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  1. #21
    Pandaren Monk Kurdiern's Avatar
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    I wouldn't say there are any OP champs right now. There are a few very strong picks, but no champ that is just blatantly OP.

    Those 3 would be probably Kassadin, Morgn, and Tryn.

  2. #22
    I personally say Riven (top solo), rammus and morganna.

    also, sion is a better AD carry then tryndamere. dont believe me? try it...

  3. #23
    Vayne, Morgana, Riven

    Lux is pretty strong too.

  4. #24
    riven is only op if played properly but that goes without saying

  5. #25
    Sion, Akali, Gangplank

  6. #26
    At 1500 elo on EU-W I feel like the most OP champs atm is; Trynd, Udyr and Lee Sin
    Ofc there are champs like kassadin and shaco and skarner.. but those always gets banned anyways so never really see them i ranked games :b

  7. #27
    i'd say skarner and karthus tie for gold and silver... with trynd, riven, kassadin and ahri contesting bronze

    Feel free to PM me about any question you might have regarding LoL.
    Holy paladin

  8. #28
    10+ Year Old Account
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    In my head, where crazy happens.
    Depends on which ones you get together. Some might just be annoying when alone, but together they will destroy you.

    Though I play mostly Dominion. So the most hated would have to be Rammus, Lee Sin and Gangplank. I don't see one Dominion without Lee Sin.

  9. #29
    I play mostly dominion as well, and none are more annoying than Xin Zhao. He ALWAYS gets off both stuns because you are locked into the damn capture animation when he rushes->ulti->pop->exhaust->u dead.

  10. #30
    Kassadin, Karthus and Sion.

  11. #31
    Hmmm I can't really think I've seen a proper op champ for a while, can't really compare what we have now to something like leblanc on release. Just the thought of that makes me shudder.

    I've been mainly playing dominion, for me the champs that really stood our were : Volibear, Yorick and ryze.

    In summoners rift : Riven, Brand and Kennen with zhonya's

    I can't really think of a champion that's painfully op, most champions can be dealt with by playing in a certain way. I would say team comps are more important than actual champ's being op. I.e Rammus is op if he goes against a full ad team. (lame example, but still relevant)

    And I don't think akali was ever THAT op like people cried, A strong pick yes, but not op. Her main strength came from resting in her bubble while waiting for her burst to come off cd while people can't touch her. If you got into a 1v1 situation you were about as dead as getting into a 1v1 with tryn, but hey the game isn't about 1v1. I just found she died easily to tanky teams. Currently I haven't seen her much since the nerf, but before she was strong but I'd hardly say op. In dominion nobody bothered buying hextech sweeper/ lightbringer and still moaned about her killing them /shrug ^^.

  12. #32
    Kassadin - Absolutly broken, you cant kill him when he gets to level 6, and his burst is high even if he doesnt have much ap.
    Shaco - There's so many things about this guy, his boxes can counter jungle ALONE, double buff in 2 min then gank.
    I have many i would like to put 3. But i choose Riven, she will dominate top lane, doesn't matter who she's against.

  13. #33
    urrrrm, graves

  14. #34
    Leblanc, especially early and midgame. No one, and I mean no one can beat her in a 1v1. Even Riot said that technically she's the strongest 1v1.
    A good Viktor might be a bit OP in mid. The range on deathray is insane and doesn't require any sort of warning attack animation. Other than that, not really.
    I guess Riven solo top is a bit OP, but she's being nerfed, so we'll see how that works out.

    I don't really think there's any champion that's really OP, most of the time those "OP" champions are actually being played by really good players.

  15. #35
    LoL players want to see a dead kassidin so you can stop saying he is op? stick a AD against him, he cant handle it, most ad out right counter him, but then again thats
    not in the meta to have an ad mid, so most people wont even try it but hey worth a shot to get people to try out something new that works very well.

    For me the strongest champions are GP, due to his ulti nothing else really, but he is all round a strong champion in lane and in the jungle , he has a very nice E, W and the damage from Q is even nice as a tank, but his ulti in the game changer. Keenan, ulti again, the AoE stun is very strong. Lastly Vayne, easy to escape, lots of damage, add a yorick to your team and GG

    Thats my opinion, none i feel are op, all are just strong, loads will disagree with me putting gp there, more will disagree that i didnt say he was op:P.

  16. #36
    Skarner, I mean he's not OP to a point where it isn't fun anymore, but I wouldn't be surprised if they nerfed him just a bit. Constant CC, great damage (AoE), super fast, small self-heal and good sustained damage without needing any damage item whatsoever. And then DAT ULTI.

  17. #37
    Broken CHampions; Skarner/Morgana/Vayne... Vayne might be squishy but even if shes doing horrible she can still carry games with OP silver bullets.

  18. #38
    I just find Sion hard to kill, and when you build AP on him, have a tanky solo top, and a tanky jungler the majority of your team can sustain lots of damage, and ontop of that his stun + shield make him that much harder to deal with. I guess Sion isn't OP by himself, but I would rather be fighting a mage which is squishy and still easy to kill unlike Sion.

  19. #39
    Vayne and graves>insane damage with 2-3 items. and then rammus. Possibly the best initiator in the game and pretty much grants your team a free kill with OP 3 second tuants

  20. #40
    Trynd, Lee, and GP

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