I can raid form 6 to 11 pst any day of the week as long as it is not every day of the week.

My guild is no longer raiding for this Xpac and it looks like the GM is quitting in MOP.

So i was looking for a Horde guild to do some weekly raiding with the idea of pushing content in MOP.

Need a guild that will pull HM not just give up if it is not dead on the fist night of pulls, i don't need it to be dead as soon as we get too it but i cant stand just clearing normal every week because no one wants to try.

past xp

BC up to Sunwell before it was out in BC just got BT the week before SW went live. missed Sunwell could only get to felmyst befor people quit for Wrath
Wrath server first Maly,0-light Yog, Alg, and TOTGC. missed the week my guild killed HM LK for server fist but killed it the next week. all content down.
Cata we had a lot of people quit or only stay a few week but i hve killed every boss HM in 25 man but Council, Alikir, Rag got them in 10.