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  1. #1

    Why do people refuse to surrender even when they're being severely outmatched?

    I admit I'm not the best player ever as I'm still new and learning, but I see it all the time. I'll be on a team where we're absolutely being destroyed. A half hour in and they're up by our base and we've only taken down 1 of their turrets and they have 3 times as many kills as us, and yet someone on our team repeatedly denies the surrender.. Is it a pride thing or do they just genuinely enjoy wasting peoples time? I mean when you're being outplayed that bad there's really no chance of coming back unless someone on the other team DC's or something..

    Or is there some kind of penalty for surrendering that I don't know of?

  2. #2
    The Lightbringer Primernova's Avatar
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    Same thing has happened in BGs forever the, "let them win!" paradox. Once the team strats giving up, you have two choices. If you are there because you like PvP, that player will generally just run around and farm kills but generally not try to flip objectives, just hunt stragglers, this is how I tend to do it. Or the player can just afk until the loss.

    I think you may be seeing the first kind of behavior. Either way, if they are obviously just holding enough ground to farm kills, it's time to stop. So if anyone wants to run around like rambo, just make sure they aren't doing anything to drag a match out.

  3. #3
    Because i have won countless games where from early to late we get dominated and i have to reject like 5 requests to surrender and still after 60min WE win the game.
    I have been in alot of games where we can turn it around.

    Last game was yesterday vs a fed shaco and pll dont know shaco just sucks whene we all hit lvl 18 and we got a ace. We pushed till there mid inhibitor then got baron and after a other 20min we won the game we should have lost.

    Once we where pushed back in our base i played kayle and my friend xin shao. They attack us with baron buff but they attack xin. I used my ulti (shielding him from any dmg for 2.5 sec). We aced them. We ran straight to there base. Just me and my friend. Got down 1 tower + inhibiter then he ran to there nexus ignoring the 2 towers (we where lvl 18). It was at 50 % hp whene the rest of the team spawned back. I shielded him again for 2.5sec and he finished it.

    The best games are the games you are not supose to win.. but because you refuse to give up (and pll get cocky), you win.

  4. #4
    When the enemy team starts telling my team to surrender at 20 i will refuse to do so. If they just outplay and don't get smug about it, I don't mind surrendering at all, but as the above posters have mentioned, a game is never completely lost.

  5. #5
    The Lightbringer Axethor's Avatar
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    When it's 30 - 10 and the other team is in my base with most/all of their team fed, I hate it when people don't surrender. I almost never initiate a surrender on the slight chance we can win. I'll even deny surrenders if I'm pushing with someone else and getting kills. If I'm surrendering, you know their's no hope, because I'm the guy that will gladly initiate a fight if it means we can pull a win from nowhere or deny the other team for another 30min just to spite the guy on the other team who says he has to leave in 5min.

  6. #6
    Theres only few times i'll surrender. Cause I have turned countless games around, with some sweet CC. The perfect Ashe arrow, or riven stun.

    If im in a streetfight - im usually not that lol, BUT IF, i was and this guy was much bigger and stronger than me, i know he have a weakness and i know the can fall. I'll never give up.

  7. #7
    Just because you think its a lose doesn't mean its actually a loss. Just because you surrender doesn't mean that the rest of the team wants to surrender.

  8. #8
    i hate those db's that scream around in bgs and tell me to give up already.. what kind of man would give up just like that?

  9. #9
    The Lightbringer Nurvus's Avatar
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    I have never voted yes on a surrender.
    If I lose, I wanna lose because my nexus is destroyed.
    It's not about pride, it's not stupidity.
    It's fairplay. And I hope my opponents do the same for me.

    1 - If you are severely outmatched, then you won't wait long before losing.
    2 - If a teammate left/disconnected, you will wait even less before losing.
    3 - You should learn to adapt and attempt to overcome disadvantage if you ever plan on playing Ranked.
    4 - When someone is winning, they want to enjoy it - not have the opponents give up. So don't do to others what you wouldn't want done to you.
    5 - If you are satisfied with the enemy surrendering when you have the advantage, you should think about why you even bother playing a competitive game.
    Why did you create a new thread? Use the search function and post in existing threads!
    Why did you necro a thread?

  10. #10
    I simply hate quitters. Games can be changed.

  11. #11
    Just because YOU think you cant win does not mean that you actualy cannot win. people can always throw games.

  12. #12
    Unlike 99% of the playerbase, I play LoL for fun, not win. Nothing is more fun than trying to push away your enemies from your base, even with the odds severely against you.

  13. #13
    Obviously, because it's a PVP game and nothing more. The base impulse is not for rich gameplay. The impulse is to slug it out. Thus people simply have fun fighting.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by lopk View Post
    Unlike 99% of the playerbase, I play LoL for fun, not win. Nothing is more fun than trying to push away your enemies from your base, even with the odds severely against you.
    Sweeping generalizations aside I like playing for fun victory is a secondary goal (I'm not making money or anything off of this so who cares?) Besides there are all sorts of turn arounds in this game.

  15. #15
    iv won plenty of games where we've been behind before with 1 idiot just hitting surrender as much as he can.
    its not over till its over.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Hellash View Post
    I have never voted yes on a surrender.
    If I lose, I wanna lose because my nexus is destroyed.
    It's not about pride, it's not stupidity.
    It's fairplay. And I hope my opponents do the same for me.

    1 - If you are severely outmatched, then you won't wait long before losing.
    2 - If a teammate left/disconnected, you will wait even less before losing.
    3 - You should learn to adapt and attempt to overcome disadvantage if you ever plan on playing Ranked.
    4 - When someone is winning, they want to enjoy it - not have the opponents give up. So don't do to others what you wouldn't want done to you.
    5 - If you are satisfied with the enemy surrendering when you have the advantage, you should think about why you even bother playing a competitive game.
    This, and I might add that I _HATE_ it when the opponents surrender before the end. Why not play a match to the end, good grief? This annoys me to no end. In the normal queues, people surrender too easily.

  17. #17
    Mmmaybe "Man, this is going to be tough," and "There's absolutely no way," aren't the same thing. Maybe.

  18. #18
    Field Marshal Drush's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ellesarr View Post
    Just because YOU think you cant win does not mean that you actualy cannot win. people can always throw games.
    This is so true.
    Never give up is an admirable mentality. Sure 5vs1 wouldn't be that efficent but you NEVER know. Simple as that.
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  19. #19
    There's nothing more I hate in LoL than when my team surrenders while I still feel like we have a chance of winning. Perhaps I'm just very optimistic but many, many wins occur after we've declined a surrender vote or two.

    And even if we clearly are losing, playing defensively is a fun aspect of LoL too. It's so rewarding when you push back up from having been the underdog to gaining upper hand - even if it's only temporary.

    I truly can't understand the mentality of people who want "quick easy 20 minute games". Where's the fun in that? You don't have to win to have fun, even if winning is a lot of fun.

  20. #20
    Legendary! Thallidomaniac's Avatar
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    Because people have pulled off a Tebow by making epic comebacks from games that looked all but lost. Or they won because the other team pulls a Romo and chokes enough for you to get an easy win. Not to mention the fact of if you're going to give up anyway, why would you play a game to begin with?
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