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  1. #1

    Raging Deathbringer

    I know this might be a bit early, but anyone have any idea how Raging Deathbringer (Ony25) stacks up against other weapons for an enhancement shaman? While we are at it, any idea how Empowered Deathbringer does as well? Anyone know their proc-rates?

  2. #2

    Re: Raging Deathbringer

    Dps and Maximum hit look decent but im definatly picking both the 25 man version and 10 man version for the proc in pvp, that together with Engineering rockets, DMC Death and Bandits Insignia = Roflburst nuf said
    (This signature was removed for violation of the Avatar & Signature Guidelines)

  3. #3

    Re: Raging Deathbringer

    I really hope that the procc rates are viable. I mean the procc has to equal the missing stats.

  4. #4

    Re: Raging Deathbringer

    curious as to this myself... I'd like to know how they stack to the Battlestar's from ToC, my current weapons.

    Tried digging around in Rwar and EnhSim and couldn't find any way to replicate the weapon's ability.

    Edit: I'm also orc, so those axes are 5 free expertise

  5. #5

    Re: Raging Deathbringer

    The 25man version clearly outplays the battlestars. But I'm not sure about the 10 man version ... surely a close one.

  6. #6

    Re: Raging Deathbringer

    I do not know about the new one but I DW these pre 2.0 on a fury warrior. Back then the proc rate had no ICD and the proc was between 5-10%.

    Like I said, that is the numbers on the old one, that would lead me to believe that the new one has a similar proc rate. (Since they are suppose to be more powerful replicas)

  7. #7

    Re: Raging Deathbringer

    5-10% proccrate with no ICD would be overkill with today's haste ratings ...
    I'm sure they have some ICD and if not it won't take long to nerf them ... let's do not hope so

  8. #8

    Re: Raging Deathbringer

    DK picked it up in my guild last night. he was getting ~4 procs a fight. over XT (8:17 time) it proced 11x

    so, 45 sec ICD but procs about ever time it is up.
    Pondering returning.
    Nikoll - Retribution Paladin

  9. #9

    Re: Raging Deathbringer

    My shaman got this last night, liking it so far as I was using a Calamity's Grasp doing ToC 25 HMs before this!

    There is no way this has an ICD; I had it proc 2 times at once for a total of about 5.1k shadow damage. It might have been a bug, idk. It did proc twice at the same time though (Probably once from auto swing and once from WF weapon)!

    EDIT: Been auto attacking a dummy for at least 20 mins now, its definitely procced within 10 seconds after the first proc.

  10. #10

    Re: Raging Deathbringer

    I have this Axe. About 5% proc rate, absolutely no internal cooldown at all. Had it proc 3 times in 2 seconds. Very Nice Axe, can be very bursty for pvp.

  11. #11

    Re: Raging Deathbringer

    That would be great if there's no ICD. What I want to know is does the process scale with spell power?

  12. #12

    Re: Raging Deathbringer

    If anyone could post some stats or numbers from raids in the upcoming week using Deathbringer (10/25) that would be awesome. I really wanna know if the ability makes up for the lack of stats and if I should pick one up to replace Calamity's Grasp.

  13. #13

    Re: Raging Deathbringer

    Screenshot of recount pls with fight duration , so we can estimate ourselves what the procc rate is

  14. #14

    Re: Raging Deathbringer

    WoL of me using Raging Deathbringer over the course of our ToC 25 NM clear. The effect definitely scales with SP and +spell damage debuffs on the target.

    PS: Sorry about no WoL log for the Beasts of Northrend kill, the person that normally runs the program forgot to turn on logging and etc. :

  15. #15

    Re: Raging Deathbringer

    16 proccs over 5 bosses with 1,2% total dmg seems a little mooh. And the increase that you see on the log comes from 13% spelldmg debuff. It defnitaly doesn't scale with SP or whatever. It just get increased by the 13% spelldmg debuff. But obviously it scales with your critrate. 40% crits and 60% hits are shown in your log.

  16. #16

    Re: Raging Deathbringer

    Here's some more info on the weapon, digged out from EJ:

    Hope this helps those who are interested in that weapon. Its sounds like an interesting option, especially for those using high amounts of haste, the absence of ICD makes the proc scale extremely well with haste.
    I'm a Rock; Scissors are fine, but damn, Paper needs a nerf!

  17. #17

    Re: Raging Deathbringer

    Anyone who has one of these have any updated information, such as approximately how much better/worse it relative to already quantified shaman weapons?

    I have been following the discussion on Elitist Jerks but it seems to have petered out without a resolution and as far as I know it isn't in Rawr yet.

    Any insight would be much appreciated. Insight on its brother, Empowered Deathbringer, would also be much appreciated.

  18. #18

    Re: Raging Deathbringer

    If I recall correctly from what I read on EJ, it has about a 4.6% proc rate, and the only stat it scales with is spell crit.

    Also I believe the theory is it uses old PPM mechanics, meaning PPM is calculate after haste. Now adays PPM is calculated before haste, meaning haste actually increases your PPM, but this does not seem to be the case with the Deathbringers.

    How this stacks up against other weapons is hard to say.

  19. #19

    Re: Raging Deathbringer

    Quote Originally Posted by Zhalseran
    If I recall correctly from what I read on EJ, it has about a 4.6% proc rate, and the only stat it scales with is spell crit.

    Also I believe the theory is it uses old PPM mechanics, meaning PPM is calculate after haste. Now adays PPM is calculated before haste, meaning haste actually increases your PPM, but this does not seem to be the case with the Deathbringers.

    How this stacks up against other weapons is hard to say.
    Thanks, I saw that too, but the raw information doesn't help much. I was just wondering if anyone could make a good educated guess as to whether it is better or worse in practice than for example: the Grinder, the Golden Saronite Dragon, the Stormpike Cleaver etc., since it isn't in rawr as of last time I checked (on Saturday).

    If someone could post on EJ forums and try to prompt them back to this question I would much appreciate it. They had a good discussion going with some members indicating they were testing to see how good or bad it is, but the discussion seems to have gotten lost in the discussion about flameshock. I am either too low or too newbie to post there and ask for the results of the testing.

  20. #20

    Re: Raging Deathbringer

    well, here's some rough math.

    With Windfury and Flurry, my weapon speed is 1.56/1.56.
    That is roughly 38 MH and OH swings, 7 stormstrikes, 10 lava lashes and God only knows how many windfury procs in the span of 1 minute.
    Assuming a 4.6% proc rate, that would be (very) roughly:
    45*0.046=2.07 MH procs or
    55*0.046=2.53 OH procs

    at an average damage of 1666:

    Over the span of 60 seconds:
    3448.62/60=57.46 DPS
    4214.98/60=70.24 DPS

    This is of course assuming OH procs have the same proc chance and do not suffer the OH damage penalty, which I do not know. It is also not counting crits, and assuming SS and LL are used every cooldown, which would not be the case.

    This is of course all very rough as I said. I think putting the proc at about 50-75 DPS sounds right though.

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