1. #1

    New 4 Set Bonus [Boomkin]

    Anyone able to do any maths on it for Raid Finder gear vs Heroic Firelands Yet?

    Also will the increase in damage make us choose Starsurge Glyph over Wrath?

    Havent really seen anything to do with it yet.

  2. #2
    no. now it's just bad not terrible, raid finder wont be better.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by axxey View Post
    no. now it's just bad not terrible, raid finder wont be better.
    You're wrong. It's bad compared to 4t12, but 4t12 is just far too strong. But raid finder gear won't be better. 397 will be though.

  4. #4
    Its really not much of an increase... @Fojos moonkin set bonuses have always been strong, it allows for us to keep up in single target fights in what we really lack pure damage and burst, t11 sick,t12 strong, t8 2 set GOD LIKE

    @ Op i think the initial maths that i saw somewhere (credit goes to them) still states that wrath will be stronger glyph with 4 set and still 4 set firelands is possibly better depending on slots (lots did not get heroic head) than normal and definitely better than raid finder.
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  5. #5
    Graylo has done some basic math for the 4 set.


  6. #6
    The new change to 10% more dmg for starsurge will definitely help up the numbers of the set bonus. I imagine wrath vs starsurge would often depend on the fight still, but it would not be uncommon i think to get 20-25s average reduced off every starfall.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by shags the penguin View Post
    Its really not much of an increase... @Fojos moonkin set bonuses have always been strong, it allows for us to keep up in single target fights in what we really lack pure damage and burst, t11 sick,t12 strong, t8 2 set GOD LIKE

    @ Op i think the initial maths that i saw somewhere (credit goes to them) still states that wrath will be stronger glyph with 4 set and still 4 set firelands is possibly better depending on slots (lots did not get heroic head) than normal and definitely better than raid finder.
    t10 4 set was lovely aswell ^_^

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