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  1. #1

    When should I start saving up for runes?

    Hi, I'm kinda champion horney, I want to have alot of them, and I'm lvl 17 atm, and want to buy runes for my main champs at lvl 20 (-> Ahri, Shyvanna, Lux and Sejuani)

    Should I start saving up for runes? Because I would like to buy Akali, Fizz and Volibear with IP and maybe LeBlanc

    But since I need alot of runes for my main, is it even worth it considaring to buy the other champs?

  2. #2
    I'm actually a bit in the same boat, I really like having a few champions to choose from while playing, but at the same time, I don't want to be gimped because I have no runes later in the game. I think, because you have quite a lot of champions you play as mains, you'd be best of waiting with buying more champions. You have quite a few different ones already, so they'll take a few rune pages to fill, which will probably take some time cause it's quite costly.

    I think it also depends a bit on how you intend to play the game. If you want to focus on ranked I'd definitely say you should save up for runes, if you decide to play unranked matches only, you should be fine either way. Some people don't even think runes have such a massive influence and skill can overcome it. I guess in the end it is for you to decide.

  3. #3
    I've been saving up for a few levels now (level 19) and only have over 7k IP and I sort of regret not saving earlier, but since I love AP champs and tanks it sort of lowers what initial runes I need. So save as early as possible, and maybe hope that you like champions with similar optimum runes is all I can say so far.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Anthoren View Post
    I've been saving up for a few levels now (level 19) and only have over 7k IP and I sort of regret not saving earlier, but since I love AP champs and tanks it sort of lowers what initial runes I need. So save as early as possible, and maybe hope that you like champions with similar optimum runes is all I can say so far.
    As far as I know I gonna need 3 pages, an AD page, AP page and tank page, and I only have 3.5k IP atm, so I gonna need alot more

  5. #5
    Pretty much your own choice to when you wanna save up runes, if you would like alot of new champs to play go for it.. But runes do give a nice boost to your champ and if i suggest anything around lvl 15-17 you can start to save up.. even though you will not even be close to buy them all at lvl 20 it gives a headstart and from 20-30 you could farm the rest and get some champions now and then.. Else save up and play the free champs comming out every week if you get bored with the ones you have
    I think i used like 30k ip points on my first 2 rune pages.. but then again mostly all the runes i bought was 800+ for the small ones

  6. #6
    Main up one type, Ap or AD. get armor and magic resist yellow and blue, those are good for both.

  7. #7
    High Overlord
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    Dec 2008
    someone posted a list you need like 36,000ish ip for the basic stuff.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by yazu777 View Post
    someone posted a list you need like 36,000ish ip for the basic stuff.
    Wow... Thats alot!

  9. #9
    If you choose one route or the other like another poster suggested(AD or AP), it isn't too terrible. Truthfully, support and tanks probably want their own types. I went with magic resist and mana reg runes since most champions use those, and took a set of armor and magic reg pen runes and quints. Sometimes, a particular champion wants specialized runes (and a rune page) which makes it much harder. They make you choose early on or you have to be patient and grind them out slowly--or spend real money to avoid the grinding. But if you do so, focus on champions that are 450 or 1350, maybe one 6k one or a 3k one if you really liked them during the free week.

    If you play at least once game a day, you'll get the 150 IP boost and slowly build them up. If you really want more champions though, you could look at buying a champion pack or a few with RP. I wouldn't suggest it, but if you really don't like grinding, it is an option. One of my friends did that, but he works so much over time, he can't grind them out as easily. (Personally, I am the type, that would rather buy skins than champions.) It just comes down to patience and if you are like my friend and would rather pay for a shortcut. I am really a fan of the system because the bonus isn't that overwhelming.

    I started in November and in three months, I have all those runes, Sion, Morganna, Soraka, Sona, Vayne, Kayle, and Master Yi--plus almost 10,000 IP. With the free week champions, I really feel like I have enough variety. Last week I really liked Pant and Gangplank, and this week, I really have been enjoying Rammus, so he might be my next buy. Even the cheap champions like Master Yi or Morganna can be really powerful and let figure out who you want to play primarily.

  10. #10
    long story short pretty much every single champion needs different runes.

    you want armor/magic reist/armor penetration on garen while you want ap/mp5 on veigar. you want ap/ad on akali to trigger her passive, and you want attack speed/armor penetration on vayne to beef up the damage on silver bolts.

    long story short, it's going to cost you a lot of IP to get the runes you "should have".
    this is why you see a lot of AP with pure AP pages, a lot of AD with pure arp pages and so on. it's not necessarily bad, just means that you have to play really aggressive :P

  11. #11
    Really depends on whether or not you're trying to rating grind in ranked games eventually, or whether you just want to straight up play for fun. If you want to rating grind, start buying sets of T3 runes for your main champions now. otherwiser just go ahead and just buy all dem shiny champs =]

  12. #12
    I really would'nt buy any champions unti lvl 20 or 30 . Just rush for Tier 3 runes right away and play with the free-to-play champions. Being "new" you don't really know which champ is the best for you anyway
    Theres nothing worse than spending a lot of IP on a champ and then realizing you don't like that one or another one way more

  13. #13
    Blademaster IamSam's Avatar
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    Some basic Tier 3 runes can go a long way. I'd start saving ASAP (as long as it doesnt interfer with having fun in LoL because you don't have champions). Honestly search gooogle for "rune pages guide" and look at the 2nd result (sorry I would link but I cant yet)

    it is a great resource if your looking to save IP, it goes through all the rune setups you can use and how much they cost etc. I only found it the other week via google and i think its good anyway.

  14. #14
    Some standard pages that are good to have:
    AP page: Magic Pen (red), mana reg/lvl or flat armor (yellow), AP/lvl (blue), Flat ap (quint). Use this for your Ahri and Lux.
    AD page: Armor Pen or Flat AD* (red), flat armor (yellow), Magic resistance/lvl or flat magic resistance (blue), Armor Pen or Flat AD (quint).
    Standard Jungle page (works for most jungler in the game): Attack speed (red), Flat armor (yellow), Magic resistance/lvl or flat magic resistance (blue), Attack speed or Move Speed (quint). Use this for Shyvana.

    *Having armor pen or flat ad depends on personal preferences. If you want stronger early game and easier last hitting go for the ad runes in red and quints. If you want a bit more late game damage then go for Armor Pen.

  15. #15
    Now. Start saving now.

  16. #16
    As soon as you find a champ you like and do well with. Buy runes according to whichever playstyle you prefer (AD vs AP)

  17. #17
    I save points after get my first champion (Karthus). I get stantard runes for AP Carries.

  18. #18
    Start saving from when you start playing, 1-20 save you will get enough for all the runes you will ever need I started saving at level 18 i barely just had enough IP to buy the runes for 1 champ, I would defo say to save from lvl 1-20 and use RP to buy your champs best way to go about it tbh.

  19. #19
    Assuming you are buying runes for 410 and quints for 1025, you will need around 14k IP to fill one page.

  20. #20
    IMO runes arent "necessary", they do help obviously but try and work out what type of champion u like the most eg: ap or what ever and slowly build that page up, just go for the generic set up, eg:ap champs M pen reds mana regen yellows ap blues or wat ever.

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