1. #1

    Draft pick: People suck

    Playing draft pick is no difference from playing blind pick here on EU NE.

    It seems every fucking game I get people who just decide on their summoner from the start, say nothing in chat then just insta lock (insert whatever summoner who can get easy kills of noobs). I do not claim I am very good at this game, but why do people go draft pick if they have no intention of going for a proper setup. I am willing to play any role, I actually like playing support, but I rarely get to since the average team consists of 3 solo top heroes and 2 AP carries. The other day I was the fifth choice, I chose support since it seemed like the 4th pick was going kog maw, but then in the last second he swapped to Katarina, making me completely useless.

    I don´t see the benefit of queing draft if you are just gonna insta lock master yi and ruin it for the whole team.Why do people do this?

  2. #2
    Ranked today: Last pick begging us to let him/her play mid.
    Being a nice guy I say ok ...
    The enemy team picked: Galio, Soraka, Kog'maw, Nocturn and Irelia...
    Guess what she/he picked.... KATARINA ....

    0-6-0 ... early game... nuff said ....

    Mid game... every ulti she/he poped ... one of this things happened. Galio - ulti, Soraka - silence, Nocturn - fear, Irelia - stun.

    My point is, if thinks like this happen in ranked.... be sure you will see them in normals. x 2

  3. #3
    Well that doesn´t make me look forward to ranked much, I really need to get a team :/

    It seems that everytime you get a shit team the opponents have a perfect setup.

  4. #4
    Ive never understood this either. If you wanna play what you wanna play, play blindpick. You cant use the argument that you want to counter pick either, because people will allways insta lock whatever they wanna play no matter what the enemy has.

    As for looking forward to ranked, its no better. The first few matchmaking placement matches(10-15) was the worst games Ive ever had in league. People were so redicolously bad, if their champ got banned(Ie people who have mained Shaco from 1-30) they would feed all 3 lanes and then go afk. Im not the best of players, and I couldnt carry 3-4v5s and ended up at 1k elo. Now, I no longer play rated, because the people there are so epicly retarded.

    Before I hit 30, I couldnt wait to leave blindpick and hit up rated. Now all I play is blindpick. And I usually win, unless duo qued with my irl buddies LOL

  5. #5
    If you want to actually enjoy playing LoL, skip ranked. It is not worth the pain.

  6. #6
    I just hit 30 and decided to go and doing some draft matches because i figured "these people got to at least know how to pick champs".......wrong

    Wanna know how hard it is to get a support when I pick Vayne, Well I will tell you....freaking stupidly hard. Then to actually get a support that does not steal cs or (in this case for soraka) spam her aoe like crazy, making my job difficult. Come on people, this is a fairly easy game, I used to put up with people derping in WoW because of how little the game teaches you how to play it but..in LoL..come on people, come on. I just want a game where everyone on my team is decent, not Gods of League..but decent, just no feeding, please ?

    Pretty please with sugar on top ?

  7. #7
    On EUW once you're above about 1300 rating (not difficult) then it's pretty fine. People argue and bitch about wanting their specific role or champ, but that's about it.

    But let me tell you, as someone who regularly plays support, anyone who refuses to play support doesn't deserve to get their spot. What if all 5 of you would prefer to play something that isn't support? What makes YOU such the special unique snowflake that it's everybody else's responsibility? That's the only thing that pisses me off in ranked.

    I got up to 1500 during and just after placements, only to have trolls bomb me down again (players who are just bad can sometimes be carried if you don't suck, people who go out of their way to lose the game can't be).

  8. #8
    I guess this is only a NA problem with solo tops, but I made a smurf account to see if I could indeed get out of "ELO Hell" (1550 on my main, which is still really low)

    Anywhere from 800-1200 is literally the worst experience I've ever had. Everyone instantly announces solo top as soon as the que pops. occasionally (if your lucky) you will get someone who is like fine, I'll play mid or AD carry. but I'd say half the time they just lock solo top regardless so it looks like this:

    Garen, Irelia, Nasus, Ashe, Ahri.

    Oh cool set up guys, how is this gonna work? Support Nasus is 0-6 at 20 minutes? This was fun thanks!

    One tidbit of advice- I have successfully gotten to 1242 as of this weekend, maybe its due to luck I don't know- but just play support. Lock in support immediately, play a good babysitter like soroka, and usually you can pull it out. I'm like 15-3 with her over the past week, but then again it might just be luck.

  9. #9
    I played draft mode once. We had first pick and the person insta-locked Caitlyn.

    Then I quit.

  10. #10
    Herald of the Titans kailtas's Avatar
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    Ranked is much more enjoyable if you find a friend who is willing to play any role as it is much easier to get 3 ppl to play 3 different roles.
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  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Needonboots View Post
    But let me tell you, as someone who regularly plays support, anyone who refuses to play support doesn't deserve to get their spot. What if all 5 of you would prefer to play something that isn't support? What makes YOU such the special unique snowflake that it's everybody else's responsibility? That's the only thing that pisses me off in ranked.
    You are missing the fact that some people just can't play support roles. On any game. Is like asking someone who just got their piano to play Fur Elise. Yeah, I know is a bad example, but that's what it looks like when you see them playing.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Dupin View Post
    You are missing the fact that some people just can't play support roles. On any game. Is like asking someone who just got their piano to play Fur Elise. Yeah, I know is a bad example, but that's what it looks like when you see them playing.
    I think i'm just going to go support everygame because i believe that the LoL Gods just do not want me to master vayne because every time i pick her(and i love to play her) I get a bunch of morons, i mean i know my win count is very low because of just how dumb some people are but, I think i have no choice, if people just refuse to play the game I either have to play jungle or support every game because idk any other role that just control the game that much.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Dupin View Post
    You are missing the fact that some people just can't play support roles. On any game. Is like asking someone who just got their piano to play Fur Elise. Yeah, I know is a bad example, but that's what it looks like when you see them playing.
    People that can't play support roles is just a bad excuse. Most people play so they can potentially shove their high K/D epeen ratios post-game. People don't get that having a support on their team GREATLY increases their chances of winning.

  14. #14
    ...you guys are fully aware that you don't necessarily have to run a solo top / support/ad carry bot strat, right?

    I think people try to conform to the "omgz team X is doing this, so must we!" kind of mentality.
    guess what? you don't have voice coms. you can't coordinate ganks even remotely successful. chances are that you won't even have an ad carry that knows how to properly farm.

    so no, you don't have to "get that awesome support", or force Sona to play flash/clairvoyance.

    if you truly want a "super comp team" then go get 4 friends and play with skype/vent/whatever, don't force people just playing the game for mainly fun to play something they don't want to.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by adimaya View Post
    ...you guys are fully aware that you don't necessarily have to run a solo top / support/ad carry bot strat, right?

    I think people try to conform to the "omgz team X is doing this, so must we!" kind of mentality.
    guess what? you don't have voice coms. you can't coordinate ganks even remotely successful. chances are that you won't even have an ad carry that knows how to properly farm.

    so no, you don't have to "get that awesome support", or force Sona to play flash/clairvoyance.

    if you truly want a "super comp team" then go get 4 friends and play with skype/vent/whatever, don't force people just playing the game for mainly fun to play something they don't want to.
    Not true at all. By simply having a reasonable comp, you improve everyone's early game potential significantly. It won't always work (i.e. when people like you refuse to be optimal) but it gives the team a much better chance at victory, especially vs non-standard gimicy comps.
    It's called Bloodlust not Heroism.
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  16. #16
    That reminds me of the "Are junglers required" or "Can I play Rammus in lane" threads. Technically true a team doesn't need a jungler or can play Rammus in lane- doing so is often to the detriment of the team.

    Also part of the reason draft mode is played is so one can organize a team composition. If one wished to not play a meta-game, normal/blind pick is fine.

  17. #17
    My experience with draft pick on NA is a lot better than blind pick. Generally people try to make a good team comp while in blind pick, you play what you want.

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