Poll: Was the tank in the anecdote below wring for rolling on the DPS item?

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  1. #1
    15+ Year Old Account
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    Weatherford, TX

    Tanks rolling on DPS gear (and vise-versa)

    I'm sure there are already threads on this topic, but I'm not going to search through this whole forum to find them :P

    I am a DK and I consider DW Frost my "main spec". However out of necessity, ever since dual specs came out I have always had a tank spec. Often my guild would be looking for a tank for heroics or something, and I wanted to help out. As an added bonus, it obviously keeps me from having to wait 45 minutes to get into a heroic. Herein lies my dilemma.

    I was running a heroic with 3 guild mates the other day. I was tanking and we ended up pugging the last DPS, which ended up being a fury warrior. My guildies understood my situation, but felt the warrior deserved to be clued in: "I just want to give you fair warning that I will be rolling on plate DPS gear as it's my main spec. You're welcome to roll on tank drops if you would like." He agreed and we went on with the dungeon. Lo and behold, we had a boss drop some plate DPS and I rolled and won. He proceeded to curse me out, call me a ninja, and he rage quit.

    I realize that there are lots of differing opinions on this topic. A lot of people subscribe to the opinion "If you want DPS gear, sit through the queue as DPS like everyone else". I understand the viewpoint, but respectfully disagree. This situation applies to all hybrid classes. What do you guys think about rolling for gear for a role you are not fulfilling at that time, but do regularly perform?

  2. #2
    If you inform the group about your intentions beforehand, and they agree, then there should not be a problem. In a full pug many will roll on everything they can. Yes, you can ignore those people, but there is so many people playing they won't have an extremely difficult time finding groups just because you ignored them (not to mention, many people do not ignore "need-alls").

    My personal feelings on the situation doesn't matter if I don't state my intentions at the beginning of the run, or when a new player is added; because the way blizzard designed loot rolls in pugs, if I don't say something, then someone else that can roll on an item has just as much claim to it as I do. Thats pretty much the bottom line. Until blizzard adds a system that automatically rewards the item to the person that needs it more (which won't and shouldn't happen) then it is up to the players to negotiate loot in a dungeon before it starts.

  3. #3
    If the need button is there, click it!!!

    No really though, since you were in a guild run, AND you announced it to the pug, everything was fair. His bitter ass did got RNGgibbed.

  4. #4
    This stuff isn't hard. If it has Parry or Dodge then it is tank gear. If it has Crit the it is DPS gear. If it is absent of these stats then either spec can roll on it.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelinn View Post
    I'm sure there are already threads on this topic, but I'm not going to search through this whole forum to find them :P
    This alone should be a bannable offense.


    That said : it is a 5man instance, people do it to gear up, and sometimes even to gear up their second spec. Live with it.
    Ecce homo ergo elk

  6. #6
    Click the dice if they're lit up!
    Congratulations, your mind has been expanded.

  7. #7
    Bloodsail Admiral DerSenf's Avatar
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    Mastery kinda ruined everything. I love the stat, cause it is useful for every class and spec i play, but if a piece of gear has Mastery and Hit, it is both a dps and a tank item. This and the fact that "tank" gear and dps gear have identical Str and Stamina values causes massive loot dramas.

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