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  1. #1

    Launcher Conflict, Blue posts, Comics

    Something else to come a bit later today ... Don't get too happy, it's just some clever news recycling.

    Launcher Conflict
    [blizzquote="Wryxian;]We are aware of a bug that is causing the Launcher to create copies of itself if you launch World of Warcrat through the Steam client. We are in the process of addressing this bug, and in the meantime, we ask that you avoid launching World of Warcraft from Steam. Thank you for your patience while we work to address this issue. [/blizzquote"]

    Europe - Performance since Saturday
    Originally Posted by Ulvareth (Blue Tracker)
    During the maintenance in the morning of Saturday January 24th we did some tweaks to the load balancing for continents, raids and instances. While our continual monitoring of the realms do show improvements, we would also like to hear your personal experiences since Saturday. Please note that these tweaks deal with the performance itself, not the "additional instances cannot be launched” matter.

    If you would please reply to this thread with a description of your game performance experience since Saturday morning, that would be greatly appreciated. Please include which realm you play on and what game content your feedback is about; raids, 5-man instances, Lake Wintergrasp, or other outdoor content (please specify which continent, e.g. Northrend).

    Thank you in advance.
    Blue posts
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    Burst damage in PvP
    We have said we think burst is too high in PvP and we are working on changes. You can come up with different theories for why different classes are doing so well in PvP at the moment. Arcane mages can do a lot of damage in very few GCDs. Rogues can do a lot of damage quickly to CC'd targets. Death knights (probably more so before 3.0.8 ) had a lot of suvivability and paladins still have a lot of survivability.

    We don't want to announce changes here and there throughout various forum threads. When we are ready to announce the changes, you won't miss them. (Source)

    Druid (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)
    Tanking Stats
    Having more tanking stats for druids to care about is still something we are working on. (Source)

    Priest (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)
    Shadow Priest in PvP
    We're not ready to announce specific changes yet, but shadow priest PvP survivability should definitely get a boost in 3.1. (Source)

    Warlock (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)
    Developer Q&A / Suggestions (Source)
    1. are all the locks tree's getting overhauled or just the demon tree?
    I am reluctant to use the word "overhaul" because that sets up an expectation for some players that is difficult to meet. We are changing some talents and spells in all 3 trees.

    2. like new pets for locks plz?? its been a long time some reg summons maybe switching 41 point to infernal and making fg a reg summon? we have no reg summons for 60 ,70 and 80 we need to keep up with other classes and lets make the game more fun for the people playing years
    Additional demons are something we would like to do at some point, but first we want to get all the current demons useful. Hunters have a lot more flexibility in which pet they pick. Locks need certain demons for certain jobs and we're not convinced yet that they are all there (particularly that female one).

    3. can we get a perma metamorph with a few nerfs for the QQers or will we have something new ?
    We think we have enough instances of characters turning into other forms already.

    3. faster dots? or cutting the dot timers down to make it seem like burst damage ?
    Adding some on-deamnd burst damage for locks is something we are looking at.

    4. maybe enslave demon being perma to kinda customize locks like the hunters not asking to be as uber as hunters pets but we should almost match them since they are pet/burst class and we are pet/dot class
    Hunter pets are supposed to be more like life-long companions while warlocks tend to use and discard their demons as necessary. So we aren't really going for that one to one comparison.
    Dark Legacy #174 - No-Fly Zone and Teh Gladiators #58 are out!

  2. #2

    Re: Launcher Conflict, Blue posts, Comics

    A space between 8 and ) perhaps? :P Always funny to see that smiley in the middle of a bluepost

    Also, the launcher problem isn't just related to lauching WoW through Steam according to player reports in this thread:

    edit: DLC is spot on as usual.

  3. #3

    Re: Launcher Conflict, Blue posts, Comics

    agreed. the launcher problems are not just through steam. the normal launcher sets off my firewall every single time I start wow. firewall keeps telling me that the exe has changed since last time I played and do I want to allow the changes and allow the client to launch.

  4. #4

    Re: Launcher Conflict, Blue posts, Comics

    You know, I've never given it much thought before now, but I suppose it is Wintergrasp's fault why the taxi routes are all jacked in Northrend. Flying from Dalaran to the Basin is a nice, scenic flight that gives me enough time to go cook dinner, read a book, and rotate the tires on my car.

  5. #5

    Re: Launcher Conflict, Blue posts, Comics

    Quote Originally Posted by yaja
    agreed. the launcher problems are not just through steam. the normal launcher sets off my firewall every single time I start wow. firewall keeps telling me that the exe has changed since last time I played and do I want to allow the changes and allow the client to launch.
    'cause it actually has changed since last time you played... just look in your temp folder, once you start the launcher it creates a copy of itself, with a new name everytime...

    Blizzard Launcher Temporary ########.

    kinda annoyin , yeah !

  6. #6

    Re: Launcher Conflict, Blue posts, Comics

    Damn, they keep saying and saying the same things about locks.

    Stop talking about it just do it!

    More work less talking blizzard !

    (I'm still pissed my account was deleted for apparently nothing)
    Quote Originally Posted by General_Typhus View Post
    Hi i am any class in the game. To beat me spam icelance and then talk about how skilled you are when the 20k crits roll in.

  7. #7

    Re: Launcher Conflict, Blue posts, Comics

    Something about shadow priest! Omg i can't wait for these changes since my toon is useless in pvp atm, unless i want to shovel 100g for respec.

  8. #8

    Re: Launcher Conflict, Blue posts, Comics

    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment

    3. can we get a perma metamorph with a few nerfs for the QQers or will we have something new ?
    We think we have enough instances of characters turning into other forms already.
    druids, druids and druids ?

    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment

    4. maybe enslave demon being perma to kinda customize locks like the hunters not asking to be as uber as hunters pets but we should almost match them since they are pet/burst class and we are pet/dot class
    Hunter pets are supposed to be more like life-long companions while warlocks tend to use and discard their demons as necessary. So we aren't really going for that one to one comparison.
    but you should because enslave demon in its current state is the worst warlock skill

  9. #9

    Re: Launcher Conflict, Blue posts, Comics

    Quote Originally Posted by wildi
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment

    3. can we get a perma metamorph with a few nerfs for the QQers or will we have something new ?
    We think we have enough instances of characters turning into other forms already.
    druids, druids and druids ?
    Spriests as well.

  10. #10

    Re: Launcher Conflict, Blue posts, Comics

    Just copy the Beast Mastery tree into the Demonology tree, establish baseline specs for demons and corrupted beasts, and call it a day. If the BM has been properly tested and balanced, then copying it should be easier than trying to tweak the Demonology tree again.

    "Hunter pets are supposed to be more like life-long companions..." Is that why they need stable space for five of them? Once Warlocks learn a demon's True Name, he becomes a life-long companion, too (until he kills the Warlock, that is).

  11. #11

    Re: Launcher Conflict, Blue posts, Comics

    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    2. like new pets for locks plz?? its been a long time some reg summons maybe switching 41 point to infernal and making fg a reg summon? we have no reg summons for 60 ,70 and 80 we need to keep up with other classes and lets make the game more fun for the people playing years
    Additional demons are something we would like to do at some point, but first we want to get all the current demons useful. Hunters have a lot more flexibility in which pet they pick. Locks need certain demons for certain jobs and we're not convinced yet that they are all there (particularly that female one).
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment

    4. maybe enslave demon being perma to kinda customize locks like the hunters not asking to be as uber as hunters pets but we should almost match them since they are pet/burst class and we are pet/dot class
    Hunter pets are supposed to be more like life-long companions while warlocks tend to use and discard their demons as necessary. So we aren't really going for that one to one comparison.
    Hmm am I the only one that finds this odd? If we are ment to use and discard our demons as necessary shouldnt we have a HUGE selection to choose from? Why are we stuck with more or less 2 usefull ones (Imp and Felhunter and yea talking about pve)? If hunters are supposed to have them as "life-long companions" shouldnt they well... be life long? Alot of hunters I know are constantly chaning pets while I have had my imp with me.... well since I dinged 70 and stopped using my felguard. Plus when did you last see a lvl 80 imp in the "wild"? Why are we using such damn weak demons? Sounds more like the Imp has a life long warlock pet..


    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment

    3. can we get a perma metamorph with a few nerfs for the QQers or will we have something new ?

    We think we have enough instances of characters turning into other forms already.
    as a lock I say pff to that. Maybe like some half way ground? Wings or Claws or something that gives us a buff adds something unique to us but isnt a whole form? :P On that note there is probably a zero chance of us getting a demon travel form that we can fly in? :P

  12. #12

    Re: Launcher Conflict, Blue posts, Comics

    While I feel that having the ability to eternally enslave a demon sounds fun, the problem is it makes the class less unique. If warlocks want a ranged class with high pet damage they can go roll a hunter. However, it is a nice idea to bring back infernals, and even enslaving mobs in an instance. My thought is make it so that a Warlock can't banish and enslave at the same time, and make it so that Enslave Demon lasts for 3 minutes guaranteed. Then make it so that the Warlock can enslave again but with diminishing returns of -1 minute. This should allow Warlocks to keep an enslaved demon 6 minutes at the cost of 3 shards. This would be nice and fun for them, and would make certain trash pulls, and bosses really fun.

    The other problem would be something along the lines of it being required for good dps, but really from what I hear that spec is a little behind anyways, and in addition to that, because it would be just to hard to summon an infernal in arena then enslave it, it wouldn't affect PvP much.

  13. #13

    Re: Launcher Conflict, Blue posts, Comics

    Terrible terrible news for all the locks here...they go along theyr convincements, never listening to community of warlocks, in the words posted, ther are no clues of a better moment to come; they continue to insist we MUST use succubus, no matter the fact she has so many problems, obviously devs do not play the class anymore, otherwise they should know...she's too fragile, her dps is ridicolous and her CC is the most idiot of the game,but they're gonna make it the solution to pet problems of the it is well known, we do not discard demons, we make a lifelong contract with them, i'm questioning if this man speaking(and working to solve our problems!!) has ever played a lock..expect nothing from here on...they should have fixed the problem with summoning, but it seems this is a very understimated point,since it is a week that,instead of a solution, we're living with the same spell,with 2 mins CD....Locks are surely left behind from the progression of the game, and the Devs seems to not even try out the changes they're gonna introduce...i hope someone will fire incompetent, and give us more balance, and more fun, it is a shame that this people cant manage to read posts and try out solutions....really.

  14. #14

    Re: Launcher Conflict, Blue posts, Comics

    Quote Originally Posted by yaja
    agreed. the launcher problems are not just through steam. the normal launcher sets off my firewall every single time I start wow. firewall keeps telling me that the exe has changed since last time I played and do I want to allow the changes and allow the client to launch.
    Agreed. Get your shortcut on your desktop or wherever it is, go to properties and where it says "C:/......./Launcher.exe" just take out Launcher and put in "Wow.exe" and you should be good to go!

  15. #15

    Re: Launcher Conflict, Blue posts, Comics

    Quote Originally Posted by FeralRage
    Agreed. Get your shortcut on your desktop or wherever it is, go to properties and where it says "C:/......./Launcher.exe" just take out Launcher and put in "Wow.exe" and you should be good to go!
    but that would make sense and then I would need to find something else to complain about. but seriously, I didn't even think to try that :

  16. #16

    Re: Launcher Conflict, Blue posts, Comics

    Hunter pets are supposed to be more like life-long companions while warlocks tend to use and discard their demons as necessary.
    No matter how many times I try and discard my pet after i summon him, I seem to summon the same damn one over and over again ... must just be me.

    Srsly, that justification is weak as p*ss. Our demons are lifelong companions, moresothey will outlive us. We summon them from their native plane of existence, and then, when we are finished with them or their "mortal form" dies on our plane, they get "banished" back to their own plane, only to be re-summoned again later.

    Perma-Enslave would be awesomesauce!

  17. #17
    The Unstoppable Force Mayhem's Avatar
    15+ Year Old Account
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    Feb 2008

    Re: Launcher Conflict, Blue posts, Comics

    Quote Originally Posted by Boubouille
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment

    2. like new pets for locks plz?? its been a long time some reg summons maybe switching 41 point to infernal and making fg a reg summon? we have no reg summons for 60 ,70 and 80 we need to keep up with other classes and lets make the game more fun for the people playing years
    Additional demons are something we would like to do at some point, but first we want to get all the current demons useful. Hunters have a lot more flexibility in which pet they pick. Locks need certain demons for certain jobs and we're not convinced yet that they are all there (particularly that female one).
    well they are all there, but simple bad at what they´re supposed to be doing...

    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment

    3. can we get a perma metamorph with a few nerfs for the QQers or will we have something new ?
    We think we have enough instances of characters turning into other forms already.
    1 class and one spec of a particular class, not even 2 out of 10, yep thats enough

    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment

    4. maybe enslave demon being perma to kinda customize locks like the hunters not asking to be as uber as hunters pets but we should almost match them since they are pet/burst class and we are pet/dot class
    Hunter pets are supposed to be more like life-long companions while warlocks tend to use and discard their demons as necessary. So we aren't really going for that one to one comparison.
    well at least we now know what hunter pets were supposed to be... but aren´t

    warlocks tend to use and discard their demons as necessary and hunters don´t, yep like there are no hunter tankpets, dpspets or supportpets, never heard of something like that
    Quote Originally Posted by ash
    So, look um, I'm not a grief counselor, but if it's any consolation, I have had to kill and bury loved ones before. A bunch of times actually.
    Quote Originally Posted by PC2 View Post
    I never said I was knowledge-able and I wouldn't even care if I was the least knowledge-able person and the biggest dumb-ass out of all 7.8 billion people on the planet.

  18. #18

    Re: Launcher Conflict, Blue posts, Comics

    Quote Originally Posted by Boubouille

    Launcher Conflict
    [blizzquote="Wryxian;]We are aware of a bug that is causing the Launcher to create copies of itself if you launch World of Warcrat through the Steam client. We are in the process of addressing this bug, and in the meantime, we ask that you avoid launching World of Warcraft from Steam. Thank you for your patience while we work to address this issue. [/blizzquote"]
    It's not just Steam... My firewall keeps asking for permission every time I use the launcher.

  19. #19

    Re: Launcher Conflict, Blue posts, Comics

    everytime i start the game since the patch i have to click 3 windows to just start the game its the
    Eula, Tou and Toswpn.
    i really dont know why.
    DLC was awsome i laugh hard.

  20. #20

    Re: Launcher Conflict, Blue posts, Comics

    Ditch the suxubus. Who summoned this pet ever?
    Ditch doomguard. Who summoned this pet besides for fun? we have companions from game for fun. Do i want so many freaking companions from my abilities?

    Really ironic is, i only use IMP 24/7. At least now it survives this long that i can sacrafise it before he gets 1 shoted. And when do you sacrafise your 500 dps pet that gives you imba buffs? never!!!

    Does anyone use anything else? Felguard is good (to lol pvp and heroics) but thats about it. SO...we have 2 able pets. Using void on leveling is also laughuable, what does he do, besides receiving soullinks dmg? oh right, he can point out stealthed people? kmph* ><
    Why giving you a form, then saying too many ppl using forms already? LOL.

    Does anyone really play pvp with warlock these days?

    Dear PR devs, sometimes is better to shut up then say anything at all.

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