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  1. #1

    No world PvP because of flying.

    Have you seen any flying mounts in the battlegrounds? No? NO!? What is the reason i wonder... ?

    Let me explain my point of wiev,
    PvP cant happen in the air, thats why there is no world PvP, world PvP usually happened when someone ganked someone on the ground then the victim calls his guildies and the ganker also calls for help and here we go a massive fun melee. Or when a huge horde/alliance army invaded sentinel hill/crossroads looking for trouble, this thing ended when flying mounts were included in azeroth. Well, PvP CAN happen in the air, but only if you are a druid with a parashute. Now when somebody sees somebody that could kill him-pooof-in the air making a rain of urine....

    Have u seen the beach at Twilight highlands or the zones in Hellfire Peninsula? Some flyers just circle eachother and wait for the other to shoo off, then they land, cap and run with their tail between their legs. I say they should fight to see who is worthy of capturing the point. It isnt king of the hill if both armies fly around the hill waiting for eachother to leave out of boredom.

    Flying mounts are so much fail, nevermind they are really usefull for and stuff, THEY ruined the world PvP, not the players.
    They also ruined the feel of exploring new zones while on the ground by having an option to just fly over them and see all the scenery (but its being adressed...kinda)
    Last edited by mmocd3750dc86d; 2011-10-28 at 12:30 PM.

  2. #2
    I absolutely agree with you. Lately I've stopped using my flying mount just to be able to explore the small details of the new contents and it's disturbing how much I've missed. Also, as a huge fan of world PvP I'd love to see everyone on ground mounts.

  3. #3
    Dungeon finder isnt good for world pvp aswell.

  4. #4
    There are other reasons why WPvP died. The biggest one is probably remote queues or city queues. When they made it so you could queue for a BG or dungeon without ever leaving a city, they greatly reduced the amount of people out in the world. And so, less people of the opposite faction out in the world, less chance for world pvp to occur.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Ondray View Post
    Dungeon finder isnt good for world pvp aswell.
    Groups waiting at the entrance of the instance without an intent to fight one annother usually run inside the instance to hide.
    Most of the time they dont have an intent to Pvp because they have the intent to beat the dungeon.

  6. #6
    this has already been disucussed so much. but yes, flying mounts are the one of the reason, but not the only reason. dungeon finder is part of it aswell, theres no real need for people to leave cities at the moment, unless they want to farm, but they can fly around on their dragon looking for nodes on the minimap, land, grab it then fly off again. so the same thing is gonna happen at lvl 90, as long as you can use a flying mount, world pvp is going to suck.

    ---------- Post added 2011-10-28 at 01:36 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    There are other reasons why WPvP died. The biggest one is probably remote queues or city queues. When they made it so you could queue for a BG or dungeon without ever leaving a city, they greatly reduced the amount of people out in the world. And so, less people of the opposite faction out in the world, less chance for world pvp to occur.
    hah, just reminded me of some epic battles in Arathi highlands while queueing for AV /AB. between Hammerfall and refuge camp.

  7. #7
    High Overlord SanshaT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ondray View Post
    Dungeon finder isnt good for world pvp aswell.
    I was in the deadmines yesterday farming low level mobs for cloth. I almost started to wonder why no one else was down there then I remembered we have dungeon finder now and they can just teleport down there. Gone are the days of fighting your way through mobs to get to a dungeon or fighting the enemy faction at that instance portal.

    It made me a little sad inside.

  8. #8
    the first week or so when everyone is levelling will be awesome for pvp. but then as soon as people hit 90 on thier toons it'll be back to the skies (especially to farm mats for raid gear/supplies)

    maybe there will be some sort of currency for open pvp in pandaria like there was in various zones in outland, but this time just a single currency for the whole continent and rewards for both pvp and pve that are worth the effort. even a daily 'kill X enemy players' quest for conquest points would be nice

    whatever they do, i'm working on a feral druid. while waiting for pandaria to hit i'll be getting all the pvp gear i can. that epic first week of MoP will be spent nomming on alliance
    Last edited by bobo333; 2011-10-28 at 12:59 PM.
    somebody call for d doctor?

  9. #9
    Mechagnome Yumisara's Avatar
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    Basically since dungeon finder came out, the World PvP began to end. (You can literally level a character from 1-85 without leaving the city)
    Then flying mounts made avoiding conflict easy as well.

    PvP is only exciting the first day or so of an expansion. So many people will be leveling, if one picks a fight, another joins in, and it becomes a cluster of battles. Which is why it's smart of quest as a group, or at least imo. My guild is a 25 man guild, ready for MoP, so whoever wants to pick a fight with us, that's 24 other people ready to get it started.

  10. #10
    who says you cant pvp in the air... youre just not creative enough...


  11. #11
    High Overlord SanshaT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fulmetal View Post
    who says you cant pvp in the air... youre just not creative enough...

    That video is hilarious!

  12. #12
    Mechagnome PhilCosby's Avatar
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    World pvp = nostalgia reminiscent of southshore vs. tarren mill

    that's it
    I used to like WoW. I still do, but I used to, too.
    Quote Originally Posted by urban dictionary
    Terms such as "baddie" do nothing to help remove the socially-inept, tone-deaf loser stigma stuck on gamers.
    Quote Originally Posted by Playintrafic View Post
    Does it matter? PvP matters as much as pet battles.

  13. #13
    The Patient
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    Look behind you. No, the other shoulder.
    While I really like the convenience of flying mounts, I completely agree that it's ruined world PVP. I'd think an easy fix for this could be something like a 60 sec. debuff ("Honorless Challenger" maybe?) where for 60 sec. after you last mounted a flying mount, you're not able to engage in PVP combat.

    Kind of like the Honorless Target buff, but for offense minded players?

    Heroic progression raider. Incapable of using Saran Wrap.

  14. #14
    Mind if I roll need? xskarma's Avatar
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    They talked about world PvP a bit yesterday and they said what they want to do is have a "reward" for it for maybe something like 10-15% more conquest points available each week. And also that guards won't be able to pretty much 1 shot people that invade somewhere. That should liven interest, wouldn't you think?

    But it's not flying that killed world PvP by the way. My guess is world PvP in Mists will fail just like it pretty much failed in Outland. People like to believe there is this massive amount of people that enjoy world pvp, but my guess is that there really is not. What people want is world pvp when they want it and it suits them, or else they hate it cause it interferes with their farming/trading/daily life.

    I'm going to bet that Blizz will implement it and that it will for the first few weeks have some impact and then it will start to aggrevate most of us cause it interferes with our daily doings and that's when the massive call starts to implement something to make it so 1 or 2 asshats can't ruin gameplay for a whole town of people because they spend their time constantly ganking the bank/AH and then vanishing again. You know it will happen and you'll hate it too.

    Or what about the less balanced servers, people on the less populated sides will have a horrible time of it if they are constantly outnumbered and attacked. And this is just as likely to happen on a PvE server as it is on a PvP one, cause there are always people that find it "fun" to invade and ruin the daily lives of others when they are safe in the knowledge it won't happen to them.

    My guess is Blizz will force us in to the world, give us all kinds of possibilities and options for world PvP and it will still only attract a small number of people that regularly participate in it. And I hope Blizz after Mists evaluates things and says, allright we tried and gave them what they wanted and it still didn't work; People just don't like world PvP as much as the vocal minority claims.

  15. #15
    Two main reasons really,

    First is as you say, flying mounts, however there were no flying mounts in tol barad and it still resulted in a poor world pvp environment compared to the nostalgia of isle.

    The second and probably more crucial point is an area people feel they WANT or NEED to be in, the key with isle was the server wide vendor unlocking, it ensured people wanted to be there, they wanted to do the dailys not just for personal gain, but everyone on the server did. Isle also had good nodes for farming at the time, which helped bring more people to the place.

    I would expect for a good world pvp area to be created it would follow suit or at least be largely similar to the isle paradigm.

  16. #16
    High Overlord TheRedTerror's Avatar
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    I'm going to spend the first weeks in MoP ganking people on my Rogue just for the sake of WPvP while it lasts, I'm even considering changing race to UD just to piss people off more.
    Phnglui mglw nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah nagl fhtagn

  17. #17
    if you are so horny about shitty old days then cancel your subscription, find or start an unofficially server and you can play what you like the most. This topis is so old and boring.

    Mod Edit: If you're going to post, actually respond to the topic at hand instead of telling someone to go to private servers (which are forbidden to speak of here) and ranting on about the originality of the topic. --Eternal
    Last edited by eternalwhitemoon; 2011-10-28 at 04:33 PM.

  18. #18
    World pvp = nostalgia reminiscent of southshore vs. tarren mill

    that's it
    No. World PvP is simply the unstructured PvP that occurs when players of the opposition faction fight with one another at any place, at any point in time. It occurs when people are actually out of the major cities.

    That's what player who ask for WPvP are looking for. Not TM vs SS 2.0.

  19. #19
    I personally think they should have 1 questing zone which does not allow flying no matter what. People that aren't interested in PvP could avoid it, and those that want a battle could have a blast. Blizz tries too hard to make the game easier, to the point where you can avoid everything on your drake and just fly down low, kill the mob you need them move on... or with the LFD tool, you don't even have to try to find a group. Sure its made things a lot easier, but it also sets up an environment where you just sit there in your capital city and wait for queues to pop.... which I think is less fun than the old system.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    No. World PvP is simply the unstructured PvP that occurs when players of the opposition faction fight with one another at any place, at any point in time. It occurs when people are actually out of the major cities.

    That's what player who ask for WPvP are looking for. Not TM vs SS 2.0.
    No. World PvP is simply jackasses wanting to gank lowbies who are checking their mail or questing. :P

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