1. #4341
    The Lightbringer Isrozzis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Majad View Post
    I think you still get 400 to 500 RP when you hit level 5.
    I'm not sure about that. I know the garena servers do stuff like that, but not the EU/NA ones.

    I could be wrong though.

  2. #4342
    Quote Originally Posted by Isrozzis View Post
    I'm not sure about that. I know the garena servers do stuff like that, but not the EU/NA ones.

    I could be wrong though.
    I know that last year you would get X RP for free when you hit level 5. I don't know if it's still up though.

    And this was on EUW, probably EUNE too I guess. No idea about other servers.

  3. #4343
    The Lightbringer Isrozzis's Avatar
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    It's probably still there then. It's been so long since i've been level 5 lol.

  4. #4344
    are any Champs just stupid OP in pug matches? Like the ones where people mostly use the free ones?

  5. #4345
    Quote Originally Posted by Dabrix32 View Post
    are any Champs just stupid OP in pug matches? Like the ones where people mostly use the free ones?
    There are strong champions, especially some that snowball really hard (meaning that if they get a couple of kills early, they become VERY strong), but there are no "pug matches", just normal games (meaning not premade 5v5s) and the higher you get in your level, the less frequent people will pick free-to-play champions. At early levels, you just dont have such a large array of champions to pick from, so most picks will be free-to-play champions.

    Strong snowballing champions include assassins in general (AP and AD), as they have great burst and are excellent duellers. Other champions can seem op in the right hands, but that depends on the the individual player. Draven for example can seem op earlygame because of his damage output, but requires more effort than other champions to play as you have to continue to catch your axes in teamfights, while still having decent positioning, else your damage will drop off.

    So my guess would be that you are looking for some kind of assassin (Zed, Khazix on the AD side (there are other AD assassins like Talon etc, just giving you a few names) or something like Kassadin on the AP side (again, there are others)).

  6. #4346
    Fluffy Kitten Yvaelle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kilz View Post
    If you're talking about low level stuff then just pick Annie. Cheap and simple while being hard for new players to deal with and can snowball.
    I tried to get a friend to play Annie when she just started because I was thinking the same thing, but she actually struggled with it a lot - she ended up doing a lot better as Soraka and Sona, even though they are both generally more complex and less forgiving than Annie. I thought that was a strange reaction, some people are just better adapted to certain characters though IMO.
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  7. #4347
    Quote Originally Posted by Yvaelle View Post
    I tried to get a friend to play Annie when she just started because I was thinking the same thing, but she actually struggled with it a lot - she ended up doing a lot better as Soraka and Sona, even though they are both generally more complex and less forgiving than Annie. I thought that was a strange reaction, some people are just better adapted to certain characters though IMO.
    I actually went through something similar. If you think about it, Annie isn't actually as simple as she appears. She has several nuances that you must learn in order to be efficient with her, like constantly being mindful of how many passive stacks you have and being able to quickly fire off your combo while someone is in range. My friend ended up having significantly better success with Lux and Morgana.
    Answer no master, never the slave
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  8. #4348
    you shuld buy ziggs he is a lot of fun

  9. #4349
    I'm thinking of buying a new mid lane. These are the mid laners I don't have.

    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  10. #4350
    Quote Originally Posted by Pandragon View Post
    I'm thinking of buying a new mid lane. These are the mid laners I don't have.

    Ahri is a thing of beauty, no pun intended. She flows so well in and out of team fights, does SO MUCH damage, can focus either on single target bursting or kiting and AoE damage, can roam very easily and gank other lanes, can shove her own lane easily and escape any gank attempt post 6 even when over extended.

    That being said, I could not for the life of me get the hang of playing her until my mechanics reached a certain level of "decent". Now I pretty much never lose with her and can carry most of the games I play with her hard. Even when I can't carry, I always end up with a great score. She's pretty complicated, she's an assassin that rewards patience and excels on capitalizing on the enemy's mistakes, but she's very good.

    Lissandra is a pain-train of AoE damage and diving potential. She can't carry on her own unfortunately due to just not being very safe. With a team to back her up, she can roflstomp mid-game engages if she's a little fed and basically make any siege a game of "is Lissandra's ult up? RUN!". The problem with her is exactly that she excels at engaging. If you're behind, you're too squishy and have too little damage to do much in team fights. You can't really poke and your CC requires to be up close and personal with their front line. Still, even when not ahead, but on par with the enemy laner, her damage is great and all of it is AoE. She does need a team behind her though.

    Talon still destroys pretty much any squishy AP mid, roams very well, escapes very well and is just overall your baseline slippery assassin. You could say he's an AD version of Kassadin, without riftwalk. Same principles though, counters AP mids, wins trades via silence, snowballs hard, roams easily. However, he's fallen out of favour because other champs can do what he does better. People mainly pick Zed or Kha if they want an AD mid nowadays because they snowball even harder.

    Mordekaiser is not amazing unless fed past mid-game, but you have to take into account he shoves like a bastard and is very hard to push out of lane for most champs. He's a lane bully through and through and relies on comboing an enemy carry late game to stay relevant. If he can't get his combo off and get a ghost, he does some average damage, but nothing huge. His strength lies in his early and mid-game and the fact that he's a lane bully. He can also become fairly tanky, and if fed will dictate mid-game skirmishes due to his ability to 1v2, 1v3 easily. That's his big problem though, he kinda needs to be fed.

    Cassiopeia is an all around beast for both laning and team fighting... provided she's not heavily countered. Someone that can poke more easily than her, or gap close and survive her combo, or apply hard CC and go for an all in, will kill her. But if this isn't the case in lane, she has great poke and zoning ability and farms very easily. I'm not very familiar with her roaming potential. In team fights and skirmishes, she does insane amounts of damage provided she can just sit behind her front line for a few seconds and work her magic (huehue). Even so, she does have her ult for anyone who dives her blindly. She's pretty much a text-book glass cannon.

    These are the champs I knew a thing or two about, maybe it'll help you decide. I've played Ahri and Lissandra quite a bit, the others I've played less with, but more against.

  11. #4351
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    I'll grab the missing champions then, I suppose.

    Ziggs Do you love bombs? Do you love mad giggles? Do you love the combination of a huge bomb with an insane giggle? If so, Ziggs is for you. He bounces much like his bombs do. He has insane harass in between his bombs and auto attacks - assuming he has blue buff. He's insanely mana hungry, but fairly safe in lane and has quite a few nifty tricks with his satchel. He has a semi-global ult and is very good at sieging turrets. His passive works on turrets as well. He's not too great at roaming outside of his ult as he brings no hard CC and skillshot damage. This also means he has issues with people that can ignore his zone control he has through minefield. All in all, he's a blast to play (pun fully intended), but hard to really squeeze into a teamcomp if it's lacking in CC.

    Gragas Beastly burst, but he did drop off a bit. A couple doran's means you can obliterate waves. A DFG means you can obliterate squishies. Very mobile, great burst and good at shoving lanes. His ult is hit-or-miss though and for most people it'll be miss more than hit. You can very easily save their entire team through a horrible ult. Or doom yours if you ult the Amumu into your team. Until he has a few levels, he suffers a bit in mid due to being a melee mage. You really need some levels and a bit of AP before your Q starts clearing minions.

    Heimerdinger Getting a rework. Currently, a lot of people do not know how to deal with him, which plays to your advantage. Leave your lane a bit and you come back to a dead tower. Very annoying burst/poke if you're not behind at least 3 minions. You need to destroy his tower or it will not go down. Can farm without being in lane. Not at all safe in lane... unless the enemy team has never fought a Heimerdinger, in which case you will probably be able to turn poorly coordinates ganks right around. Now, if the enemy has half a brain, they won't fight you near your turrets. Or, they will simply outrange your turrets and collect the free cash from them. Lissandra can simply toss them aside. Without waddling around his slowing turrets, Heimerdinger is far less powerful. He's amazing to random into on an ARAM though.

  12. #4352
    As of 3 days ago I own every hero, finished with ziggs ^_^

  13. #4353
    I own them all as well. ziggs should not have been your last to get. for aram alone.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I have a new account to play with my gf and NA gets 400 RP at level 5 as of about a month ago.
    Quote Originally Posted by obdigore
    I've been linked pictures of anime that are already like that.
    Quote Originally Posted by whathump
    What has science done?!

  14. #4354
    Quote Originally Posted by SqueektheWeek View Post
    I have a new account to play with my gf and NA gets 400 RP at level 5 as of about a month ago.
    The free RP at level 5 has been in for quite some time now, both for EU and NA, not sure about the other servers.

  15. #4355
    Quote Originally Posted by Pandragon View Post
    I'm thinking of buying a new mid lane. These are the mid laners I don't have.

    I'd go Ahri or Ziggs. Both excel quite well, especially Ahri.
    Quote Originally Posted by Acry View Post
    As of 3 days ago I own every hero, finished with ziggs ^_^
    I'm jelly.

  16. #4356
    So my choice is either Ziggs or Ahri. uughh..I hate being indecisive. Both champions have something I like, especially Ziggs. Just something about him. I played them both when they were free. I did great with Ahri, not to well with Ziggs but I didn't understand how to play him. I knew how to play Ahri from watching other people play her. I haven't seen many Ziggs. Had one on my team the other day that just decimated the enemy team.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  17. #4357
    Quote Originally Posted by SqueektheWeek View Post
    I own them all as well. ziggs should not have been your last to get. for aram alone.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I have a new account to play with my gf and NA gets 400 RP at level 5 as of about a month ago.
    I don't really like ziggs and had every other best aram hero so it wasn't a big loss :P

  18. #4358
    So i've been looking for a new champ to play in toplane, since i have this love/hate relationship with Nasus atm, and i can't decide between Wukong and Elise. I've been playing wukong a lot this week, since he's free, and i have to say i enjoy him very much (especially the juking with his W). But on the other hand im quite interested in Elise, since she has the two forms and her rappel skill is kinda awesome. Only thing i dont really like about her, is that she obviously doesent have a "real ultimate"

  19. #4359
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Get both. Problem solved

  20. #4360
    What Duilliath said but you probably don't have enough IP for both, so get the one you feel like playing the most I guess.

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