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  1. #581
    Quote Originally Posted by Megaira View Post

    Edit: BTW don´t see the ah prices above 1k or so maybe 100-500g after a few weeks.
    Do you not understand how currency works? Have you even read any posts in this thread?
    Why would something worth $10 sell for 500g on the AH, that's a total waste of money to whoever actually bought the item in the first place.

  2. #582
    Quote Originally Posted by Shmiles View Post
    Do you not understand how currency works? Have you even read any posts in this thread?
    Why would something worth $10 sell for 500g on the AH, that's a total waste of money to whoever actually bought the item in the first place.
    Which is why it won't really have any lasting impact on the in-game economy. There simply isn't enough people willing to pay 15-20K for a pet.
    "You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist."
    Friedrich Nietzsche

  3. #583
    Quote Originally Posted by chrisisvacant View Post
    Never seen so many people complain about something they do not have to buy and would have absolutely no impact on them in any way whatsoever.
    Lol, this only happens in every mmo-champion news post. But you have never seen it before.

  4. #584
    Quote Originally Posted by Nephyron View Post
    aaaaaaaaaand here it is !!! Blizzard method to sell in game gold. Didn't they fight chinese farmers that sold in game gold ??? now i can trade 10dollars for 100k gold if i want
    Go and do that then. And then please post a photo of your face when you realise you can't sell the thing for even 5000 gold.

  5. #585
    20g tops... perhaps 25g on day of release..

  6. #586
    Field Marshal noxatron's Avatar
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    Can't wait to see these things on the AH for dismal prices during the first week of sales. Then, inevitably, the demand will be far inferior to the supply and people will be mad because they don't understand simple economics. Thousands will be left with useless pets and will eventually just use them or give them away to friends. Fun times.

  7. #587
    Quote Originally Posted by noxatron View Post
    Can't wait to see these things on the AH for dismal prices during the first week of sales. Then, inevitably, the demand will be far inferior to the supply and people will be mad because they don't understand simple economics. Thousands will be left with useless pets and will eventually just use them or give them away to friends. Fun times.

    100% this. The first lot will be on for something ridiculous circa 15k gold or the likes... and then people will start undercutting each other to the point that you probably couldn't give them away for free!

  8. #588
    Quote Originally Posted by lunchbox2042 View Post
    At this point they may as well just sell the gold themselves. I smell real money auction house coming next expansion.
    Exactly Blizzard has obviously seen the amount of money that gold sellers make it's a massive source of income and they want a slice of the action they've already tried desperately to suck in people that don't play mmos with wrath easy style play then tried to move back to the TBC model that didn't work pissed the casuals off. Finally with share holders at Activision breathing down their necks like deathwing after 10 sulfurous smash drinks saying more more more profit margin show us the money!! They've decided to ease us into gold selling they've already announced that Diablo 3 will allow things to be bought for real money on the ah. So if it makes money there and it will you can bet it's coming to wow soon.

    Personally I think it's very bad move in terms of game play.

  9. #589
    Quote Originally Posted by Idoru View Post
    Which is why it won't really have any lasting impact on the in-game economy. There simply isn't enough people willing to pay 15-20K for a pet.
    That's where you're wrong. Right now people are more than willing to purchase any of the blizz store pets in game for 8k+, and those people are almost always getting scammed. What's more the current pets go to ALL of your toons. This one will only go to one char and has basically <10% chance of being a scam.

    There are more pet collectors than people are giving credit for.

  10. #590
    wtf blizz i really lost hope for u now u just ***** on ur best policy

  11. #591
    Yes, supply is going to quickly exceed demand.

    When it normalizes, the item is going to be greatly devalued.The real concerning factor is the precedence this sets. What happens if next time they offer n (arbitrary) different pets simultaneously? With added variety, the trend should ultimately still occur, but at a much slower rate that decreases even further as n increases, giving ample time for a impactful currency flux (which could lead to inflation causing Blizzard to readapt the "mandatory" gold sinks.)

    It's been said, but can you really get upset at a corporation for seeking a profit? I think I've read somewhere (not including non-profits) that corporations are legally obliged to seek profit. These services meet that obligation without causing real damage to the product. If you are worrying about something that has not occurred yet (but historically it tends to occur,) you might want to also worry about the geomagnetic reversal, arch storms, and Yellowstone caldera. Point here is presumptive reaction is debilitating -- and yes I purposely just contradicted the original concern in this post.

    Just my two copper (did I really just say that...)
    Last edited by mucher; 2011-10-11 at 11:53 AM. Reason: Reapplied paragraph breaks

  12. #592
    So , basicly blizz is telling us that gold selling is ok now as long as you use those pets ?They just keep digging their own grave it seems.Ah well, they are just making it easier to go join the dark side this way ....

  13. #593
    Quote Originally Posted by vellar View Post
    Exactly Blizzard has obviously seen the amount of money that gold sellers make it's a massive source of income and they want a slice of the action they've already tried desperately to suck in people that don't play mmos with wrath easy style play [snip]
    Who do you think is more likely to be buying gold?

    I know that the wealthiest I've ever been was some of the more hardcore raiding days.

  14. #594
    I am curious about whether this is going to act like modern-day Stones of Jordan, so you'll get a leet epic you don't need, and sell it for say 45 Guardian Cubs, then go talk to Mr Mxyzptlk in the trade channel, who'll buy them from you at $5 each to your paypal, and sell them on his website for $7 each. The problem with gold, as we all know, is that it doesn't have any actual value, so you get the always lolarious permanent 20% sales of a made-up currency to a real one at a made-up rate. The cubs though, have a definite monetary value through official channels, and so an upper limit on what will be paid through the black market.Also someone's totally going to end up with a Guardian Cub Bank Alt

  15. #595
    Whatever you all think, you can't deny that this is a major game-changer. This is the FIRST time Blizzard will be selling something for real money that can then be sold for gold. It represents a big change in mindset on Blizzards part. They rhtoric was always that they were against money for gold, but now it appears that they are happy with it - but only if it is carried-out by themselves of course (which is fair enough to be honest).

  16. #596
    Legendary! MasterHamster's Avatar
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    Land of the mighty moose, polar bears and fika.
    How is this "buying gold" when no gold is GENERATED? =)
    Funny people.
    Active WoW player Jan 2006 - Aug 2020
    Occasional WoW Classic Andy since.
    Nothing lasts forever, as they say.
    But at least I can casually play Classic and remember when MMORPGs were good.

  17. #597
    I quit the game for months when they first announced the real money pets and mounts, now I'm back at least I've found a use for the /spit command

  18. #598
    $10.00 for a pet that's only used ONCE? Usually I'm excited for Pet Store additions... But I am very disappointed with this. Wouldn't it have been better if one was sent to all your characters, but you could still choose to learn or trade/sell it for each individual character?

  19. #599
    The Lightbringer Adramalech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noxatron View Post
    Can't wait to see these things on the AH for dismal prices during the first week of sales. Then, inevitably, the demand will be far inferior to the supply and people will be mad because they don't understand simple economics. Thousands will be left with useless pets and will eventually just use them or give them away to friends. Fun times.
    Indeed. This is one of the reasons why I'm not worried in the slightest with this pet being BoU. I don't see the demand being high for too long, if ever. There aren't that many pet collectors out there to have a high demand on this specific pet, and from those who collect pets, not all of them are willing to pay absurd amounts of gold for one (I'm one of those). Yet, the supply will most likely be gigantic COMPARED to the demand. People buying the pet to make gold will eventually find themselves unable to sell the pet for any "decent" gold amount, and will be forced to either sell it for low prices, or learn it themselves. Or you know, come here and whine about it.

    This pet will change nothing, and this outrage is seriously laughable. If they were selling gold created out of thin air, or equippable, useful for combat items, I'd be all over them ready to hit them with a club. But over this? It's just the whine of the week, it seems.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tya View Post
    As a warlock, allow me to be the first to say that I get tremendous amounts of joy from watching fear pathing take you to Africa.
    Quote Originally Posted by Drayarr View Post
    Twinking is like going back to school when you are 30, just to be smarter than the other kids.

  20. #600
    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie123ABC View Post
    Whatever you all think, you can't deny that this is a major game-changer. This is the FIRST time Blizzard will be selling something for real money that can then be sold for gold. It represents a big change in mindset on Blizzards part. They rhtoric was always that they were against money for gold, but now it appears that they are happy with it - but only if it is carried-out by themselves of course (which is fair enough to be honest).
    You mean besides the BoE TCG items, right?
    "You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist."
    Friedrich Nietzsche

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