1. #1

    do you agree with UK gamers about CoD:BO having the best ending?

    a few moments ago, Totalbiscuit posted a link on his twitter feed on a poll conducted by the guinness world records 2K12: gamers edition concerning the games with the best ending. http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/gaming/n...me-ending.html

    in this poll, Call of Duty: Black Ops was voted the game with the best ending, a rather controversial opinion.

    Firstly, what do you call "the ending"? do you just mean the final cinematic? in that case, Portal 2, Arkham City, Assassin's creed 2, brotherhood and revelations, and even Mass effect 1 are also decent contenders. hell, even the cutscene at the end of the lich king fight could qualify. do you mean the best final level? what about Mass effect 2, Warcraft 3: TFT, Half Life 2 and even vanilla WoW (kel'thuzad) and TBC (Vashj, Kael'thas, Illidan, Kil'jaeden)?

    personally, i haven't played Black ops, so i'm not quite sure on this. however, i do know that there are a lot of games out there with a better story. and reading through the comments, i'm fairly sure that i'm not the only one with this opinion.

  2. #2
    i didnt think the ending was that good tbh. it was different to other CoDs, but wasn't spectacular.

  3. #3
    well, this wasn't just about best ending of the CoD games, but of the best ending of ALL the games. ridiculous, honestly.

  4. #4
    I liked it because it had the Rolling Stones in it. What else could you possibly need?

    But in all serious-ness. I did quite like the CoD:BO ending, but I'd certainly say that other games did have better endings. ME:1 as you mentioned was bloody epic.

  5. #5
    lol that list. seriously, some "real" gamers must have put that up^^
    I am happy that Activision tried to do something story-wise, but it wasn't the best, it wasn't even good, it was okay.
    True, but the difference is that in GTA3 you're only shooting (and robbing, murdering, having sex with, etc) pixels. In WOW you get the pleasure of dealing with some of the most despicable human behaviour you'll ever witness.

  6. #6
    The problem is that, for alot of people i probably is the best ending they have seen in terms of gaming, they cant vote on games they havent seen to be honest, also cant agree with god of war 1 been there, the ending wasnt to great on that game in my opinion, but MW2 been there is insane, even a person who only played mw2, would probably not be able to bring themselfs to vote for it lol. A well thats the opinion of the people who voted, but calling its the greatest ever is laughable to say the least

  7. #7
    I don't even remember the ending so I guess that means it didn't stick with me. Most gamers only play COD so that is obviously the only thing they will ever vote on.

  8. #8
    This really isn't that different than when people voted Titanic or Transformers 2 best movies of all time respectively.

    Mass popularity of the times.

    Call of Duty is outrageously popular.

  9. #9
    The Lightbringer inux94's Avatar
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    Call of Duty is popular, if Guiness didn't reward a popular title that record then people would whine if ie. games like Warhammer 40k or Saints Row: The Third won the prize.
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  10. #10
    Old God Grizzly Willy's Avatar
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    The ending if I recall correctly was very much "America, fuck yeah!", at least in tone. The last thing you see are battleships with American flags and jets flying overhead. And that's after going to a secret underwater numbers base to prevent sleeper cells implanted within the country from activating. I'll admit that the story was interesting, but it's nowhere near the best.

  11. #11
    Id have to say it was one of my favorites in the cod series but favorite all time? IMO I would have to disagree.

  12. #12
    Stood in the Fire Majik8ball's Avatar
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    This is a joke. CoD:BO has the best ending of any CoD game (As difficult as that is to do) But out of every game, it's not even in the top 20 IMO. It was decent. Not great.

    Best Endings IMO:
    Mass Effect 1
    Red Dead Redemption
    Zelda: Twilight Princess
    Portal 2
    Fable 1
    Guild Wars: Nightfall
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  13. #13
    Immortal Clockwork Pinkie's Avatar
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    The world is in a whole zombie craze right now. With JFK, Nixon and Castro having guns locked and loaded about to fight off some zombies, yes, I'd say the world thinks it has the best ending, it was indifferent. But not the greatest, maybe of the CoD franchise, but not of all time. Best ending for me would be ME:2, got me pumped for a game that is finally getting released in little less than a month now. Eeee :3

  14. #14
    Herald of the Titans Kuthe's Avatar
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    The ending was terrible, but so was the game.
    Now I'm not just hating on the game, I play CoD multiplayer a little, but the campaigns are all the same, shoot, kill, stab/choke/drown the last boss with an button. and then its GG.
    There are much better game endings out there, so much better.
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  15. #15
    Stood in the Fire Bloodydemize's Avatar
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    neither of the mass effects were on there? i loved both their endings..

  16. #16
    Probably the most important thing to remember: Black Ops sold a disgusting amount of copies. Like, obscene numbers. So you have that disgusting, obscene base to draw from, larger than any other game on that list last I remember.

  17. #17
    If there is any sign the world is coming to an end in 2012 it would be this...

    In all honesty I think the only reason it's got that reward is because the people voting on it didn't know better endings from other games and knowing the players (mainly from my dad) they don't play other games besides CoD or similar games.
    Totalbiscuit said it himself in one of his mailbox videos that public vote is both the fairest and unfairest voting system cause it's purely a popularity contest and what's the most popular game series at the moment? Yes CoD...heck it could probably win a "best RPG game of all time" reward if it was an option despite not being a RPG.

  18. #18
    Warchief Torched's Avatar
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    I don´t even remember the ending of Black Ops..... I HIGHLY doubt its even close to the best ending ever.

    Saw in the comments on that article that 13k people voted for BO.... are they seriously going to put that kind of shit voting into the World record book? that´s just pathetic.
    Last edited by Torched; 2012-02-10 at 06:39 AM.
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  19. #19
    The Lightbringer inboundpaper's Avatar
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    The ending was rather satisfying. But best ending is far to subjective for this sort of poll.
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