grants you Tiger's Power which ignores 10% armor, last 20 sec.
    Blackout Kick- Deal damage to target for 2 chi and hiots 4 nearby targets for half of the damage.
    Crackling Jade Lighting- A channeled spell which deals damage, gives you 30% chance to gain a chi, and knocks back someoen if they are in range fo 8 yards and is melee attacking you.
    Spinning Crane Kick- Damages and heals everyone around you through channeling it, can move while channeling. If it hits 3 targets you will gain a chi.
    Summon Jade Statue- Will summon a Jade Statue, it heals 25% of none auto-attack damage that the monk does. It also cast Soothing mist on an injured party member when you do. You can even leave one at a base with a friend guarding it and heal them with the statue by using Soothing Mist on yourself.
    Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger- This summons a white tiger which can jump to targets, put a dot on them and taunts the target. It will heal with damage if the jade statue out, Last for 45 Seconds. cd 3 min

    Dematerialize- When stunned you phase out of the world making all attacks miss you, has a 2.5 duration and a 10 second cd. Wait to attack a monk, then use another stun if you have it, if you just try to wait the dr he will just dematerialize again.
    Fortifying Brew- Gives you 20% health and you reduce 20% damage. 3 min cd
    Zen mediation- This spell reduces damage by 90% and redirects magical attacks tot he monk. If hit by melee it cancels the affect. 3 min cd
    Tier 5:
    Healing Elixirs- A good talent that heals you 15% if you go below 35%, good against melee and casters. cd every 18 sec
    Dampen Harm- This is an okay talent but not as good as the other two.
    Diffuse Magic- A spell that makes all magical effects go back to the user and reduces magic damage by 90%(this does not reduce ua damage!), last 6sec, cd 1.5 min

    Crowd Control:
    Grapple weapon: A range disarm, if the monk has a lower itemlevel healing and damage increases by 5% and decreases damage taken by 5%. Last 8 sec, 1 min cd
    Paralysis- A 20 yd 6 second disorient if used behind target, 4 sec if not. If a monk goes behind you, he most likely is trying to cc you. 15 sec cd
    Disable- A slow and a Snare, it basically works like hamstring. If you use disable it slows them, use it again and it will snare them. It does refresh the disable if the monk is 10yds by the disabled target. No cd
    Spear Hand Strike- An interrupt, if in front of the target it will silence you for 2 seconds. 15 sec cd
    Tier 4:
    Ring of Peace- This talent will disarm and silence anyone in the ring, then if you attack again you will be disarmed and silenced again. Last 8 seconds, 45 sec cd
    Charging Ox Wave- In a straight line a ox figure will stun anyone in it's path for 3 sec. It is great for eye of the storm and mines, 30 sec cd
    Leg Sweep- A 5 yard stun that last for 6 seconds. It is very...buggy. You can stand on a target and miss them. 45 sec cd

    Roll- An ability that moves you forward about 15 yards(275% movement speed). it moves faster than your mount so if you are close t somethign important and need to get there faster dismount and roll, useful in mines. You can use it going backward(really fucks with melee:P) Has a 20 sec recharge time and 2 charges
    Tier 1:
    Celerity- Reduces recharge time by 5 secs and adds another charge to roll, works great with monk glove bonus(removes slows from you, even counts as a disarm!)
    Tiger's Lust- Basically Hand of Freedom but increase movement speed by 70% for 6 sec. 30 sec cd
    Momentum- This sucks, you should never encounter this talent.
    Tier 6: Chi Torpedo- Replaces roll, damages and heals everyone all in your path. Moves you 25yds(300% movement speed), and it does work for a good combo with celerity.
    Transcendence- Puts a 'port'(think of warlock port) where you are standing, 45 sec cooldown
    Transcendence: Transfer- You teleport to where ever your port was and your port goes to where ever you teleported from. 25 sec cd

    How do you kill a Monk?
    The best way is just to have strong constant damage, like a Windwalker or a Feral. Doing this will make us go oom, burst damage does not work well as we have the cds to handle it. Dispel Enveloping Mist when it is on the Mistweaver.

    This ended up turning a bit more of a guide, rather than a short information about my class, maybe if some like this kind of thing then I might actually write a real mistweaver pvp guide. You can message me on the forum if you need to know anything more, or just reply here.

    This might just look like a block of text, sorry.
    Time...line? Time isn't made out of lines. It is made out of circles. That is why clocks are round. ~ Caboose

  11. #11
    Thanks for contributing apepi! Ive added your post in the list.

    Nuditea: Just one spec per post for easier searching. Cheers.

  12. #12
    2H frost DK

    Silence us and burst us down. Easy kill.

    Watch out for stacking healing absorbs, they usually are the sign of burst to come.

    Dispell DK diseases and we hit like a wet noodle.

  13. #13
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bantokar View Post
    2H frost DK

    Silence us and burst us down. Easy kill.

    Watch out for stacking healing absorbs, they usually are the sign of burst to come.

    Dispell DK diseases and we hit like a wet noodle.

    Silence us and burst us down. Easy kill.
    Try to trinket or time ams right, switch to blood pressence.

    Watch out for stacking healing absorbs, they usually are the sign of burst to come.
    uhm what? you mean ams? better use Ams to soak up runic power to switch to blood press and tab the fuck out using conversion(people saying conversion is bad don't know how to use it

    Dispell DK diseases and we hit like a wet noodle

    Just reaply them wich doesn't take any effort.

    AMS soaking+chains of ice (gloves bonus) lichborn macro obviously in blood press gives some decent surv.

    not saying spec is perfectly fine, but which spec is?

  14. #14
    The Insane apepi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Watch out for stacking healing absorbs, they usually are the sign of burst to come.
    uhm what? you mean ams? better use Ams to soak up runic power to switch to blood press and tab the fuck out using conversion(people saying conversion is bad don't know how to use it
    I think he is talking about necrotic strikes. But still, you should use them whenever you get death runes....
    Last edited by apepi; 2014-01-01 at 04:17 PM.
    Time...line? Time isn't made out of lines. It is made out of circles. That is why clocks are round. ~ Caboose

  15. #15
    Surprising how many people above don't actually know the details of the abilities of their own classes.

  16. #16
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Treelife View Post
    Surprising how many people above don't actually know the details of the abilities of their own classes.
    I am not sure what you mean or where ur referring to?
    It all seems really basic stuff as far as the OP means, I haven't really seen anything majorly wrong out there or i am missing something.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    I am not sure what you mean or where ur referring to?
    It all seems really basic stuff as far as the OP means, I haven't really seen anything majorly wrong out there or i am missing something.
    I may just be nitpicking but simply not naming things or saying "Mindbender: 3 minute cd", simple mix up of Shadowfiend I know, but that could really confuse someone looking for help. Even your own reply to Bantokar (which apepi replied to as well) was enough to show that, I understood it as Necrotic but I guess you assumed he meant AMS.

    "Dispell DK diseases and we hit like a wet noodle" -> "Just reaply them wich doesn't take any effort."
    Not sure if you were trying to rebute him or just provide a counter (which is fine), but either way it still takes effort; it takes runes and GCDs which a DK could be using to deal damage with.

    Anyway, /bump. More info gogo.

    OT: (inb4 I mess up now with the above said )
    If you're a Windwalker Monk and are facing 99% of the FotM lolstormWarriors this season just poke them for a bit until they get annoyed and pop their Swifty Macro (they all have one), and Touch of Karma them and /giggle as they spin around you. If they Intimidating Shout (fear) during - but before you can Karma them, which a lot of them seem to these days (fgs Swifty, why) then just trinket - you still have a spare, not like you'll need it later.

    If they use Die By The Sword you use Grapple Weapon (It won't get parried<3), and then finish them off popping your CDs through Second Wind.

    In general, assuming you won't need it later (mostly for 1v1), you can Paralysis to make sure they can't avoid your stuns.
    Last edited by Soisoisoi; 2014-01-02 at 04:41 PM.

  18. #18
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Treelife View Post
    I may just be nitpicking but simply not naming things or saying "Mindbender: 3 minute cd", simple mix up of Shadowfiend I know, but that could really confuse someone looking for help. Even your own reply to Bantokar (which apepi replied to as well) was enough to show that, I understood it as Necrotic but I guess you assumed he meant AMS.

    "Dispell DK diseases and we hit like a wet noodle" -> "Just reaply them wich doesn't take any effort."
    Not sure if you were trying to rebute him or just provide a counter (which is fine), but either way it still takes effort; it takes runes and GCDs which a DK could be using to deal damage with.
    Aah okey I see your point. It was me being a little sarcastic since he came off just to post dk's suck.. Just went the positive way. I think this thread has potential for people who want to learn a new class. He wasn't really putting any effort into making hes post use full.

    And yes the Mindbender/Shadowfiend is confusing for people if they do not know it, thanks for pointing that out!

    I wanted to do Shadow in general or frost dk , oo well maybe Il try to write down 1 later if i have the time!
    Last edited by Alanar; 2014-01-02 at 07:19 PM.

  19. #19
    The Insane apepi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Treelife View Post
    If you're a Windwalker Monk and are facing 99% of the FotM lolstormWarriors this season just poke them for a bit until they get annoyed and pop their Swifty Macro (they all have one), and Touch of Karma them and /giggle as they spin around you. If they Intimidating Shout (fear) during - but before you can Karma them, which a lot of them seem to these days (fgs Swifty, why) then just trinket - you still have a spare, not like you'll need it later.

    If they use Die By The Sword you use Grapple Weapon (It won't get parried<3), and then finish them off popping your CDs through Second Wind.

    In general, assuming you won't need it later (mostly for 1v1), you can Paralysis to make sure they can't avoid your stuns.
    Windwalkers are great against almost any melee(expect feral and ww). So just stick on them as a ww.

    As a dk when a warrior pops die by the sword use death strike, it can not be parried.

    Also when a monk is rolling he can be stunned and etc., it is not a teleport(blink).
    Last edited by apepi; 2014-01-03 at 04:24 AM.
    Time...line? Time isn't made out of lines. It is made out of circles. That is why clocks are round. ~ Caboose

  20. #20
    Class: Monk
    Spec: Windwalker

    mobility: We are the most mobile spec in the game.

    -We have roll(15s cd, x2 or x3 with talent)
    -flying serpent kick(25s cd) (60 yard) at ~400% speed which let us end it whenever we want. When you end it early and you land on your target he will be slowed by 70% for 2 seconds.
    -We also have tigers lust, which lets us move 70% faster and breaks roots. We also have transcendence. Basically a warlock teleport with 0,5 sec cast time and 40 yards range.

    damage: Our damage comes from spending chi. Its like combopoints but it doesn't stick to the target. To build chi we need to spend energy with jab. A very low hitting attack which deals about 5-10k damage and costs 40 energy. We may spend the chi with blackout kick or rising sun kick. For every 4 chi we spend we get one charge of tigereye brew (our mastery gives us a chance to get an extra charge). Each charge gives us a 5% damage boost, stacks up to 20 times. Max charges used is 10=50% damage boost. This is our burst. Get 10 charges and go burst with a 50% damage bonus. We do not have on demand burst, our burst comes from building up stacks.

    -Rising sun kick is on a 9 sec cooldown and is our hardest hitter. It also applies a debuff where the target receives 15% increased damage received for 15 seconds. The second debuff reduces healing the same way as mortal strike. (costs 2 chi)
    -Blackout kick only does damage and has no CD (costs 2 chi
    -Fists of fury: a channeled attack which stuns all targets and does damage. No points trinketting it because the stun gets reapplied for every punch (avg. 1 punch/stun per second for the channeled duration of 4 seconds. (3chi cost, 25 sec cooldown)

    selfhealing: Monk selfhealing is freaking awesome. We have so many different heals, tie that with our extreme mobility and we can not lose a 1v1 find IF there are pillars or if its a melee. Thats why we are called the 1v1 gods.

    -Chi wave: 15 second cooldown, no cost. A green wave that travels between you and your target, bouncing 7 times. This does NOT mean it heals you 7 times. Average heal per bounce is ~10-15K.
    -Expel harm: 15s cooldown, no cost, grants 2 chi and instantly heals you for about 15-20K.
    -healing elixirs: a talent that lets you heal you for 15% of your max health if you consume a brew (energizing brew, fortifying brew, tigereye brew, etc etc). 18 second cooldown (passive).
    -Healing sphere: A ball you put on the ground that heals you if you stand on it. No cooldown, costs 40 energy, heals around 20K.
    -tigereye brew: I told you that tigereye brew increases your damage by 5% for every brew. Now comes the awesome part, it also increases your healing by 5% for every charge!!! A burstheal combo brings you from 1% hp to 100% in about 2 seconds if you do it right.

    Survivability: Its pretty damn good. Monks are great at soloing, no need for a pockethealer and you will rarely die due to your mobility and healing.
    -Touch of karma, 1,5min cooldown, no cost: our enhanced paladin bubble! A chinese blue sign above your head which says "please hit me more!!!". You absorb all damage done to you for 6 seconds. Any damage you take gets reflected to your enemy. Pop this when enemies are bursting and they will rage
    -Fortifying brew, 3min cd: 20% health increased and 20% dmg reduction for 20 seconds. Use this for healing elixirs to get a fat heal.

    CC: We can pretty much lockdown a player 24/7 if it wasn't for DR.

    -Leg sweep, 45 sec cd: Stuns all target within 5 yards for 5 seconds. This ability can be dodged/parried or missed if the target isnt within 5 yards.
    -fists of fury: See damage
    -Paralysis, 15 sec cd: Undispellable 4 sec CC which breaks on damage, 6 second CC if done from the back *wink wink*.
    -grapple weapon: A ranged disarm, 1min cd
    -Disable: Slow the target for 50% for 12 seconds. If the target stays within 5 yards the slow reapplies. Use Disable again on a slowed target and he will be rooted for 2 sec.

    Now this all sounds awesome, which it is. Our only issue is that Monks are great at solo but suck at teamplay. Their burst has to be built up and they don't synergize well with other classes due to paralyse DR'ing with too much other CC's.
    Conclusion: Monks are very fun to play, are godmode in 1v1 and very good at 2v2. They are mediocre at RBGs and 3v3s and a total fail at 5v5. But its by far the most fun class for me and I played pretty much every class.

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