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  1. #41
    This is not first time palas needed some hot fixing

  2. #42
    LOL, I knew they wouldn't be taking any actions against the majority of the players who exploited this temporary "in game mechanic". My only regret of last night is that I didn't have a geared high level Ret to join in the fun. Banning people and cutting that subscription revenue would piss off blizzard book keepers far worse than any non-paladin players were upset if they'd issued bans for something that was their own mistake. This is the outcome I expected and I approve.

  3. #43
    Judgement Day has come and gone but the tears remain. Tasty, tasty tears.

  4. #44
    Keyboard Turner
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    Lmfao Ret Bug

    This ret bug was hella fun though. my friends and i went and did H FL with only 5 people. heres dps meters on heroic shannox lmfao.


  5. #45
    Damn work + Optimizer meant I couldn't log in till after the raid

    <Guilds only ret paladin.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shalcker View Post
    Posting here is primarily a way to strengthen your own viewpoint against common counter-arguments.

  6. #46
    I'm glad Blizzard took that stance and accepted responsibility for last night's insanity. I doubt banning thousands of players for just logging on and doing daily quests/dungeons and suddenly finding their insane damage everywhere would be a smart move.

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by schippie View Post
    May i remind you of the fact wow´s code years ago was more then 5.5 million lines of code And that was in 2009.. i hope you have fun debugging that. Add to the fact that the game is already so old and they constantly add new features to the system. Its no wonder sometimes something breaks.
    that's more or less what I mean. I have little doubt that blizzard hires the kind of programmers who would write relatively clean code in the first place, and I'm equally sure they have a couple programmers who are dedicated solely to making sure the code stays neat and optimized.

    But that said, with all the patches and changes over the years I can't help but imagine the source code for wow is a bloody mess.

  8. #48
    Does this count as a buff to ret?

    Every dog has his day

  9. #49

  10. #50
    This is ridiculous! There are instances of guilds that were 1/8 heroic last week that are now 4/8 heroic this week, specifically due to this bug. If that isn't "crossing the line to repeatedly exploit this bug for major in-game advantages", then I don't know what is. Blizzard really needs to look into this carefully and take the correct administrative actions by handing out some sort of punishment to those who blatantly exploited the bug.

    EDIT: Some guilds were using 3 or 4 rets all exploiting the bug! How is that not punishable?

  11. #51
    yes mochamonky, however next week they will again be 1/8... its not going to boost them to 8/8 because when that bug was fixed they just droped back down to the spot they were beffor.

  12. #52
    Yes... noone exploited this in arena.... I mean, who would do such a thing?!? At least now its safe to pvp again.

  13. #53
    I was being targetted for hours in BGs on my level 55 ret. D:

  14. #54
    The Patient Marrel's Avatar
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    I agree with them not punishing Ret's for playing while there was a bug, SoT is the seal you are supposed to use for single target dps so they can't punish you for using the proper seal.

    However i think if blizzard has the time, they should roll back/take action against people who stacked Ret's. If some guild downed H Madness for the first time with 2-3 ret's that's fine, but if people did H Madness with 25 ret's that's obviously exploiting and should be punished if any such cases exist.

  15. #55
    What's the difference in people exploiting the ret bug and the lfr bug? Both were blizz's fault obv. It seems like they are sitting there going oh shit we shouldn't have punished those guys for LFR stuff bc now we can't not punish people for "exploiting a bug"/playing the game that they made. I haven't seen it yet but I wonder if anyone from paragon or the guilds like that have been raging about it. Blizz just created a double standard /golfclap

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Gift View Post
    What's the difference in people exploiting the ret bug and the lfr bug? Both were blizz's fault obv. It seems like they are sitting there going oh shit we shouldn't have punished those guys for LFR stuff bc now we can't not punish people for "exploiting a bug"/playing the game that they made. I haven't seen it yet but I wonder if anyone from paragon or the guilds like that have been raging about it. Blizz just created a double standard /golfclap
    No they didn't. There was no LFR Bug, what there was was people KNOWINGLY exploiting LFR to get full sets of T13. It was incredibly convoluted to even do it and it involved KNOWINGLY taking advantage of the system. The Paladins really had no choice since those 2 seals are their primary seals being used. The reason you haven't seen Paragon or anyone else raging about it is because they know they screwed up, in this case their was nothing they could do.

  17. #57
    So you're saying that 5 pally's going through hm fl in 30min isnt KNOWINGLY exploiting? Or guilds magically being 7/8HM or 8/8HM when at the beginning of the week they were 1/8HM. That's definitely not KNOWINGLY right? (SARCASM ALERT)

    ---------- Post added 2012-02-02 at 08:22 PM ----------

    Only difference is LFR bug lasted a week.

  18. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by Gage26 View Post
    No they didn't. There was no LFR Bug, what there was was people KNOWINGLY exploiting LFR to get full sets of T13. It was incredibly convoluted to even do it and it involved KNOWINGLY taking advantage of the system. The Paladins really had no choice since those 2 seals are their primary seals being used. The reason you haven't seen Paragon or anyone else raging about it is because they know they screwed up, in this case their was nothing they could do.
    Look, The LFR thing was also blizzards fault. It does not count as an exploit. Do you know why? Because blizzard are the ones who sat there and designed LFR, They sat there and discussed looting rules, how it would work, every tinsy little aspect of how it would work. They sat there and programmed exactly how it was supposed to work for loot. They posted it up on PTR to test it. They worked out the bugs... They posted it on live. Then they go on a banning wave because they, being blizzard, DID NOT use their brains for two seconds and consider how the loot system has worked SINCE LOOKING FOR GROUPS INCEPTION. That, puts blizzard at fault for not making sure their new lovely feature was working as intended BEFORE posting the damn thing on the ptr. So no, it is not an exploit or the players fault for using the loot system as its always been used. They never said it was not allowed before that day, They never said "you cant trade it." All they said was "You cant receive loot from a boss but once a week in lfr." They did not clarify under any circumstance you could not trade it with another raid member. Thats the truth of it. There for, Its blizzards fault for not considering how trading loot works after the player as won the roll. You can deny it all you want, blizzard can deny it, A blue post can come in here, tell me im wrong, and deny it. But it wont change the fact that I am right. Loot has always worked that way as far back as I can remember, which they would know if they actually played their own game, and its blizzards fault for not making sure the new feature was working the way they dreamed it up in their pretty little heads. They, being the guilds/people affected, raged about it because loot was working the way loot always did, and were banned for it. How in the hell is anyone supposed to know loot working the way its always worked was wrong? They weren't So no.. the LFR thing.... was NOT an exploit. Period. And no, I wont argue with you.
    Last edited by Vengfulr3ap3r; 2012-02-03 at 03:06 AM.

  19. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by xerv View Post
    I heard some guilds downed Spine and Madness heroic thanks to this, and they will get away with it? What's the meaning of PTR servers if bugs like this are on live servers? :S
    Any change they do cause many other changes, this wasn't on ptr.

  20. #60
    1.7M dps hc shannox, 440k alys norm .. now i wanna see all those unlogged fights!
    Last edited by rockdontroll; 2012-02-03 at 04:53 AM.

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