1. #1

    [Retribution] Beginning of the Rotation

    Good day Paladins of Mmo-Champion!
    As the title may suggests is this topic about the first seconds of an encounter and what buttons to press.
    I am kind of new to retribution but I have done some research, so I'm not "that" bad.
    So back to topic:
    My current perception of how to start is the following:
    Prepot, Guardian of the Ancient Kings, Judgement (Long arm of the law, Judgement of the pure), Crusader Strike.
    So that should be fairly clear. However , if Divine Purpose did not proc by Judgement or Cs, do I cast Inquisition with 1 Holy Power?

  2. #2
    What I do is (Ultraxion, for example, where you can start with CS)

    Prepot - CS - Judge - filler - CS and Guardian - INQ - CS - Judge - filler - CS - zealotry + wing + Templar's verdict macro.

    Using guardian before inquisition gives him about 9 seconds to get ancient power stacks, which means when you pop zealotry and wings you have inquisition at about 26 secs (which means you won't have to use holy power to refresh it during burst) you'll have Guardian for the full duration of your burst, and yeah, that's it.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by darknessice View Post
    Prepot - CS - Judge - filler - CS and Guardian - INQ - CS - Judge - filler - CS - zealotry + wing + Templar's verdict macro.
    Well, you seem to have T13 2p already, which I don't have.
    Considering that, would it still be worth casting Inq with 2 Holy Power instead of 3?
    I don't know which is the bigger loss, casting Inq with Wings up or not having Inq up in the first ~10 seconds.

  4. #4
    Casting Inq on less than 3HP is always (and without 2pt13 almost always) dps loss. You should use fillers/CS until 3HP and then pop up Zealotry+AW and then Inquisition, CS -> TV -> filler -> CS -> TV etc. If u have 4pt12 (old one) use only Zealotry on first 3hp and use Guardian then, not at start of the fight...

    Thats ofc simple version.

  5. #5
    It's better to wait for the 3 holy power, then use Zealotry+wings+inquisition, than using inq with 1 or 2 holy power. Too short inquisition messes up your rotation too and you don't want to be refreshing Inq during your cooldowns because it's a big dps loss.

  6. #6
    well it all depends what trinlets / set bonuses you have
    I dont play in a hardcore no-lifer guild, but in a 2 days a week "hardcore" mythic guild.

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