1. #1

    Question ToS Arcane Trinkets

    What are people thinking will be the new BiS trinkets for arcane from the new raid?

    I haven't personally been able to test but I have seen some very promising burst damage runs from Tarnished Sentinel Medallion + Terror From Below.

    I would think Charm of the Rising Tide would sync well with Arcane as the CD lines up with AP and would be a small lust with AP as along as you can plan to be stationary the entire duration of AP.

    Still don't know how I feel about Spectral Thurible and Tome of Unraveling Sanity. With the Tome the extra little burst/crit is nice but the CD doesn't really line up with anything and on a boss fight you are only getting the crit buff after the 12 second dot. the Thurible just seems underwhelming to me.

    What does everyone else think?

  2. #2
    Sims show Sentinel Medallion/Terror from the Deep are ahead by a lot, even above arcanocrystal.

    Rising tide is third.

    Dunno if they'll nerf them.

    Last edited by Nitros14; 2017-06-15 at 11:42 PM.

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