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  1. #521
    Quote Originally Posted by Blackarthas View Post
    Man, how bad was that Zed in your last game?

  2. #522
    Been playing on a lv.14-16 with my friend to rush him to 30 because he's a new player. Doesn't seem like people at these levels know how to handle Ahri.

    Also, this on my main in 2011. Guy left at the start of the game on my team.

  3. #523

    Awwwwwwww Yeah.
    Nearly had a penta, scumbag defile killed me literally 100 range away from the other Zed.

  4. #524
    So being on a massive losing streak for a week or 2 now, I decided to bring up some of my other champs back up again. Always used to jungle Rengar, wasn't a massive fan. This time I went for solo top Rengar.

    The 1 loss is because our WW jungle never connected and our botlane thought it would be funny if Cait was support and Sona AD. It wasn't. GP support like 8 kills in 6 minutes? Sure.

  5. #525
    Stood in the Fire razisgosu's Avatar
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    Fuwa Fuwa Time
    Gonna miss being able to do this once they change Tiamat.

  6. #526
    Bought shyvana a couple of months ago, it was horrible. I was so, so bad.

    And the last normal game i had to go jungle, and i was like what the heck let's give shyvana another shot. This is what happend.

    A fun game indeed.

  7. #527
    omg I just had the best game as TF I have ever had.

    I know 8/7/8 isn't very impressive, but what made this game awesome is what happened during it. It's one of those games I wish I could have recorded. I normally jungle/top/mid, but those spots got called quick. I don't bot cause I dislike fighting for cs. But the other bot was gonna be support Janna, so I stayed and went with the only ADC capable I have. Twisted Fate. We load into the game and Janna doesn't, and never did. The game was 4v5, and I was bot vs Kogmaw and Zed. I thought this was gonna be a crap game. 10 mins into the game I'm 1/0, killing Zed, after forcing Kogmaw back to base by spamming Blue/Gold cards on him when he goes for a poke. 20 mins in and my bot turret is still up. I was dodging Artillery shots, and Shurikans like no ones business. I was around, 5/2/3 by 20 mins thx to the nocturne we had ganking, and my ult letting me hop to mid when our fid would over push and lee tried to gank him. Kog'maw and Zed kept throwing skillshot after skillshot at me and I dodged them all, and always landed gold cards on them. I had to take a 10 min break after that game cause I couldn't believe it.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  8. #528

    So this game i decided to do some ranked... So we need a jungler and seeing the enemy team have karthus i pick Elise due to the fact she is actually a pretty good counter if you did not know... I went jungle as usual with my hybrid build. So i start out do my usual thing and i gank every time i can (Like 5 times every lane within a few minutes... Every single time i just rack up kills for my teammates and get some myself aswell. Then i start killing Jax in the jungle and things get quite nasty.

    Just like TF used to be... She is so underrated due to her squishy lategame... She is the best ganker right now i would say.

    Also i had an awesome Olaf game. First one with him for a few months.. Felt good running through their team and obliterating their carries...

  9. #529
    My first game with Mundo. I like him.

    During the match around...30 mins Xin and I were 2 manning them. 2v3, 2v4 mostly, and winning. Either killing them, or 2 of them and the rest run away. I said in all chat "rofl, I'm an immoveable object, and Xin is an unstoppable force."
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  10. #530
    Elemental Lord Duronos's Avatar
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    In the jungle
    4th game as Nocturne jungle... I played 1 game with him in normal in the jungle and thought I was ready to play him in ranked. Needless to say I owned all 3 ranked games with him and this was my 3rd ranked match with him.

    ---------- Post added 2012-11-21 at 01:15 PM ----------

    Just explaining what I've been doing.
    Hey everyone

  11. #531
    Back on a massive killing streak the last few days.

    Didn't play Mundo and Janna in months, never really played Diana mid a lot either but it seems to work pretty damn fine.

    The Janna game was probably the best, earning me 4 teamwork and 3 honorable opponent or something. I've never had that happening before. Me and Ashe started so bad at bot, after trying to save our Shyv jungler at red etc. I died botlane and was still lvl 1 when their Blitz was 3 and Cait was 4. It wasn't looking good .. at all. But for some reason we started winning teamfights quite well and if I may say, my saves, shields, knockups, slows and different uses of her ulti were just fricking epic. I've played support a fuckload in my LoL career, but rarely the enemy team says you, the passive, support just won the entire game. Oh what a game it was. A shame I didn't get the Victorious Janna skin. =(

  12. #532
    Quote Originally Posted by Duronos View Post
    4th game as Nocturne jungle... I played 1 game with him in normal in the jungle and thought I was ready to play him in ranked. Needless to say I owned all 3 ranked games with him and this was my 3rd ranked match with him. snip

    Just explaining what I've been doing. snip
    Better go and buy Eternum Nocturne-

  13. #533
    Decided to play Warwick again. Faced the best Jax in the whole world!!

  14. #534
    Picked up Leona 2 days before this game happened: Lasted 58 minutes.

    SW:TOR - Jedi Covenant (US East) Lvl 50 Toons: Akie (Ptech) / Rellyn (Sorc) / Raelor (Mara), Miya (Op) / Reirin (Sage)
    League of Legends - NA Server - Elrendor
    Guild Wars 2 - Sorrow's Furnace (NA) - Ryn Firestorm / Akee Bloodbringer

  15. #535
    Legendary! Firebert's Avatar
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    Crazy AP Sona build... lots of fun though.
    37 + (3*7) + (3*7)
    W/L/T/Death count: Wolf: 0/1/0/1 | Mafia: 1/6/0/7 | TPR: 0/4/1/5
    SK: 0/1/0/1 | VT: 2/5/2/7 | Cult: 1/0/0/1

  16. #536
    First time vlad, I guess is not gonna be always so easy

  17. #537
    Wooooooooooooo got my first penta kill in a pvp game, also got a quadra.

    "Would you please let me join your p-p-party?

  18. #538
    Is Soraka really frowned upon in Ranked? As in a totally awful pick? 'Cause:

    I tore it up as her

    ne porvivajo nur mortigi tempo

  19. #539
    I've been playing with my level 30 friend against other 30s since hitting 20 so I'm not used to dominating as much as I did against people my level, this is the best Lux game I've had in a while. Felt good, especially since we weren't dominating the whole match. We were something like 22/17 in our favor before we started rolling. Getting 0 deaths as someone as squishy as lux feels so good.. especially when you're also going silly high damage on a champ that generally has relatively low damage.

  20. #540
    Quote Originally Posted by Pvt Hudson View Post
    Wooooooooooooo got my first penta kill in a pvp game, also got a quadra.

    If I find out where you live and murder you do I get your skin?

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