1. #1

    Uncrushable Belt of Fury - Ret

    So I recently obtained a heroic Uncrushable Belt of Fury from heroic shannox, and I am curious:

    Is the massive amount of Mastery worth offsetting the loss of 42 strength from upgrading from the rep belt?

  2. #2
    Cant really say is it better and i think simming it might be a good idea. But looking at Retribution paladins from top 20 guilds and 9/10 uses it, so i think it is better.

  3. #3
    Its needed to get mastery to proc on the BoE trinket from trash, thats why its BiS if you have that trinket.

  4. #4
    Find your stat weights.
    Find out if the 42 STR is more than the Mastery or vice versa.
    Sim it to be sure.

  5. #5
    Our gear level has reached a point where Str and Mastery trades at 2:1, meaning 1 Str equals 2 Mastery.

    Heroic tanking belt from Shannox has less Str but the massive amount of Mastery it has more than off-sets these values and come out on top as the BiS belt for Ret pallys.

  6. #6
    Yes it's BiS because of what Apoc said, so you can have more mastery then crit. Been killing Shannox since week 1 of firelands and still haven't seen that pos belt drop, and 3 people need it.

  7. #7
    It's BiS regardless of trinket choices.

  8. #8

  9. #9
    I was fortunate enough to get this, main spec is prot but i am already above the CTC cap so using this instead in my ret set.

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