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  1. #1

    10man heroics with 2 or 3 healers?

    I have a simple question to all you more progressed raiders. Which of the fights in ToT heroic would you suggest were easily 2healable? And is there any reason to 2heal any fights at all? Or are they all more efficient and more comfortable when 3healed? I know about Horridon and Jin'rokh but onwards ?

  2. #2
    It's pretty much 2 heals all the way, unless your dps is fully geared, which they're not. Well, maybe not on all bosses, but on most of them you're gonna have to go 2m heal.

  3. #3
    Pit Lord
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    United Kingdom
    Think you will find most of them have to be 2 healed due to either enrage timer's or simply needing to kill certain add's/push a certain phase and unless you progressed in T14 heroics you will find you are forced into 2 healing the majority of the fights.

  4. #4
    Most WoL logs I see have almost all of the bosses 3healed though. Is that because the DPS is good? The main reason I ask that is because a friend of mine insists on making shadow his main spec, but he is not really adept at it and performs much better as a Disc priest. I just don't want to compete for dps items only to find out that he will continue to do sub-par dps which would make 3healing the better option.

  5. #5
    If that's the case you can always go 3 man heal to begin with, and if the Dps isn't enough switch to 2man heals.

  6. #6
    Council, Tortos, Megaera, Ji-Kun and Iron Qon are all 3 healer fights. Don't know about the rest.

  7. #7
    Of the 6 heroic bosses we've done we've 3 healed Jin'rokh, Council, Ji'kun & Iron Qon

    Horridon & Tortos are 2 healed

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Potentio View Post
    Most WoL logs I see have almost all of the bosses 3healed though. Is that because the DPS is good? The main reason I ask that is because a friend of mine insists on making shadow his main spec, but he is not really adept at it and performs much better as a Disc priest. I just don't want to compete for dps items only to find out that he will continue to do sub-par dps which would make 3healing the better option.
    If your 3rd healer is a disc priest, I'd definitely suggest 3 healing it, as they can push out about half a dps in numbers.
    My guild is able to 2 heal all the fights except for Megaera and Lei Shen (Only killed Lei Shen once, so might be 2 healable, and we just haven't tried to 2 heal Megaera so we don't waste time)

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Artaius View Post
    If your 3rd healer is a disc priest, I'd definitely suggest 3 healing it, as they can push out about half a dps in numbers.
    My guild is able to 2 heal all the fights except for Megaera and Lei Shen (Only killed Lei Shen once, so might be 2 healable, and we just haven't tried to 2 heal Megaera so we don't waste time)
    He said Heroic. You have just completed normal.

  10. #10
    Jin'rohk can be 2 or 3 healed, horridon can be 3 healed with 2 disc priests, haven't attempted council, seems to be 3 healed from previous posted.
    We 2 healed tortos with a prot paladin on boss and myself as BrM kiting adds, skipped the hydra and worked on ji-kun for about an hour because our prot paladin had to leave, we were running 3 healers. tank + healer, then 3 dps + healer and 2 dps + healer + tank for platforms, it can more than likely be 2 healed.
    0 Experience on Durumu, Primordius and Dark Animus.
    We worked on Iron Qon last night and we were getting him to the final phase (when all 3 dogs are up), and it can probably be 2 healed if you have the right comp. The high damage phase is really only the first one and the last one. Assuming you get out of the first phase and burn him fast enough in the last, you shouldn't get to a point you "need" three healers. No experience on twins.

    At least from a 25 man perspective, I think Method used 3 healers for Lei Shen Heroic 25 man and one tank so...

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by The Dark Child View Post
    Jin'rohk can be 2 or 3 healed, horridon can be 3 healed with 2 disc priests, haven't attempted council, seems to be 3 healed from previous posted.
    We 2 healed tortos with a prot paladin on boss and myself as BrM kiting adds, skipped the hydra and worked on ji-kun for about an hour because our prot paladin had to leave, we were running 3 healers. tank + healer, then 3 dps + healer and 2 dps + healer + tank for platforms, it can more than likely be 2 healed.
    0 Experience on Durumu, Primordius and Dark Animus.
    We worked on Iron Qon last night and we were getting him to the final phase (when all 3 dogs are up), and it can probably be 2 healed if you have the right comp. The high damage phase is really only the first one and the last one. Assuming you get out of the first phase and burn him fast enough in the last, you shouldn't get to a point you "need" three healers. No experience on twins.

    At least from a 25 man perspective, I think Method used 3 healers for Lei Shen Heroic 25 man and one tank so...
    They used 2 tanks for sure. Not sure about healer count but I highly doubt it was less than 4.

    Sco and Justwait were tanks btw.

  12. #12
    Just going off the bosses that i've done, and from what i've seen.

    Jin'rokh - 2 or 3 heal
    Horridon - 2 of 3 heal
    Council - I would suggest 3 heal, Divinity 2 healed it though
    Tortos - 2 or 3 heal
    Megaera - 3 heal
    Ji'kun - 2 or 3 heal
    Iron Qon - 3 heal

    For Durumu and Iron Qon you can even 1 tank with a protection pally and 2 heal if you also have a holy pally.

  13. #13
    So far we have done it like this: (pally,monk,disc setup)

    Jin'rokh - 3 heal
    Horridon - 2 (disc + either)
    Council - 3 heal
    Tortos - 2 (monk + either)
    Megaera - 3 heal
    Ji'kun - 3 heal (mostly because 1 is flying around half the time)

  14. #14
    Can someone please explain why you 3 heal Ji'kun? We just had a strat where we always had 1 healer at the nests and 1 healer on the main platform and healing the quills was absolutely trivial.

    So far we've done:

    Jin'Rokh - 2
    Horridon - 2
    Tortos - 2 (might go 3 next time and just have our shaman spam heal the tanks to make it cleaner)
    Ji-kun - 2
    Iron Qon - 3

    Planning on 2 healing council and 3 healing magaera, council might be a bit ambitious but we've always tried to 2 heal stuff if possible.
    Last edited by Dorfie; 2013-04-02 at 03:21 PM.

  15. #15
    it really does not matter much this instance it seems. at least on the first few bosses the enrage timers are no concern. the encounters have soft enrage mechanics. both 2 or 3 healers works for most. we've three healed horridon on our first kill and 2 healed on the second, just due to availability. for tortos we used 3 healers, 1 tank and 1 kiter, so 5 dps to kill turtles and kill the boss. enrage was no problem.
    ji'kun we again 3 healed as that was the 10 we had available and only our disciple priest has reasonable off spec gear, but that's just not a good trade off given how dumb that spec is. again, enrage was no problem whatsoever.

    the only other boss we attempted so far is Iron Qon and that's certainly a 3 healer fight. council is as well. as is magaera.

    bottom line: you'll want 3 geared healers. 2 and a guy that sometimes goes off spec won't do for this tier, it seems. and you CAN do lots of stuff with 3 healers. probalby faster/better to do it with 2, but there's no real drawback to have 3 mainspec healers around. you don't have to bench them all the time as you need to go down to 2 healers. pretty much anything can be 3 healed and it's only getting easier with more gear every reset.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Dorfie View Post
    Can someone please explain why you 3 heal Ji'kun? We just had a strat where we always had 1 healer at the nests and 1 healer on the main platform and healing the quills was absolutely trivial.
    We used 3 healers and DPS was absolutely trivial, it's just preference really.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by kaib View Post
    bottom line: you'll want 3 geared healers. 2 and a guy that sometimes goes off spec won't do for this tier
    This is simply not true. We only have 2 healers on roster, our shadow priest has a disc spec for 3 heal fights. Early on enrages may be tight on some fights. And I think Durumu heroic is 1 tank 2 healed. It depends on the skill of your offspec healer and the mainspec healers I suppose.

    We heal it like this atm:
    Jinrokh 2 heal
    Horridon 2 heal
    Council of Elders 3 heal
    Tortos 2 heal
    Megaera 3 heal
    Ji Kun 2 heal
    Iron Qon 3 heal

    Not done the rest yet, so don't know about those.

  18. #18
    So far we did 3 for Jin'rok and Iron Qon, 2 for Horridon, Tortos, Ji'kun. We're going to 3 heal Council this week.
    Karuzo | Drainlife, US-Arthas
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  19. #19
    I am Murloc!
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    Two healed Jin'rokh, Horridon and Ji-Kun. Put some attempts on Consorts and that seems to be 3 heal for sure.

    A lot of the videos of Tortos I've seen are 2 healed and Megaera is certainly a 3 heal encounter.

  20. #20
    You can definitely 3 heal Horridon with a disc / monk / paladin.

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