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    <Seraphym> Recruiting for Cataclysm and Beyond

    <Seraphym> of Bladefist is now recruiting for Cataclysm and Beyond! We are a semi-hardcore guild that strives to make the best of our raid times and be as productive as possible. We are a group of people who love to raid and see new content. While we aim to be the best we can be, we also want raids to be fun. This is a video game after all . We also believe you can down progression content without cursing everybody out who makes a mistake, using insults, or general negative behavior.


    25man raids are currently scheduled for Tues - Thurs. 6 - 9 Server Time (PST). We occasionally go later than this if we are very close to a progression kill, but we must stress the "occasional" part. Fridays and Mondays are cleanup/progression 10 man. Sundays there is a alt run.

    Cataclysm Progression:

    * 3/3 Baradin Hold

    * 2/4 Heroic Bastion of Twilight

    * 5/6 Heroic Blackwing Descent

    * 2/2 Throne of the Four Winds

    * 6/7 Heroic Firelands

    *2/8 Heroic Dragon Soul

    Current Needs:

    Ranged DPS: (These are for immediate raiding)

    Balance Druid




    Resto Shaman

    Holy Paladin

    We encourage all interested persons to apply regardless of class needs. Outstanding applicants will always be accepted.


    * Full knowledge of your class.

    * Full knowledge of encounters and how to deal with boss abilities (this isn't raiding 101).

    * High level of attendance. Occasional absences are understandable but we expect you to be there 90% of the time.

    * Must possess consumables for a full night of raiding (Flasks, Potions of Speed etc).

    * No drama starters. You will be removed swiftly.

    * Vent and a working mic is REQUIRED. No exceptions.

    * Must have DBM or equivalent addon.

    Loot System:

    We use a DKP system to determine loot distribution. DKP is earned in 3 ways.

    * Starting Attendance - 15dkp

    * Hourly - 30dkp

    Once an item drops and you submit your desire to obtain it, we will determine who has the most dkp and award that person with the item. Item prices are determined using itemleveldkp addon. Every two weeks everyone's DKP total decays by 25% to encourage spending rather than hording. The system has been very successful for us and most people get everything they want eventually if they attend all raids.

    Where do I apply?

    Apply now at seraphym.guildlaunch

    If you would like more information feel free to ask any questions here, or you can login and contact our Guild Master (Erikgreen) or an Officer (Lilyy, Brewskie or Bluechip). If none of those are online contact any guild member and they will help direct you to someone who may be able to help.
    Last edited by Brewskie; 2012-01-25 at 01:42 AM.

  2. #2
    7/7 cmon ppl

  3. #3
    GoGo need more for 25 man rag

  4. #4
    updated for shannox hm dead

  5. #5
    Onto Heroic modes

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Looking for ranged!!!

  8. #8
    looking for more

  9. #9
    Still looking

  10. #10
    still looking

  11. #11
    still looking

  12. #12
    still looking

  13. #13
    LF a tank now!

  14. #14
    LF main tank

  15. #15
    LF Hunter and main tank

  16. #16
    LF Hunter and Tank

  17. #17

  18. #18
    need a hunters badly

  19. #19
    LF Hunter!!!

  20. #20
    WoW sucks!!!!!

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