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  1. #1441
    2 hours 44 min queue and getting deadmines heroic. I didn't play more that week

  2. #1442
    High Overlord Aamu's Avatar
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    Today, it seems that theres only idiots online queuing, atleast at this time of the day. three times allready as a healer on my alt druid and getting tanks who just dont seem to care if I get mobs on me... they just take one mob and hit that. im guessing aoe tanking is not something these people dont know about... and btw with the last tank 'my dad called so couldnt really help you' excuse was the top.

    what?? really?? my dad called so i couldnt tank more than one mob in this pack of 6.....????

    then, when pointing out that you might not wanna answer the phone if you cant play at the same time...
    the dpsers start to blame me for beign a bad player. Obvieously we can all see that after this I just watched them all die = )

    insert ive got the power music video here

    If you join an instance and have no clue how to tank, atleast alert the healer AND the fellow dpsers so they can help you to learn.
    aight. I do not mind people who are learning. but idiots..... who just dont care. yes. I do mind.

  3. #1443
    Dreadlord Findus707's Avatar
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    Lvl85 rogue, newly dinged, waiting over 30min to get into a random HC, a fully random group from different realms, starting with saying politely "Hey " , they responded with a "hi" and we started on the first trash in Lost City, i sap the ranged add, and the tanks pull, i end up as 2nd on the dps meter with 11k dps, but for some resson the group kicked me 2min after.
    Pugs/Dungeon tool FTW!

  4. #1444
    As a Guild master it saddens me to see that people despice groups with 4 from the same guild. i usually tank in guild groups and if the guys from my guild is being "profanities and bad words" without a reason, i will vote kick their asses. i even made a rank for those who behave extra bad, which takes all their rights in the guild from them. they ofc get their old rank back after their sentence is over. The only time we vote kick a pug, is when their IQ is at a Donald (from dark legacy) level.

    Sorry for my spelling and possibly bad grammar, lots of big words^^
    Awesome sign by Safhira

  5. #1445
    Typically, in dungeons, I don't really kick anyone. I try not to and try to be tolerant of poor playing. However, past week or so has been to the contrary.
    As a DPS in dungeons, I typically just do my job and say nothing. If I can CC a target I will, even if there isn't a mark placed up (such as in HoO when you're heading down towards Ptah, I'll drop a trap where the skellies pop out of the sand with the beetles). If spoken to, I'll respond. But, for the most part, I enjoy just talking in guild chat or in a couple private channels and keeping the run smooth.
    As a healer, I've a bit more control over stupidity. IE, stand in stupid stuff, enjoy your repair bill. And this does hold true for the tank. My healer is well geared; however, I don't care to cast unnecessary heals for a lazy tank or a lazy DPS.
    And, over the past week, as a tank I've taken to kicking the rejects as I can't quite set them up to get killed (On my hunter, I can at least misdirect one with a couple of Aimed Shots and enjoy the show).

    We had 5 targets and 3 CC capabilities, Poly, Sap, and Trap. Sap done before combat, Trap fires off, then Poly. "No duh" situation. Sap goes off, and before the hunter could fire the trap, mage polymorphs her target. The trap was thrown, but the mob moved up about 10 yards then started casting and healing the two melee mobs I was tanking. She was asked to Counterspell the caster, and nothing occurred. Rogue went over, kicked, but by the time that happened, a pat joined up (Sentinel from Throne of the Tides; the first five pull in the room before Naz'jar). Group ended up wiping. We run back in, try the whole deal again and the mage is told to wait until after the trap is fired. She bitches about how she wasn't here to "lolligag" and would rather complete the run as quickly as possible. "We'd complete the run faster if you'd be less impatient and more competent." She decided that we could do without her CC and pulled the whole group. Group was handled, and mage was rewarded with a brand new 40m queue.
    Vortex Pinnacle, I had a rogue tell me "Lrn2taunt" when he kept stealing threat. Everything was marked. Skull, X, Circle. Kill targets, in that order. Square was Trap, Triangle was Sap, Diamond was Banish/Fear. Wasn't hard to get. Other two DPS in the group understood this and focused the kill target down. Rogue, however, decided he wanted to take his own on. If it were a high priority kill target, it would've been given the Skull first. But when we're killing three mobs that are identical (the elemental things that knockback when they die), it isn't necessary to take out a different mob at the same time. And I never even received Tricks from him, either. Didn't kick this guy, though. It was a better lesson to teach, If you want to attack a different target, you get to learn the fun of tanking too! Except the healer won't heal you. Not his job to keep up idiots. Apparently the rogue tried to kick me, though. He was the only one dying and his damage capabilities were poor. Rest of the group liked me and didn't seem to care for him, nor do I think they cared for waiting for a tank. Rogue leaves, instant replacement. Tank gets kicked or leaves, and you're waiting a while.
    I think the last rather bad one was the healer who kept throwing Hand of Salv on me, the tank. That was one thing. Then when I pulled an AoE group, I noticed the mobs not wanting to attack me and none of my abilities working.. Oh hey, healer thought he was being helpful and decides to throw Hand of Protection on me. Told him to read the tooltip, realize it does not help me nor the group to throw it on the tank, and to please never do that again. Next AoE group? He did it again. Then bitched about dying. Just walked my happy little troll ass over to a corner, sat down, and checked guild if any healers were available as I didn't wanna brave the pool of unending stupidity that had been plaguing me that day.

    I do -a lot- of random dungeon groups. Yes, I have a guild that does dungeons and raids. However, we're an Aussie guild and when I'm online during typical primetime, many of them are asleep or unavailable. Eh, at least every couple bad players are offset by the 1 or 2 good ones you find. Except Gurubashi...I don't think I've met up with a decent person on that server yet.
    Eshraem / Tiraka / Iaqalis / Izare / Sinzhetu / Daezek / Asri / Zelven / Tseta / Kisei / Rheasil

    Quote Originally Posted by Manakin View Post
    But hey, i'll let you spank the monkey whilst imagining rapists being boned by Bubba the anal destroyer - veteran of the poppers conflict.

  6. #1446
    I queued as tank and had no DPS spec at the time, and the group kicked me when I told them that after a DK said he wanted to tank.

  7. #1447
    When I was somewhere around 83, I was in a BRC run where the Survival Hunter's pet did more damage than the hunter. Hunter was meleeing most of the time. I politely asked him what he was doing. His response? Well, we already have enough ranged, and proceeded to explain to the group that hunters wouldn't be able to attack in melee if they weren't supposed to. To make matters worse, his talent tree was 0/0/38... He neatly filled out every bubble on the way down the tree, and hadn't made it to his 31 point talent yet. Thanks for giving hunters a good name. GG

    I nearly fell out of my chair.

    Wouldn't leave, couldn't vote kick, thank goodness it was a regular, we managed to scrap it through.
    Last edited by Jashj; 2011-02-18 at 05:45 PM.

  8. #1448
    I have a great response for you lol, I have been chronicling my misadventures in a thread. I don't generally post links to other threads because I know it's frowned upon, but in this case, it's in direct response to your question, check it out.
    I think I've had enough of removing avatars today that feature girls covered in semen. Closing.

  9. #1449
    The post on mmochampion is actually a very nice read.

    I just wanted to share with you my experience with cataclysm (this being the first expansion I played the second it was released).

    20 hours after Cata was launched I got to 85 with my lock, rerolled from a feral cat. The next day, after a good sleep I started doing dungeons. Started with 3-4 normal dungeons since I didn't actually have the 329 ilvl necessary.

    For 2-3 days it was awesome. Everyone was poorly geared in heroics (329-335 ilvl), tanks had 140k hp, and dps was 95% of the time under 10k. So every player had to do close to perfect in order to kill any bosses.

    Even though we were all undergeared, the people who managed to level to 85 in 1-2 days were usually above average players so when we decided on a tactic, they actually did what they had to do, and pretty well. Before every boss there was a 5 minute break to check out tactics on youtube / wowhead, and we never 1-shot bosses. It usually took 3-4-5, maybe even more tries to kill one boss. We wiped on trash as well, so an average heroic took 3+ hours, so I could only do 1 or 2 per day. BUT there were almost no leavers, noobs, idiots, retards, etc (you get the idea). So the dungeons were hard, but doable, even if we wiped for one hour on a boss we eventually got him down.

    A few days after Cata was launched, the below average players started hitting 85, and that's when hell began.
    After a 35 minute queue I often found myself joining a dungeon, and before we even attacked the trash everyone left (chain reaction caused by the tank leaving). The more common situation was wiping on the first trash group and then everyone leaving.

    If I eventually got lucky and we managed to actually kill the trash without anyone leaving, we got to the first boss. Everyone was just as undergeared as before, but, as I said before, the under 14 yo kids started joining. A first wipe on the first boss usually meant 1 or more leavers (most of the time it was 1 DPS that was quickly replaced, but in some unlucky cases the group disbanded).

    At this point I got accustomed to most of the dungeons in Cata, so I was able to give some info about the mechanics of the boss, and some tips for the tactics, but most of the time they just wouldn't listed.

    Very rarely I managed to finish a heroic in the first 2 weeks, but from time to time I actually found good players.

    I remember a Grim Batol run, after a 45 minute queue and clearing the first few trash groups, the tank left. After 7 minutes, another one joined, and after wiping at a trash group he left as well. That's when everyone except me and a warr dps left, and after another 15 minutes we found the rest. We cleared the trash and 1 shot general Umbriss (surprisingly). Then we got to the forgemaster (no wipes again, I was pleasantly surprised). We pulled, and guess what, a wipe. Tank left ... again. We got a new tank after another X minutes, a warrior in dps gear/spec with one 1 handed weapon (just that, offhand slot was empty). I asked him if he had tank gear / spec and he remained silent, just went to pull the boss, and that's when I snapped and rage quit before I would die, and got teleported out.

    Eventually, people's gear actually improved, and a group of below average players was good enough to finish a dungeon (below average players with 345+ ilvl), but there still are idiots that can rulen a dungeon ... they will never disappear completely, but we have kick

    Normally I don't kick a dps that can't do decent dps, since my own is now enough to cover for him, and I try to help him if I can, but sometimes it's impossible. I remember a group with the other dps besides me were a hunter and a feral druid, their dps was between 4k and 4.5k, but we managed to finish stonecore without kicking them (the tank and healer were very good, and my dps, about 15-16k at that point, were enough).

    That's basically how I enjoyed cataclysm so far, at the moment I am on 12/12 normal raids and 2/12 heroic, hoping to get chimaeron and maloriak down, got them to 7% and 12% :P

  10. #1450
    Had one earlier today in H Throne of Tides. DK tank, Disc priest (Me), Mage, Hunter, Shaman, all from different realms. We say hey, what's up, etc. We're all doing above 10k dps, the tank is well geared, I'm healing without a problem. Right before the hall leading to the last boss he drops for some reason, and a pally tank jumps in.
    He started by saying "Purge Swell kaythnx" and the mage says "I'll spellsteal", pally says "Don't it'll aggro everything". The mage spellsteals it, doesn't pull anything extra, and the pally bitches at him. We get to the boss, the pally tanks the mobs in the wrong place, I waste nearly all my mana saving him. We finally get to the last phase, he just stands there. 3 dps die because it takes too long (The pallys dps would have helped a lot), then he dies, I finish the fight with a smite and rez everyone up. He yells "You guys are terrible, nobody doing above 14k, wtfwtfwtf". I win the chaos orb, he throws a tantrum. He ends by saying "You're F-ing welcome for getting carried you noobz" and leaves.
    The 4 of us sit there and lol at him.

  11. #1451
    What still amazes me, is the level of cluelesness ppl still have, when it comes to cata dungeons. Yesterday I was tanking a normal dungeon for a lvl 82 guildie. We get Stonecore with a lvl 85 rogue, 85 DK and my lvl 82 mage guildie. The healer was a lvl 83 pally and did very well.

    Anyways, the DK constantly kept deathgripping everything, popped Army, pet pulled etc. I told him to knock it off and just let me do the pulling. He says nothing and continues...... Right before Ozruk, he manages to pull 3 groups with his pet and by running into them. Being an ilvl 358 85 tank, we managed and only the noob DK died.

    I told him to stop the crap or gtfo. He then runs to Ozruk and tries to deathgrip him...... Ofc the healer, mage and me just laugh waiting for him to die. The rogue then jumps into the fight and the 2 of them dies. Rogue starts to QQ about us being "kiddies" and bla bla bla. I told him, that I wont tank for retards and that he could just gtfo. He left and we kicked the lame DK.

    Funny thing is, why is a lvl 85 DK and rogue even running lvl 82 dungeons? I know they were bad, even the lvl 82 mage beat them. Still though, why not run a lvl 85 normal at least.

    Way too many retarded players and seems like Cata brought even more......

  12. #1452
    I was waiting like 30 mins to join as dps, when I finally could click the button to enter, WoW disconnected for no reason and I wasn't able to login for 10~15 minutes because my 'char was already in use' :<
    This is more a technical problem but still wanted to share it.

  13. #1453
    I made a post regarding harsher penalties for people who grief - but I must say, on two different occasions I went through 6 tanks and on the other 6 healers.
    I even wrote up a fun story with time stamps and everything for the Arygos forums.

  14. #1454
    Possibly one of my worst experiences was actually one I had just last night. I'm leveling up my level 79 destruction warlock, so fine, use the Dungeon tool, group forms, and it's Oculus. I don't find Oculus too bad as long as people know what to do. But at any rate, after the first boss the ret pally in the group decides he has to be the "Players advocate". He starts accusing the tank of being a bot for about 5 mins straight, then he's trying to tell the healer how to heal and trying to tell me what spells to use in my rotation.

    I basically said to the guy "Buddy, you worry about playing your ret pally, let the healer worry about healing, and let me worry about my own rotation"... This ret pally was at the bottom of the dps charts too, and as it turns out, he was dual wielding and also decided to be the healing (green) drake at the final boss, and of course we wiped three times since that ret pally couldn't heal a wet paper bag, nevermind a 5 man group. So he gets kicked (finally) and we get someone else to replace him, and we got it on the 4th try.

  15. #1455
    Quote Originally Posted by Pellaeon View Post
    Possibly one of my worst experiences was actually one I had just last night. I'm leveling up my level 79 destruction warlock, so fine, use the Dungeon tool, group forms, and it's Oculus. I don't find Oculus too bad as long as people know what to do. But at any rate, after the first boss the ret pally in the group decides he has to be the "Players advocate". He starts accusing the tank of being a bot for about 5 mins straight, then he's trying to tell the healer how to heal and trying to tell me what spells to use in my rotation.

    I basically said to the guy "Buddy, you worry about playing your ret pally, let the healer worry about healing, and let me worry about my own rotation"... This ret pally was at the bottom of the dps charts too, and as it turns out, he was dual wielding and also decided to be the healing (green) drake at the final boss, and of course we wiped three times since that ret pally couldn't heal a wet paper bag, nevermind a 5 man group. So he gets kicked (finally) and we get someone else to replace him, and we got it on the 4th try.
    Paladins cannot dual wield anything... What are you talking about.

  16. #1456
    Oh, this thread is back. I've been mostly grouping with guildmates, and haven't had any truly horrible experiences on my alliance druid, but on my alt belf holy paladin I joined LFD and got into Grim Batol shortly after they increased the mana cost of most healing spells by about 10%- this was a while ago now, but it still makes me laugh remembering.

    Group is me, prot pally tank, rogue, warlock, moonkin. The prot pally tank , warlock and moonkin are guildmates. I didn't bring much water with me so I was pretty concerned when, on the first few pulls, I was having a really rough time keeping up the prot pally tank. I was like wow, this nerf is really rough! The rogue is sapping mobs (almost immediately broken), but we have a moonkin and a warlock who aren't CC'ing the elementals, dragonkin, and humanoids at all. I ask if we could please use CC. The paladin just keeps pulling everything and not holding aggro on it particularly well. We do the bombing run and of course nobody shoots at the mobs on our way so they are all barely damaged. Whatever, that's pretty much what I was expecting.

    The next pulls continue in the same pace, prot pally tank is getting destroyed and not using any CC whatsoever. I mention again that we should use CC and then he won't get wrecked so hard. He apparently decided that I'm dumb and that instead of taking less damage, he'll just heal himself. I target him while trying to heal him in that nasty pack of mobs just before the 2nd bridge and find that he is spamming Divine Light on himself while tanking. This is when I start to make fun of him for tanking while casting (can't dodge/parry/block while casting) and inspect his gear to find out that half of his gear is healing gear reforged to expertise (???). The pally tank speaks up and says I don't know anything and they will kick me. I said that maybe he should figure out how to tank and how to gear his tank before he tries to do a dungeon. The warlock said "stfu youve been complaining all instance" (and honestly, I had been pretty quiet aside from asking for CC). Soooo I said "you wanna kick me? go ahead" and initiated a vote kick on the pally tank saying "douche talking shit" and watched with amusement as everyone clicked it without reading carefully who they were kicking. Good times.

  17. #1457
    Dungeon tool is fine, I mainly have a problem with the way the average item lvl is being calculated and how it has a rather bad influence on the dungeon tool.
    Things that need to change :
    1) it should NOT check your inventory
    2) items for the wrong spec that have almost no use should not count (tanking items on dps, caster on physical or physical on caster)
    3) items that don't count for your armor specialization should only count for half the item lvl

    Being able to queue as dps with a warrior or dk using 50% tanking items 50% mail items should not be possible.....yet it is.

    My worst experience was with a dps dk having several items unenchanted, several glyph slots empty, several gem sockets empty and the gems he did use were all stam/dodge/mastery in tanking items.
    Last edited by mmoc70c145fdaf; 2011-03-07 at 10:36 AM.

  18. #1458
    low level dungeons are getting worse. Healing on my priest i had the following;

    - not one, but 2 arms warriors joining as tanks. first one goes "stfu, arms is fine", manage to keep him alive (just) to finish the dungeon. 2nd one was literally straight after. this time i just ragequit =[

    - Tank joined - boomkin. presuming hes going to change back to feral and go angry bear mode? nope, hes going to tank in balance. i somehow keep him alive through the first trash (and everyone else) then just leave. somehow dont get the deserter debuff - win.

    - zoned in. Tank is AFK, hunter hasnt got a pet and is running around meleeing random groups, rogue and mage run off and attack random different packs (so 3 different groups of mobs at once). Unsurprisingly they all die. i get called a noob. i ragequit - no deserter debuff again?! - win

    - this isnt so bad, more of a facepalm derp moment, trying to help someone through uldamann who had evidently never been there before (doing a fair job at tanking however). waiting in a corridor for him, and hes just standing at the other end. i say in party chat "dude, follow me its this way" or whatever, and he just replys "IM THE TANK". cue akward silence.

    i cant wait to heal dungeons when i hit 85 >_<
    Last edited by Calenel; 2011-03-07 at 11:11 AM. Reason: More fail entered my brain

  19. #1459
    Pandaren Monk Martyn 470's Avatar
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    Everywhere, and nowhere.
    Me as a Sub rogue ( level 16) and my mate a Healer paladin ( 16) joined random LFG, it was Deadmines

    So we go in, the first boss is dead (somehow)

    I check if the pally has righteous fury, nope, he has a 1h mace with no shield and no RF

    i check the rest of the group, i shit you not here, a rogue Which was wielding what looked to be a 1h staff ( it had int and stam on) i think it was a mace or something

    the shadowpriest looks cool

    so we start, i wait 5 seconds for the tank to get aggro before shadowstep ambushing, i instantly take aggro and tank all of the mobs, a few packs later of hard healing for my mate

    i notice there was only a paladin and 2 rogues dpsing, then i see the shadow priest isnt dpsing at all, hes PW:S Everyone

    so i get pissed off but continue to tank the mobs as a sub rogue, we get to the Farm reaper boss, everyone but me and my pally healer mate get killed by Harvest or overdrive and i down the boss from full to dead by myself with my mate healing, we're both disgusted so he leaves, i sprint down the hallway after the boss, activate the cannon, pop evasion and get back to them then leave, im glad i wiped them, a 1h mace wielding paladin, a 1h staff thing wielding rogue and a bubbling shadowpriest was disgusting.

  20. #1460
    Stood in the Fire Tayace's Avatar
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    So i just left a heroic group that i joined half way through, apparently they'd been in there for 2 hours. They where all from the same Guild so i didn't bad mouth them about the fact that it was a 3 hunter and a disc priest group. However the trouble started when one of the hunters asked me to give them Blessing of Might. Now as a Paladin Tank i've always used Blessing of Kings unless there is a Druid in the group. I do this because Kings gives Stamina and Agility (Agility boosts dodge). So i told him this and he called me a noob. Now all 3 of these hunters where pulling around 6-7k with no 15% buff and still wearing 333 item level gear. While i'm pulling 8k and have an item level of 357. As we continued with the dungeon the healer started to complain that she could not keep her mana up. I told her thats because people are in the bad and the DPS is making the fight take to long. She chose to defend her guildies and said that if i was not a noob i would give her Might so DPS and mana Regen would go up. I finally gave her the buff and said that they need to learn there specs better if they have to rely on Might. When the Group wiped again to the last boss for the same reasons as before i just left group with them all blaming me for there troubles. I'm sorry but according to the Healing meters i did more self healing then the disc priest and more dps then the hunters so was i in the wrong to leave?

    Is Disc even an acceptable Healing tree?

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