Poll: Jarvan or Yorick best solotop?

  1. #1

    Jarvan or Yorick?

    I main solotop, and i was wondering which was better solotop. Yorick or jarvan?

  2. #2
    I prefer jarvan way better initiate and he does alot of damage even if you build tank

  3. #3
    They both have good lane sustain, Yorick being superior to Jarvan on this matter. However, I like how Jarvan can shut down enemies and generally have pretty good control over the battlefield in team fights. He's a perfect bruiser-type champion if you ask me.

    Yorick can also be VERY game-changing in team fights however. His ulti is super scary when you put it on a well-farmed AD carry and his harass is just super annoying. He'd probably be more dominant as a solo-top pick than Jarvan in most situations.

    My vote goes out to Jarvan though. I like bruiser-type champions.

  4. #4
    Yorick is imho the superior choice. His sustain and harassment power are scary, he has a very good kit and deals a lot of damage. Without jungler support, you will have a hard time against him with barely winning any trade. He is all about denying farm and slowly erode your health. There are only a few champions who can keep up with his amount of harassment and sustain. Renekton and WW are capable of that.

    Jarvan is incredibly scary in teamfights, because he can cover great distances with his combo while CCing your team initially and afterwards, head straight for your carries. His W and E make him inherirently tanky with his Q shredding the armor of your enemy and his passive hitting hard as a harassment tool. He is very fun to play, but you will need to be conscient about your role in teamfights, which is to disrupt the enemy team and deal with the carries, making him a great off-tank but a bad full tank. It is possible to win a lot of lanes by locking enemies at your tower starting 6. Personally, with bruiser champions, I never had a problem dealing with him, so I would not consider him a top tier choice at the moment. His nerfed mana regen hurt him a lot.
    True, but the difference is that in GTA3 you're only shooting (and robbing, murdering, having sex with, etc) pixels. In WOW you get the pleasure of dealing with some of the most despicable human behaviour you'll ever witness.

  5. #5
    depends on what you need or want fo lategame.
    yorick is more offensive while still being somewhat tanky, and has a very powerful ultimate.
    jarvan is more defensive with some great offensive and disruptive tools at hand.
    both can be considered offtanks and both are definitely not the easiest choice of a champ.

    your choice.
    Last edited by mmocd5f6a5c456; 2012-02-18 at 03:11 PM.

  6. #6
    Yorick is very solid. No champion truly beats him in lane. Udyr and Warwick can lane against you without much trouble, Trundle comes close. So as you can probably tell, a very solid pick. Jarvan however has mana issues and loses top to many champions. I've never once lost a lane to J4, although that might be because i have laned against so few. Yorick on the other hand just forces me to either pick WW or go without farm.
    Signature by Tacy :]

  7. #7
    Yoric is way stronger in top lane. Not talking about damage output here, but the way he can zone out the opponent and still get all the last hits. I main Riven top and I hate playing against Yoric! He makes you choose to either go for farm and then take damage or try to harrash him out of the lane(in which case you also take alot of damage). Yoric is a truck top lane, he gets my vote 100%.

  8. #8
    I always love to play Nasus againt Yorick, free Q farm <3

  9. #9

  10. #10
    If it were over-all, I'd say Jarvan. He's hella strong as a jungle, but he has serious mana problems without lots of early blue buffs.

    But Yorick is basically solo top personified. Just get manamune and let your ghouls harass the enemy into oblivion.

  11. #11
    Yorick. There is no way a Jarvan can out sustain or out harass a Yorick. Plus even if Jarvan is fed, Yorick's ult on the ranged carry makes it 6v5. The only reason to NOT play Yorick is if the enemy top lane is Trundle or Nasus.

  12. #12
    I voted jarvan cos I like him more than Yorick.
    But ITT: Yorick es #1

  13. #13
    Yorick is really fun.
    But with Jarvan U could yell "DEMATIAAAA". 100% epic.
    By the way, Ahri is a great counter to yorick and jarvan top. Like vladimir before nerf.

    Edit :
    Isnt Yorick the the character the least used of the game ?
    ( We should not talk about eveylynn ).

  14. #14
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Twitch is probably used less than Yorick.

  15. #15
    I am not an amazing LoL player, but I've kind of found a niche as solo top. Jarvan was one of the first I tried out, and while he's very solid I recently got Yorik and all I can say is...jesus. He's now my favorite champion. This guy can sit in his lane literally forever. For the purposes of solo top, Yorik 100%.

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