[GDKP] Ekko's Run , been doing these runs for nearly two years: ICC 11/12 Hc 25 man, FL 6/7 Hc 25 man. Current 8/8 normal DS 25 man.

The Benefits of joining this run are:

Very good players (Top 500 guilds Worldwide, 1000 guilds Worldwide, Top 10 guilds Worldwide ; when not farming new content)
Regularity : Every Saturday @ 1:15 Realm time to 18:30 (Sometimes 2 runs)
Gold earning between 20-60k per run
No need to play more than one day per week
No guild/politics necessary
Leave / Don't turn up when you want (as Long as you don't confirm yourself as coming)
Get the Loot you want ; No DKP, Loot council, etc.
25 Man more drops ; quickly gear characters.

Mumble is used for Voice Tranmission

Please Register / Check out www.ekkommo.com for more information.

Currently looking for 380 ilevel + and 8/8 normal only (7/7 Hc FL's taken into account).

