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  1. #1

    "Vote Kick" is coming!


    *ンジョン攻略中無断で放置する方がいます。 戦闘にも参加せず攻略不可の場合、こちらからその放置者に何もす ることが出来ず 退室し*きゃいけません。 そう*るとペナルティが来るのはこちら。おかしくありませんか? 過半数以上の同意での追放機能*どが欲しいです。
    There are players that goes AFK without saying anything. Because of this person not participating it’s impossible to complete the dungeon, and there is nothing for the rest of us to do but to leave. When that happens we’re the one getting the penalty, don’t you think that’s weird? I would like a vote kick feature.

    コンテンツファイン*ー中に、投票*どを通してパーティメンバー をキックする機能は、技術的には難しいものでは> *く、実装を予定しています。
    To have a vote kick feature while using the Duty Finder is not hard to do technically, and we are planning to release.

    ただし、気に入ら*いプレイヤーを故意に排除するといったように 悪*される危険性があるた*、 極力問題が起き*いよう*仕組み作りに注力しています。そのた* 、具体的*実装時期については 確定していませんが、パッチ2.1に導入するかどうかを含*て検討し ています。
    However, there is a possibility of this feature being used wrongfully, therefore we are focusing to make sure these type of problems don’t occur as much as possible. For that reason, the release timing is not confirmed yet, we are looking into if we’re going to implement this in patch 2.1.

  2. #2
    Titan Kalyyn's Avatar
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    They should include some penalties for players who use the feature more frequently than they should (i.e, the all too common "you're appropriately geared for this content instead of grossly over-geared, so you're getting kicked" players)

  3. #3
    honestly, instead of having the kick function, just get rid of this stupid dungeon timer thing. 15 min isn't enough to urge people to not leave groups, people do it anyways. In addition, because of said timer, people who want to leave because the group is bad or w/e just afk in the dungeon further worsening issues. The vote to kick system always gets abused, I hope SE gets it right.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Bovinity Divinity View Post
    Hm. I guess I'm happy for it. You know it'll be abused, but that's unavoidable.
    I'm not. There have been very few occurrences where I have needed to remove someone from a group. All it's going to do is encourage people to, once again, be completely silent for the entirety of a run. No more jokes about how soul collectors could outrun a Jamaican at the Olympics because that might just be racist and offend someone.

    I like it how it is now, forces you to work with what you have, makes people take your criticism seriously when you tell them that they need to work on their performance. VK is just for kicking people who gave you criticism in a way that you didn't want or whatever other petty reason it is used for that generally has nothing to do with a player being such a detriment that you cannot kill a boss.

    Perfect example: the other day I was in AK, smooth run. Get to the last boss, lost aggro on the boss, criticized one of the DPS players and they got real upset about it. Run back in, make sure the same thing doesn't happen again, everyone goes their separate ways. Did I neglect to mention it was the only wipe during the entire run?

    we got snippy with each other, but i would have been kicked if a VK feature was in at the time, just because i criticized another player. no grief, just criticism, everyone came back and did their thing and it was done. would have made a big deal out of nothing.

  5. #5
    Here is the fun distinction no one makes.

    If a player goes afk or trolls your group and you cant kick them, your group ends for not being able to continue.

    If a player goes afk or trolls your group and you can kick them, your group ends for not being able to replace the person as very few people select to join dungeons in progress.

    They need to address the issue as a whole and their little upvote crap won't work unless they put some really good things in there to make it worth it. Perhaps, allow up and down-voting. Achieve and maintain high enough rank for bonuses to gil, exp, or tombstones.

  6. #6
    The Lightbringer Razael's Avatar
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    I think the pros outweight the cons. Sure , you could potentially get kicked unfairly . Once in how many dungeons finished? 5 / 100? I say thats fair compared to the amount of people AFKing while in the dungeons i was leveling. There were too many , and i had some dungeons beaten with the clock too close to expiring because we couldn't remove the AFKer. In Halatali, Stone Vigil, Castrum Meridianum , Totto-Rak, Dzemael Darkhold and im sure im forgetting a couple. And that was only whilst leveling.

    Some of them just flat out AFK in the cutscenes, some throw a fit everytime someone says "hey dude, let the tank pull before you attack" or "target the mob with nº1 on their head" and then stand there and don't move for the rest of the dungeon , some just spontaneously decide to troll, had this tank in Sastacha, got to the last boss, starts running back to the entrance. Then he stood there. I could go on.

  7. #7
    The Lightbringer
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    Kicking every LaLaFell I group with.
    You cared enough to post.

  8. #8
    Scarab Lord Arkenaw's Avatar
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    What they need to do is make it so the kick can only be used if the person has been designated "AFK" (from no input for 5 minutes or whatever) or if the person has been offline/disconnected for more than 5 minutes.

  9. #9
    Titan Sorrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arkenaw View Post
    What they need to do is make it so the kick can only be used if the person has been designated "AFK" (from no input for 5 minutes or whatever) or if the person has been offline/disconnected for more than 5 minutes.

    No seriously this could fix the problems with it..Though frankly i find the REALLY bad players always quit anyways LOL.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Arkenaw View Post
    What they need to do is make it so the kick can only be used if the person has been designated "AFK" (from no input for 5 minutes or whatever) or if the person has been offline/disconnected for more than 5 minutes.
    That will maybe fix the people who are truly AFK. It won't fix the people who are trolling (or throwing a hissy fit) who would just keep running in circles just to not get AFK-tagged. To be honest, I hardly ever encounter either versions since I don't play as hardcore as others. But I would think that people who go AFK usually do this because of being interrupted (door, phone, bowel-movement) and will be back as soon as possible. While the latters goal is only to generate maximum annoyance and thus will find a way to do so for as long as possible.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Sorrior View Post

    No seriously this could fix the problems with it..Though frankly i find the REALLY bad players always quit anyways LOL.
    If I am afking to leech content and I know this system is in place, I am running a script to jump every 4 minutes 50 seconds.

    I constantly see this talk of abuse of the system being a potential problem, where people are getting kicked when they "shouldn't be". I have never seen it in reality in any system where a votekick happens. I think I've been kicked once in 5 years of WoW or so since the LFD came into play, whereas people have afked through CM runs atleast 10 times since I started farming there.

    The current REAL abuse is _FAR_ more rampant than the "potential" abuse from a vote to kick system, and also far more damaging. Sure, it sucks to get kicked without proper warrant; it also doesn't happen as often, and doesn't ruin the run for the majority of the players in the group (who, by the way, all agreed to kick you).

    A standard vote-to-kick with a 75% vote requirement (3/4, 6/8) and an increasing timer on vote-kicks that decreases over time without votekicks is just fine.

  12. #12
    why not just implement a feature that kick a person if he doesnt respond to a ready check? shouldnt be that hard

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Aphrel View Post
    why not just implement a feature that kick a person if he doesnt respond to a ready check? shouldnt be that hard
    Because smart people can even more easily implement a script to click on the yes button.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Arkenaw View Post
    What they need to do is make it so the kick can only be used if the person has been designated "AFK" (from no input for 5 minutes or whatever) or if the person has been offline/disconnected for more than 5 minutes.
    And what would you do when you have the person who isn't AFK, but refuses to do anything because he wants to be a dick to the rest of the group?

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Masochist View Post
    I'm not. There have been very few occurrences where I have needed to remove someone from a group. All it's going to do is encourage people to, once again, be completely silent for the entirety of a run. No more jokes about how soul collectors could outrun a Jamaican at the Olympics because that might just be racist and offend someone.
    Someone's been kicked a lot because of poor behavior, I see.

  16. #16
    Had an Ifrit HM group wipe once due to, in large part, a failed interrupt because the off-tank responsible for interrupts had a lag spike during the casting of eruption the second half of the fight. The main tank went ballistic and pulled him before everyone was ready, purposely wiping the group after we rezzed from the first wipe. He then proceeded to /sit and watch us fight the next rounds all while cursing at us, and otherwise just being a huge asshat.

    These are the people the "vote kick" feature are invented for and I cannot wait for this feature to be implemented.

  17. #17
    Old God Captain N's Avatar
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    And then there's people like DPS who want to pull for the tank - So the tank sits there and let's the DPS wipe while they survive for not being on the aggro table. Who do you kick in this instance?

  18. #18
    Hmmmm. I don't know, I've never actually had a group where a vote kick would've been warranted yet (no clue how but quite impressed with this).

  19. #19
    Titan Sorrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikesglory View Post
    Hmmmm. I don't know, I've never actually had a group where a vote kick would've been warranted yet (no clue how but quite impressed with this).
    I've only ahd one MAYBE two...But as a Warrior i AM kinda scared people will kick me JUST for being a Warrior. When ironically the ONLY time i've EVER gotten hate on my Warrior is from the WORST player i have EVER seen...I suck as a Gladiator....I suck BIG TIME as one...I dunno Warrior just feels right to me LOL.

  20. #20
    Titan Kalyyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikesglory View Post
    Hmmmm. I don't know, I've never actually had a group where a vote kick would've been warranted yet (no clue how but quite impressed with this).
    ^This. People abuse the absolute fuck out of WoW's kick system, despite (and sometimes aided by) it's many anti-abuse systems. When the option exists, people tend to kick at the drop of a hat. "You didn't buff me at the exact simultaneous moment I entered the dungeon! I only run with healers who can violate causality!" *kick*

    Meanwhile, not having the kick forces you to be more patient, and often you realize that the scrub you so desperately wanted to kick is actually learning really fast. That, or your anal anguish becomes so great that your bowels implode and you die from internal hemorrhaging. Which is fine, because people who are that impatient really don't deserve to live anyway.

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