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  1. #21

    Make recasting agony on a target with agony add 3-5 stacks OR Set the base number of stacks to 5 and 10 with Writhe while doubling per stack damage. Purpose: No change for damage at full stacks, just let us get there faster.
    Soul Effigy should either: follow the player, copy dots when being recast on the same target, or do nothing to effigy and bring soul swap to PvE. Purpose: Repositioning soul effigy is kind of brutal right now. Fortunately you don't need to do it often, but these options would make it easier.

    Also, it may be intended that Affliction's single target damage be this bad. If it isn't, and a dps increase is in the cards then:
    Soul Effigy should either lose the soul shard generation nerf (so more soul shards are generated in 'single target'), or the damage from effigy should scale based on number of targets being attacked (fewer targets, more damage for effigy).

    Demonology (as someone who doesn't really play demonology)

    Make Demonic Empowerment a passive (lower filler damage as needed).

  2. #22
    All Specs

    Add Kil'Jaeden's Cunning back. If you move, your cast time increases for that spell by 25%.


    Back draft to baseline
    Mastery enhances spells by 50% - 100% (I believe it is 1% - 100% now)
    FnB should be a shard to activate for three casts
    Increase ST damage by 25% and nerf the benefits of Havoc by 25% (however the numbers work out. Destruction needs to be built around its skills entirely and not just Havoc holding it back.)
    Lifetap needs to go away permanently and make Reverse Entropy baseline
    Incinerate can have a chance (5% or a little higher) to generate a soul shard

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Amonthar View Post
    Incinerate can have a chance (5% or a little higher) to generate a soul shard
    One way to make Incinerate more useful again is to make it reduce the cooldown of conf, I rly dont like the idea of adding more rng especially such a small chance.

    we dont need kjc

  4. #24
    The Unstoppable Force Gaidax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Violetti View Post
    One way to make Incinerate more useful again is to make it reduce the cooldown of conf, I rly dont like the idea of adding more rng especially such a small chance.
    To be honest, I don't think this recurring request to make Incinerate do something special is wise. It's a filler and IMO, it's fine that all it does is damage when nothing else is available.

    Adding mechanics for the sake of adding mechanics is not ending well, it's fine to have clean, simple spells that serve only one purpose, even if it's just to be a filler, which is a purpose in itself already.

    Besides, with T19 we already are already like ~6.5 sec CD on Conflag with 30% haste, we would often be having a hard time dumping shards as is in Nighthold.

  5. #25
    I like chaos bolt having a longer cast time, risk/reward, id rather something else, perhaps ability to cast at reduces speed while casting chaos bolt?

    My main suggestions are DE now has 2 charges and a 15 sec CD, duration lowered and damage increased. That way we have to calculate the best time to use it rather than just dropping it on every damned demon.

    Demonwrath no longer radiates aoe (cant control imps and ranged demons suck) instead causes demons to deal spash damage

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Violetti View Post
    One way to make Incinerate more useful again is to make it reduce the cooldown of conf, I rly dont like the idea of adding more rng especially such a small chance.

    we dont need kjc
    The incinerate is just an idea since they love their RNG. It would help with generating shards. They could just increase the chance from Immolate crits instead.

    KJC helps with the clunkiness of the class in general.

  7. #27
    Destruction back to MoP/WoD type play

    Affliction back to Cata type play

    Demo I don't care

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Qac View Post

    Reverse entropy baseline. Backdraft moved to where reverse entropy is. New talent making pet spellcasting 15-20% faster lvl 15 talent to replace where backdraft was.
    Lord of flames cd always up for every infernal cd.
    Fire n brimstone baseline or use SS to make next 2-3 incinerates work off FnB/ y can pally just switch between 2 abilities to be god tier at aoe and ST and something new for the FnB talent spot not sure.
    Move doomguard to be the GoServ Cd mayb tweek damage a little bit.
    Burning rush baseline
    CB damage increased to 150% of your crit damage or 200% and made non-havocable
    The last one is a really shitty idea, just saying.

  9. #29
    I have lot of small ones (I tried to refrain to include anything too big), most seem reasonable to me, numbers would have to be adjusted, but numbers need adjusting anyways.
    Warlock in general:

    Shadowfury: Instant (like it was)
    Mortal Coil: Castable while casting other spells
    Soul leech: Baseline demonic skin rename to Fel Armor
    Burning Rush: Baseline usable out of combat, talented usable in combat
    DG / Infernal: Doesnt cost a shard
    Grim of Sac: Gives pet abilities once more
    Grim of Service: Swapped with synergy for destro/afflic
    Healthstones: At least as good as health pots
    Eye of kilrogg: Can put Demonic circle down again if you have it
    Dreadsteed: Can walk on water again
    Fear: Glyph to make it usable in dungeons as CC again
    Enslave: Make the enslaved demons not suck
    Soul Harvest: Give it a static duration and 2 charges
    Empowered Life Tap: REMOVED (Maintance buffs are the epitome of bad design, Blizz has used as a bad design example themselves)
    Dark Pact: Scales with your MAX health regardless of whether you have a demon or not
    Soulstone: Instant cast


    Reverse Entrophy: Baseline
    Soul Shards: Apply smoother RNG to them like Afflic has (each immo tick would generate X hidden soul bits)
    Mastery: Make the possible dmg increase less volatile (10-20 rather than 0-30 for example, same average) or just replace with increased Critical Hit Dmg
    Dimenion Ripper trait: Change from 5% chance of a full charge to each cast reducing CD by X secs
    Dimensional Rift: Buff Chaos Portal dmg, remove other 2, make it affected by mastery
    Backdraft: Give it 3 charges in the PTR
    Shadowburn: Make Pre-PTR shadowburn baseline
    Rain of Fire: Increase radius a little and compress dmg into only 3 sec rather than 6 sec
    Cataclysm: Reduce CD
    Channel Demonfire: Remove Immolate requirement (hits everything in range in combat), make it scale with numbers of targets. Castable while moving
    Lord of Flames: No CD (asserts destro's place as the infernal spec, not even that much of a dmg increase, but decent)


    Reap Stacks: Regen on a timer not random chance, at least 3 out of combat.
    Soulflame, Wrath of Consumption, Reap stacking: Procs upon spending a Soulshard (we kill a soul when we shatter each shard, this solves the whole problem of most our mechanics depending on mob death)
    Siphon Life: Baseline
    Sow the Seeds: Baseline
    Soul Effigy: Removed, adjust damage accordingly


    Implosion: Baseline
    Dreadstalkers: Instant and now cleave
    Demonic Empowerment: Replace with an instant low dmg nuke that procs the same effect. (Lets call it demonic slash, recycle a name)
    Felguard: Stun acts as interrupt if target is immune
    Demonwrath: Damage increased significantly (its hits for nothing atm)
    Hand of Gul'dan: Damage scaled with shards spent (hits too low)

    If you notice that a lot of things says baseline it because the so called prunning was a curtain for lowering our utility into talents for no reason.
    Last edited by Evatar; 2016-12-03 at 03:32 AM.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Evatar View Post
    I have lot of small ones (I tried to refrain to include anything too big), most seem reasonable to me, numbers would have to be adjusted, but numbers need adjusting anyways.
    Warlock in general:

    Shadowfury: Instant (like it was)
    Mortal Coil: Castable while casting other spells
    Soul leech: Baseline demonic skin rename to Fel Armor
    Burning Rush: Baseline usable out of combat, talented usable in combat
    DG / Infernal: Doesnt cost a shard
    Grim of Sac: Gives pet abilities once more
    Grim of Service: Swapped with synergy for destro/afflic
    Healthstones: At least as good as health pots
    Eye of kilrogg: Can put Demonic circle down again if you have it
    Dreadsteed: Can walk on water again
    Fear: Glyph to make it usable in dungeons as CC again
    Enslave: Make the enslaved demons not suck
    Soul Harvest: Give it a static duration and 2 charges
    Empowered Life Tap: REMOVED (Maintance buffs are the epitome of bad design, Blizz has used as a bad design example themselves)
    Dark Pact: Scales with your MAX health regardless of whether you have a demon or not
    Soulstone: Instant cast


    Reverse Entrophy: Baseline
    Soul Shards: Apply smoother RNG to them like Afflic has (each immo tick would generate X hidden soul bits)
    Mastery: Make the possible dmg increase less volatile (10-20 rather than 0-30 for example, same average) or just replace with increased Critical Hit Dmg
    Dimenion Ripper trait: Change from 5% chance of a full charge to each cast reducing CD by X secs
    Dimensional Rift: Buff Chaos Portal dmg, remove other 2, make it affected by mastery
    Backdraft: Give it 3 charges in the PTR
    Shadowburn: Make Pre-PTR shadowburn baseline
    Rain of Fire: Increase radius a little and compress dmg into only 3 sec rather than 6 sec
    Cataclysm: Reduce CD
    Channel Demonfire: Remove Immolate requirement (hits everything in range in combat), make it scale with numbers of targets. Castable while moving
    Lord of Flames: No CD (asserts destro's place as the infernal spec, not even that much of a dmg increase, but decent)


    Reap Stacks: Regen on a timer not random chance, at least 3 out of combat.
    Soulflame, Wrath of Consumption, Reap stacking: Procs upon spending a Soulshard (we kill a soul when we shatter each shard, this solves the whole problem of most our mechanics depending on mob death)
    Siphon Life: Baseline
    Sow the Seeds: Baseline
    Soul Effigy: Removed, adjust damage accordingly


    Implosion: Baseline
    Dreadstalkers: Instant and now cleave
    Demonic Empowerment: Replace with an instant low dmg nuke that procs the same effect. (Lets call it demonic slash, recycle a name)
    Felguard: Stun acts as interrupt if target is immune
    Demonwrath: Damage increased significantly (its hits for nothing atm)
    Hand of Gul'dan: Damage scaled with shards spent (hits too low)

    If you notice that a lot of things says baseline it because the so called prunning was a curtain for lowering our utility into talents for no reason.
    Lots of really good suggestions.
    I'd love to have: "Soulflame, Wrath of Consumption, Reap stacking: Procs upon spending a Soulshard", but I think it would be way too overpowered.
    Last edited by Norzaki; 2016-12-03 at 03:52 AM.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Norzaki View Post
    Lots of really good suggestions.
    I'd love to have: "Soulflame, Wrath of Consumption, Reap stacking: Procs upon spending a Soulshard", but I think it would be way too overpowered.
    Damage numbers can be adjusted, what matters is the playstyle being fluid. They can nerf the dmg on something if it doing to much.

  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Norzaki View Post
    Lots of really good suggestions.
    I'd love to have: "Soulflame, Wrath of Consumption, Reap stacking: Procs upon spending a Soulshard", but I think it would be way too overpowered.
    Gain a soul for Reap every X soul shards spent.
    Soul Flame also auto triggers after Y consecutive Drain Soul ticks.
    Quote Originally Posted by Connal View Post
    From my perspective it is an uncle who was is a "simple" slat of the earth person, who has religous beliefs I may or may not fully agree with, but who in the end of the day wants to go hope, kiss his wife, and kids, and enjoy their company.
    Connal defending child molestation

  13. #33
    Know how to fix Soul Effigy and make it not suck complete ass? Simply make it a debuff on the target that just ticks for 35% of the damage of our dots on the target. Problem solved.

    Gee, that was super hard.
    Sylvanas Windrunner For Warchief 2016!!
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  14. #34
    The Patient Terryn's Avatar
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    I'll bite, because I've got quite a few thoughts on this matter, primarily Affliction:

    Fundamental issues:
    Target Swapping
    Ramp Up time.
    Consistency of Souls for Reap.
    Targeting and Usability for Effigy

    Our single target damage is kinda bad yes, but with our strength in add fights amplifying our damage pretty strongly in single target fight, and the fact that "Someone is going to have low single target damage" I don't see this as an issue if we can fix these other issues.

    1) Target Swap: This is especially noticeable with warlock representation as a whole on Mythic Helya, but affliction (and demo) suffer from this worse than just about any other spec right now.
    2) Ramp Up time: Anyone who has played aff right now knows that if you pop lust at the beginning of the fight, aff damage is pretty much wasted because half of your lust is spent waiting on things like souls, shards, and agony to ramp up to a full 20 stacks.
    3) Consistency of Souls for Reap: This is a thing very relevant in farm, where parses can be made or broken simply by how many souls you enter into a fight with. The major issue with this is consistency of the spec, again especially during the standard opening lust. You can enter your "burst phase" for the opener (able to start dumping UA with agony finally close to capped out) with anywhere from 0-6 souls. When you have 0 souls the damage drop is extremely noticeable, and really can ruin our damage for the entire pull.
    4) Targeting and Usability for Effigy: Effigy needs to, in some way, root itself under the boss to prevent things like Mythic Ursoc from happening (See This Video for an example of this). In terms of usability and Balance, effigy is causing a lot of issues in terms of balancing out our damage single target due to our extremely low single target filler (Drain Life) up time (between 15-25% pending on spec / fight)

    Talent Changes
    Haunt: Change haunt to apply all non shard dots on cast instead of its current implementation. This allows us to fully spec into target swapping if necessary for a fight.
    Agony: Reduce agony stacks in half, keeping agony damage the same. This stacking effect is remnant of the old Malific Grasp mechanic to keep our multi target ramp up in check, and without this mechanic the large stacking mechanism is completely out of line.
    Siphon Life: Baseline, in its place, add some effect to ether UA or Drain to amplify damage in some way around 2-3%.
    Artifact Change
    Drained to a Husk: Drain Life / Drain Soul has an improved change of draining the soul from your target, generating a Tormented Soul for Reap Souls. This can be implemented in a variaty of ways, ranging from having "Soul Bits" that get stacked up and auto create a soul when they hit a certain counter (Drain ticks generate 1, 2, 3 soul bits, 20 or 30 required for a Tourmented Soul), would be preferred to give us a way for "for sure" way to generate souls. This could also be implemented into Unstable Affliction, but absolutely NOT into any other dot that is able to hit multiple targets.

    Other thoughts: Effigy is pretty much failed as a design, it may be time to fix the things that effigy is "trying to fix" to reduce its effectiveness and allowing us to at least focus on the other two talents. Increasing shard generation by 20% for affliction, and reducing effigy damage from 35 to 15% will "roughly" put Conduit on par with effigy.
    Other thoughts include replacing effigy with something along the lines of Drain Life buffing UA, extending UA by .5 seconds per tick, etc. I'm more spit balling ideas at this point, but the main points of an effigy replacement should
    1) Favor pure single target style with a large uptime Drain and UA.
    2) Focus on improving the things that Aff has issues with on a single target, primarily Shard Generation.
    3) Avoid inhibiting the major advantages of Affliction, which are Mobility and the Self Healing
    Don't be like haunt guy.

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