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  1. #161
    Quote Originally Posted by Kromus View Post

    EG. 1 Trinket could go to 8 people if they roll right?
    Example scenario:

    -Boss dies
    -Boss loot table contains 3 items (rogue belt, mage trinket, hunter bow)
    -All 25 players automatically 'roll' for loot
    -Game decides only 9 players will win something, the other 16 win nothing
    -The 9 winners are 3 mages, 3 priests, 2 hunters and 1 rogue.
    -All 3 mages win the trinket, the 3 priests win gold because the boss doesn't drop loot for priests, the 2 hunters get the bow and the rogue gets the belt

    I maybe wrong, but I think this is accurate.

  2. #162
    "Tri-spec is off the table for the foreseeable future." thank you blizzard! please, continue to ignore the whiners in this regard.

    "Humans and Orcs are next on the list after dwarves for character model updates." Lame. Imo Tauren should have been RIGHT UP THERE for model updates. they need them desperately.

    "Before Wrath of the Lich King came out, less than one percent of the playerbase actually experienced Sunwell." Good. Imo LFR should be only the previous tier. current tier should be hard, and it should exclude bad players. No, i diddnt raid Sunwell. though i did raid black temple.

    "Blizzard has talked about turning Jaina's hair all white because of the shock, and her becoming this very violent and dangerous mage." Can we kill her too blizzard? pleasepleaseplease?

    "Garrosh has become corrupted and has been doing some really nasty things beneath Orgrimmar." Good, more reason to off this loser. What a crappy npc, leader and storytelling device.

  3. #163
    Perma tree form is back?!Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!

  4. #164
    It's amazing that they had to develop this looting system because of the number of spoiler players out there. I know some people still playing tell me they get griefed all the time by players already wearing the items and they need the items purely to give to their friends, DE, vendor, or just be jerks. I never felt the LFR was meant for guilds looking for a few more because it is 25 man and easy mode. Guilds typically will do the current content in normal or heroic mode, right? And the majority of guilds out there are doing 10 man anyhow, so this system was ripe for being abused. You can't tell me they designed it with the intent of allowing guilds or friends farm gear at the expense of others, that is simply not how they do things at Blizz. It was another exploit developed by the community.

  5. #165
    Quote Originally Posted by Coldrage View Post
    Example scenario:

    -Boss dies
    -Boss loot table contains 3 items (rogue belt, mage trinket, hunter bow)
    -All 25 players automatically 'roll' for loot
    -Game decides only 9 players will win something, the other 16 win nothing
    -The 9 winners are 3 mages, 3 priests, 2 hunters and 1 rogue.
    -All 3 mages win the trinket, the 3 priests win gold because the boss doesn't drop loot for priests, the 2 hunters get the bow and the rogue gets the belt

    I maybe wrong, but I think this is accurate.
    I think it's more like:
    -Boss dies
    -all 25 players pray to the loot wizard
    -9 prayers answered: A tank, 3 heals(1 sham 1 druid 1 paladin), 3 ranged dps and 2 melee
    -Game sifts through boss loot table for appropriate gear
    -Tank gold(or a teir token) because there's no tank loot, heals all get healing mace, 1 ranged gets a staff 2 ranged get rings, rogue gets a hat, DK gets shoes.(all based on the available loot from the boss)

    My bad, we're saying the same thing, yours just assumes only those items exist.
    Last edited by Leare315; 2012-03-20 at 05:12 PM.

  6. #166
    A new minor glyph that changes a druid's aquatic form into a Orca has been added.
    If Guild Wars 2 wasn't on the horizon I would resub in a heartbeat!

  7. #167
    •Garrosh has become corrupted and has been doing some really nasty things beneath Orgrimmar. I read that and curiousity set it so I went exploring and realized that behind his chair is what appears to be a closed door. I'm thinking that is where he is going and can't wait to see if I'm correct and also what these nasty things are. Garrosh is not my warchief he does not have my respect.

  8. #168
    •Garrosh has become corrupted and has been doing some really nasty things beneath Orgrimmar.
    Ok, guys! Ragefire Chasm is the last raid of MoP.

  9. #169
    First, other players will not affect your loot in any way. Another player winning will not cause you to lose. Another player winning a mace will not mean that she took your mace.
    But if only X players can win, those players rolling higher and winning means you lose. There's no way to make someone not "lose."

  10. #170
    Mechagnome Venteus's Avatar
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    Anyone have the video or write up of the interview where Blizzard states that mounts WILL eventually be made account wide?

  11. #171
    Blizzard's villain creation is in full effect. Make all the characters corrupted and/or crazy.

  12. #172
    Quote Originally Posted by Coldrage View Post
    Example scenario:

    -Boss dies
    -Boss loot table contains 3 items (rogue belt, mage trinket, hunter bow)
    -All 25 players automatically 'roll' for loot
    -Game decides only 9 players will win something, the other 16 win nothing
    -The 9 winners are 3 mages, 3 priests, 2 hunters and 1 rogue.
    -All 3 mages win the trinket, the 3 priests win gold because the boss doesn't drop loot for priests, the 2 hunters get the bow and the rogue gets the belt

    I maybe wrong, but I think this is accurate.
    It cant be accurate - theres no holy paladin drop.

  13. #173
    "A new minor glyph that changes a druid's travel form into a white stag has been added. Other players can ride you while in this form." Greatest expansion ever

  14. #174
    Reading through the notes (wow, so much stuff) but not finding what I'm looking for. Blues said a little while back that they were working on something in MoP to address population differences, low-pop realms, etc. I'm not seeing anything in the notes that addresses that. Am I missing it?

  15. #175
    The more I learn about this xpac the more I look forward to it.
    Karma always has the last laugh.

  16. #176
    "Tri-spec is off the table for the foreseeable future."

    What I don't understand is, obviously a large number of people have asked for it, since Blizzard is making a point to let us know it's not happening any time soon. If SO many people have asked...why not just implement it? I'd be willing to pay gold for it, hell, I'd even pay money for it. I've never wanted to have three specs more than I have this expansion. Dropping a spec, getting a new one, re-gemming, re-enchanting, re-glyphing, reforging, it gets pretty pricey. Why, if people are bringing it to your attention, and you can make more money off of it, wouldn't you put it in the game? Sounds like a smart idea to me.

    "A new minor glyph that allow druids to stay in tree form has been added."

    My god about time. I wanted to be a resto druid simply because of being able to be in tree form full time. I don't see why it needs to be a glyph though. ;/ Should just go back to the way it was in Wrath and make it permanent without having to give up glyphs for it.

    "Blizzard will be revisiting the shared 10 and 25 man lockout to make sure it is still the right thing."

    It's not, for the love of christ. Worst thing you guys ever did other than get rid of the ability for people to have their own personal specs. I miss being able to go into 10 mans and clear stuff then go do the same bosses in 25 man. It's a pain in the ass, being shafted like this. It screws the people who like doing 10 and 25 mans, forcing us to pick whether we do things just as 10 mans, or just as 25 mans, with no in between. Get rid of the shared lockouts and put them back to seperate.
    Last edited by Vilana; 2012-03-21 at 05:52 AM.

  17. #177
    High Overlord
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    Can't wait for the DOTA battleground and new technology to be developed to make it happen!

  18. #178
    Visible librams and quivers may not make it in time for Mists of Pandaria.So, Hunters will be just nude or will we at least see a bow on our back?

  19. #179
    A new minor glyph that changes a druid's moonkin form into a moonkin spirit has been added. I hope this means i wont have to be ugly looking owl anymore!?! I i just got my hopes up!!!

  20. #180
    Few questions, Firstly the LFR loot system how will this decide who wins will u have to roll over say 80 or will is choose say 5 people who rolled the highest, little skepticle on this Secondly the mount and title account wipe business will this work with special titles and mounts, like will i be able to use Death's Demise title and my Swift Zulian Tiger on all toons and the required level ofc. Lastly, am i the only one that thinks this is a little weird like dragon turtle mount druid form changes ect. Are we seeing an early april fools?

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