1. #1

    Weapon swapping macro

    Hi again MMO'ers!

    I've just encountered a new issue with my UI - I recently bought another offhand dagger for my rogue, so I now have 2x 1.40 daggers - one with the pyrium enchant and one with landslide against arena teams without disarm effects. Both daggers are the same except for the enchant and I use a simple macro to swap between them:

    /equipslot 17 Ruthless Gladiator's Shiv

    This works perfectly! However, as both those daggers are the same I have no way to know the difference unless I actually mouse over my weapon to see what enchant is currently active. I was wondering if there's a macro or lua script I can use that somehow can change the icon of a macro depending on enchant or show me the difference in a way?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    You could use the following script to determine the ItemID of your weapons with different enchants and use the ItemID to equip the weapon. Just copy the last line into your macro.

    /run local function id(s) return strmatch(GetInventoryItemLink("player",s) or "","(item:%d+:%d+):") end for i=16,17 do if id(i) then ChatFrame1:AddMessage("/equipslot "..i.." "..id(i)) end end

  3. #3
    I would use the built in equipment manager with two profiles. One for each dagger.

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