Poll: Swain or Morgana

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  1. #1
    High Overlord Liquephyre's Avatar
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    Swain or Morgana?

    Swain or Morgana?

    The question is more about who to choose for the match, not if I should buy one or the other. Answers can be based on anything you feel relevant, ie; lane/group comp/playstyle.

    Please also take a minute to explain a little as to Why; certain comps/lanes/playstyles fit your preference.
    Grammar- It's the difference between knowing your shit & knowing you're shit.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Morgana is one of the best mids, provides damage and some support plus an aoe stun. Also an easy champion due to heavy sustain and proper pushing abilities. The only reason you'd want Swain over Morgana is because you played ranked (and Morg is banned a lot, though not as often as Kassa!) or because you just love Swain.

  4. #4
    I consider Swain as my main, and I'd say pick up Morgana. Mostly because she's cheaper (I don't know what level or if you already have these champs) and very simple to pick up. Swain has a very very weak early game until he gets to level 6 and has the mana/blue to sustain himself. After that he is a real menace. But Morgana can really screw with the enemies mind because the enemy will be scared of getting hit by your q. Plus it's really hard to dislodge her from lane, she can just free farm all day with W and when their jungler tries to gank you just e and run away to your tower, then proceed to farm more. She is very straight forward all you do is land your q and lay down a W and E whoever they are focusing and in the madness use your Ult(preferably with a zhonyas) and that's really all there is to her. She works very well with any comp because if you can land a q in a team fight that's basically a free kill if your team follows up. While Swain really is better against AD bruiser/mid-ranged mages who he can actually trade with. Mages like Cass are a real pain too deal with as him because she outranges you and will kite you for years.

  5. #5
    Morgana is almost always banned in ranked games (at my level anyways).
    swain is rarely picked as a ban.

    Aside from that, they're both really strong but where Swain is strong on a personal level, Morgana is game changing because of her support abilities that also deal ridiculous amounts of damage.

  6. #6
    Morgana has a strong lane and decent sustain. Against another AP she can fair rather well due to black shield-- which has an insane AP ratio. I personally feel Morgana transitions from mid-late game better than Swain. Her CC and shield can turn team fights and because she is slightly tanky can hang in a melee longer than Swain.

    I feel Morgana is a stronger pick overall. Whereas Swain takes a bit to get rolling and doesn't really have anything spectacular in his kit to me.

  7. #7
    I really like Swain but generally, i'd say morgana is better.
    Although, if i had the choice myself, i'd still play Swain, mainly because i'm better with him myself than Morgana ^^

  8. #8
    Morgana is probably much more solid, but in terms of fun/potential I'd go with Swain.

  9. #9
    High Overlord Liquephyre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zoloft View Post
    I consider Swain as my main, and I'd say pick up Morgana. Mostly because she's cheaper (I don't know what level or if you already have these champs) and very simple to pick up. Swain has a very very weak early game until he gets to level 6 and has the mana/blue to sustain himself. After that he is a real menace. But Morgana can really screw with the enemies mind because the enemy will be scared of getting hit by your q. Plus it's really hard to dislodge her from lane, she can just free farm all day with W and when their jungler tries to gank you just e and run away to your tower, then proceed to farm more. She is very straight forward all you do is land your q and lay down a W and E whoever they are focusing and in the madness use your Ult(preferably with a zhonyas) and that's really all there is to her. She works very well with any comp because if you can land a q in a team fight that's basically a free kill if your team follows up. While Swain really is better against AD bruiser/mid-ranged mages who he can actually trade with. Mages like Cass are a real pain too deal with as him because she outranges you and will kite you for years.
    Thanks for everyone's opinions on this! I've actually 'mained' Morgana for the last year or so (since lvl 10ish) and she definitely is a blast to play. I was asking simply because I'm considering picking up another 6300ip champ and was leaning pretty hard towards Swain, I might still pick him up for shits n giggles.

    Considering my experience with Morgana I'd say Zoloft's post here was spot on(I can't imagine a 1 paragraph post to summarize Morgana so well ), so I'll take the bits on Swain as being pretty accurate too!
    Grammar- It's the difference between knowing your shit & knowing you're shit.

  10. #10
    I'd say Swain. He has a really strong teamfight presence, as does Morgana, but the difference is that Swain is guaranteed to be a threat whereas Morgana relies heavily on getting a good ult, and if she doesnt (or of the enemies cleanse/flash away) she's much less threatening. In addition, Swain is a much better laner since he can zone the enemy easier than Morg, who promotes passive play. Lastly, Swain can go both mid and top, and he's generally considered to counter melee bruisers in top lane.

    Feel free to PM me about any question you might have regarding LoL.
    Holy paladin

  11. #11
    2 stuns is OP if you get caught and can't avoid them (usually with flash or blink ability).
    If you can't avoid them you are pretty much done.

    Swain in the other hand can snare you aswell, but it's easier to avoid it if you are not being slowed by something else.

    In the end, the better champions are the ones with the most CC, cos all of them will deal damage if played right/get fed. Some of them will deal even more damage cos they are in the north side of Riot, but you can't count on that to pick a champion. Wait and watch as Riot nerfs the shit out of your beloved champion just because everyone is QQing about him.

  12. #12
    Morgana, you cant get ganked because of your q, e and r. You can insta push lane and go gank other lanes. You're a huge help in teamfights with 2 stuns (1aoe) and a shield.

  13. #13
    I forgot Morgana's shield. Oh wow.
    Nearly ungankable. Jungler coming up? Np, shield and will avoid all CC.
    That is certainly way more powerful than her own CC and damage.

  14. #14
    High Overlord Liquephyre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lendro View Post
    Morgana, you cant get ganked because of your q, e and r. You can insta push lane and go gank other lanes. You're a huge help in teamfights with 2 stuns (1aoe) and a shield.
    This is pretty much how I spend my early/mid game as Morgana. Communication with the other lanes generally helps a ton too, ie "Coming bot after next minion wave, ping your target." Something else to note here is most opponents (granted their probably tards) will run around Morgana's Tormented Soil. A tick or two won't do that much damage, really, although if I see them running around it during team fights I can often direct enemy movements.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dupin View Post
    I forgot Morgana's shield. Oh wow.
    Nearly ungankable. Jungler coming up? Np, shield and will avoid all CC.
    That is certainly way more powerful than her own CC and damage.
    I noticed a lack of mention for the shield too which I personally feel is one of her strongest (if not THE strongest) part of her kit. I love seeing a jungler like, say, Rammus; anyone with a taunt really, since they usually lead the gank with it and her shield stops that entirely...Speaking of getting out of ganks: if there's an enemy Shaco jungling I'll often save my ult for him to try and gank (if I don't have Oracles/Pinks for whatever reason) since it helps find those sneaky stealthers and easily pops em out. I also usually roll with Flash+Ignite on Morgana which helps a ton with getting away from a gank easier. Flash on Morgana is by far my favorite since it helps to get in and out of position for ults and, every now and again, I'll finish off a runner with a quick Flash+Q/W combo.

    There's been a few posts here in support of Swain however I think I'll keep Morgana as my Main. I most likely will pick up Swain still though, just to have some more AP variation. Thanks again to everyone for their opinions on this. And, btw, I realized a few hours ago I totally goofed and should've put this into the "What Champion" thread.... lmao
    Grammar- It's the difference between knowing your shit & knowing you're shit.

  15. #15
    Morgana is a more solid mid and is only 1350 IP compared to swains 6300 so if you dont like her it doesnt matter as much. I also think she's more fun but others might disagree

  16. #16
    Morgana will probably get hit by a nerf sooner or later, she is just a little tad better in everything than most other mids, it probably won't be a big nerf, but it will happen. If you like kicking ass, take Morgana, if you like playing champs that are harder to master, take Swain.

  17. #17
    You do not even need to get the whole ultimate through. With enough AP, your Soul Shackles alone is capable of draining 40-50% HP of carries even without fully unleashing. It is awfully strong and usually seperates teams. If you and your tank push the other part towards their base and finish off the surrounded ones, you realize she is terrifying.

    On the other hand, Swain fits more the AP off-tank profile imho. He can deal very well with bruisers and carries, has 2 CC's, which are both easy to land and he is capable of outregging a lot of hurt. Whereas Morgana is much more "carry-like", Swain's strongsuit are his defensive capabilities, which enable him to outlast anyone while still dealing a lot of damage.

    Personally, I like burst AP more, because I do not play it that often and if I hit my instagib combo, someone dies. Morgana fits more into that profile, although there are ones with more burst, but she is cheap and easy to farm with.
    True, but the difference is that in GTA3 you're only shooting (and robbing, murdering, having sex with, etc) pixels. In WOW you get the pleasure of dealing with some of the most despicable human behaviour you'll ever witness.

  18. #18
    I think Swain is a great choice to have for ranked where Morgana may be banned. My personal favourite is Swain vs Kassadin, simply put Swain puts down way too much hurt before Kassadin can get in range to start hurting, at which point you should have built Swain slightly tanky (Chalice+Merc treads imo are brilliant first two items for mid) and then just heal up once the silence is over. Its brilliant because a lot of people simply dont expect to have such a rough time as Kassadin vs another AP, but Ive never even broken sweat as Swain (Im about 1400 elo, in my 5v5 ranked team we went up against about 3/4 1800+Kassadins and I mopped the floor totally.)

    The other brilliant thing about Swain is that people always seem to underestimate your damage. Swain DOES hurt, and no carry is going to be able to sustain combat with him, what this leads to generally is you get a good start, especially once you've got 6 (use the ulti for damage too!) and people start to get a bit scared. Then they start to focus the guy thats built slightly tanky and healing like mad I recall a dragon fight where literally there entire team went for me, and I was surviving on my ulti sustain at about 200 HP as wiped them out, its brilliant fun.

  19. #19
    I feel like Morganna is a stronger AP carry and can double as support in bottom lane. At least at my play level, most AP carries tend to trail off as the game goes. Morganna's ult is amazing in team fights...aoe stun/damage...pretty solid. Aside from that Black Shield is a game changing power. It helps in team fights to protect your carry or tank from CC and ranged damage. In a focus fire contest that is evenly matched, even a straw can break the camel's back.

    She's also great in the laning phase with her high spell vamp and black puddle aoe. Plus she has a vicious skill sequence that can easily result in a kill. The old, shield. flash, ult, puddle, binding, ignite chain. The snare from the ult makes them stay in the puddle and aiming your dark binding a breeze. If they don't have an escape power, they are really in trouble.

    I have only played a handful of games with Swain though, so maybe I don't see his niche as well. I tend to gravity towards the higher burst characters like Karthus.

  20. #20
    Does her E actually negate CC such as those from WW's and Malz's ulti's?

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