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  1. #1

    BG que times are TERRIBLE.

    Has any other alliance PvPers noticed this? I play as Alliance on Stormrage and before the patch I've been able to enter BGs within 2-4 minutes at a time. Now ever since 7.2 and the Enlistment Bonus came into play, I can't even que into a BG before I have to go to work with the ques being 40+ minutes.

    Does anyone know if Blizzard has commented on this yet?

    This is highly unacceptable.

  2. #2
    Blizzard cannot do anything about queues if players are not actually signing up for BGs instead of doing all the new stuff that just released.

  3. #3
    Lightforged Draenei
    10+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Frankfurt Germany
    I started playing my alliance warrior this patch and bg queues are 2min on argent dawn eu. Im pretty happy with the times.

  4. #4
    Mad queues for me too. People are just doing the new pve content as it's pretty much mandatory.

  5. #5
    Had a 23min queue (Alliance EU) earlier today before getting into AV. Pretty ridiculous.

  6. #6
    Let's not forget how much imbalance there is, even more than before. Some specs are almost unkillable, others doing more damage you can respond to.

  7. #7
    PVP is in a terrible place right now. Not much else needed to say at this point. I understand why que times blow.

  8. #8
    yeah 30 min in queue for some reason in EU

  9. #9
    Notice same thing, start of Legion Ally short queue .. After 7.2 Horde short queue .. Also, the lower the rank the faster the queue .. Conclusion: Many NEW players while vets stopped queuing ..

    Any one who plays Legion PvP will stop and ask why torturer your self?!

    DH is the definition of rotation MONGO spec that goes immortal for 30sec ..
    Tanks don't die and CAN kill ..
    Warrior is the most mobile plate class with INSANE burst ..
    SV is disgusting damage ..
    DK DPS has the damage of DPS and survives like a tank WTF ..

    Then you get your occasional ranged that seem out of place like Balance who blow sh*t up so fast people be like whaaaaaa??!!

    Suggestion: Have adults design for you Blizz cause its obvious who you use now are kids with ADH ...
    Last edited by Cempa; 2017-03-31 at 05:43 PM.

  10. #10
    Ally get the 50% honor bonus so prolly horde are doing mercenary and queing up with alliance slowing the ques for alliance down.

  11. #11
    I am horde on Tich US, queue times were 30-40min earlier this week as a 5 man. Seems like solo queue was about 5-7.

    I did the mercenary contract to fight as ally and my queue time was 1-2 min.

    Also, seems like Alliance has been dominating in bgs. Not sure if that is a thing now or if it is because all Horde is queuing as Ally.

  12. #12
    Had multiple 30+ minutes ques, all of them ended up with Strand of the fucking Ancients.

  13. #13
    Eu silvermoon, since patch the queus have been unbearable

  14. #14
    Dreadlord Metallourlante's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Jun 2012
    Mega-City One
    draenor horde queues awfully long, with mercenary buff only 2-3 min so I can't complain too much

  15. #15
    I had some instant queues and some 30 minutes one on the last couple of days. Something seems wrong.

  16. #16
    All my queues have been sub-5 min on both sides, even when not blacklisting IoC and AV as alliance.

    Maybe I've been lucky!

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Cempa View Post
    Then you get your occasional ranged that seem out of place like Balance who blow sh*t up so fast people be like whaaaaaa??!!

    Suggestion: Have adults design for you Blizz cause its obvious who you use now are kids with ADH ...
    I've noticed since they have changed the range on chain lightning with shamans my ele has torn stuff up lately. I'm specd lightning poll and have full artifact traits so my overload hits harder than my actual damage. So what happens when I hit a huge herd of enemies I mow them down, considering my overload artifact trait makes it proc on each enemy hit by chainlighting.

    So you add in lightning poll and it'll cleave 40%~ or so against each person struck amplified on each rod.

    Basically this creates a shrieking sound in pvp where I literally become emperor palpatine.

  18. #18
    I don't know if this is what is going on, I am alliance US, but what ive been seeing is people saying in BG chat is that the horde are all queing up via merc mode because of that honor boost we(alliance) have atm. My que's before 7.2 were 1-3 minutes and now close 30+ mins with a few around 10 mins.

  19. #19
    I love how every blizzard solution is giving customers more...of nothing. We made shitty systems, powered by shitty gameplay, and reward people with shitty new currencies.
    People aren't playing? Increase shitty currency drops for everyone. That'll fix it.
    I do miss playing wow. Whatever this game is at this point, it's just too insulting from a consumer standpoint to continue.

  20. #20
    Templates making pvp and bg boring. There is no usefull pvp gear anymore. What is point of going to bg?

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