1. #481
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkdruidelf View Post
    I love this so much.

    If anyone reads my posts, you'll know I hate laners when I jungle. If you really want to respond to them, simply tell them to go and watch literally any pro level game, and see how often the jungler ganks. The way I see it, every time my jungle is up and not cleared, I am losing gold. And unless it's a sure thing and a 100% kill if I gank, I won't bother. There's a reason 3 of the strongest junglers currently are Mundo, Shyv and Udyr, and I'll give you a clue, it's sure as shit not because of their ganks. They all kinda suck at ganking. It's because of clear speed and counterjungling, both of which are so much more important than ganking.

    I love it when I see the opponent is just chain ganking, because that means I have two jungles to clear and quickly become 100 CS and 3 lvls ahead of them! I'm serious when I say that even in ranked it's rare if I don't have the most CS in the game as a jungler (yes, I've even managed to outfarm morgana once. No, I don't know how).
    I find Udyr and Mundo pretty good gankers actually. Sure, it's no Maokai which is pretty much guaranteed to be a kill if you are coming at any opportune time that your ally isnt on 5% and they are on 99% with 4 players in the bush. It all depends on your route and if you see them (your ally sees them, OH SILLY ME, and warns you about it) ward. But my favourite jungler is still Lee Sin, by a mile. His strong duelling and strong ganks early game plus the ability to safely counterjungle (ward+W over any wall) makes him a god. I've played a lot of Nocturne jungle before, and I feel Lee does worse at endgame than most other junglers (Udyr, Noct) so you should get your top and carry fed. Man, the plays I've seen from ... Diamondsomething from M5. So good.

    But no, I generally try to focus on counterjungling (especially buffs) and ganking. I want to get my people fed, but if this really fails I'll take all buffs myself and try to carry. Saw Dyrus do this one game on Udyr, I copied this and actually managed to carry the game by flashmelting their AD carry every teamfight (went full tank with Wits, enough to kill AD carry). My mid would just lose blue anyway, and same with red on AD. I only focus on jungling on Shyvana, maybe Mundo, due to their insane movement/clearspeed, but I find it too boring. Unless you have a good mid to help you counterjungle/gank. TF <3

    @above, I won a botgame yesterday in 14 minutes 30, one of my fastest ever. Was on Varus and had 27 kills by then with 12 assist BT + IE + normal boots. I like fast botgames.

  2. #482
    Herald of the Titans Sephiracle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hybr1d View Post
    @above, I won a botgame yesterday in 14 minutes 30, one of my fastest ever. Was on Varus and had 27 kills by then with 12 assist BT + IE + normal boots. I like fast botgames.
    I really only play bot games for them to be fast. These guys were thumping their chests at their 25-35k/10d ratios on bots and caused the game to take over 40 minutes because they refused to initiate team fights, only attacking when one of us did most of the work and never pushing a lane. I had a super quick bot game earlier this week though, about the same length you said, all pushed mid lane at start made it quick.
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  3. #483
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Just had a shitty game after two 20 minute wins by surrender.

    Connection decided to go borkside up - that cost me a kill on the Jarvan in bot lane. Another hic up and Varus did get a kill on me. Combined with more lag, that meant I was way behind and the enemy Varus snowballed out of control. So bloody frustrating to know you're the cause of a loss, especially since I made some stupid moves trying to get back into the game. Won't say that the rest of my team was amazing, but Swain mid was eating the enemy Teemo and top Jax decided to start being useful after lvl 6 or so.

  4. #484
    Ah yes... lag sucks, big time.

    We just changed our ISP this week, bringing my ping (wireless) down from 70+ to 40-50. However, the previous net would also become very unstable at many times. As soon as anyone else used it, my ping would go up to 200, and sometimes even as high as 400+. And this happened once when I was playing Ezreal in a PvP game. Couldn't do ANYTHING useful.

    I don't have a "shitty" game to report on in this post, but let's just say that lag ruins enough games and makes them shitty.

  5. #485
    Just had a ranked game where I went 6/0 in lane as Varus. Our Irelia fed a Darius top and our Ryze and Udyr were useless. None of them could peel Darius and Veigar off me, veigar would just stun w ult and I'm dead (I'm nowhere near my teammates because I'm in the back, so none of them are hit by the stun, meaning they're free to help). We started making a comeback but Irelia kept chasing their Shyvana (who was also fed) our Udyr kept running away from fights, and I swear our Ryze was mentally handicapped.

  6. #486
    Titan Gallahadd's Avatar
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    I just lost a game..... to BOTS.

    wanted to test out a wierd Fiora build, so I did an intermediate bot game, about 5 mins in one guy dconned, 5 min later we lost another one, one of our remaining three champs spent the whole bloody time feeding, so in the end it was me and a fairly competant Nasus against 5 crazy fed bots, and we lost
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  7. #487
    Had a game yesterday, where r varus was 0/15/0 enemy team had 27 kills bot towers where all gone both first and second on other lanes where gone and team did not wana surrender i raged quit, mind ya had to restart a account they deleted my old one so only lvl 12 but urgh

  8. #488
    I hate when it's a 4v5 because someone afk's or dc's the entire game, and when you lose the ENTIRE enemy team says gg. Or worse, when you hold your own in a 4v5 and then still lose because the snowball effect was inevitable, and of course they all say gg. cmon now. WP would be a nice endearing phrase if we held our own, but GG comes off as super insulting (for me)
    Quote Originally Posted by checking facts View Post
    it's pretty hard to find a good girl in the sea of whores that is my country, brazil.

  9. #489
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkdruidelf View Post
    I love this so much.

    If anyone reads my posts, you'll know I hate laners when I jungle. If you really want to respond to them, simply tell them to go and watch literally any pro level game, and see how often the jungler ganks. The way I see it, every time my jungle is up and not cleared, I am losing gold. And unless it's a sure thing and a 100% kill if I gank, I won't bother. There's a reason 3 of the strongest junglers currently are Mundo, Shyv and Udyr, and I'll give you a clue, it's sure as shit not because of their ganks. They all kinda suck at ganking. It's because of clear speed and counterjungling, both of which are so much more important than ganking.
    I've yet to play Mundo without stacking Warmog's as a troll build, so I can't say I have a proper opinion on him. Missed out on free Shyv too, qq.

    What you say about pro games and what the pros do needs to be taken with a pinch of salt. I think everyone would do well to remember that we're not playing at a pro level and you can gank like a boss with Udyr jungling against some teams because your laner is good and theirs is bad. In a perfect scenario, your team don't need help winning their lanes (or staying even), so there's no need to force a gank and you can happily farm. Therefore the fast clearing ones listed are the best. The game is won by pushing towers and gaining a monetary advantage first and foremost, and secondly by baiting mistakes that you can capitalise on with kills. I think a lot of people would hate the game a lot less if they just realised that odds dictate that they will have to lose sometimes, and there's nothing they can do about it regardless of what they pick.

  10. #490
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    While it isn't rare that you lose without being able to do anything about it, it's far more rare that you yourself couldn't have improved your play at all throughout the game. Even a single wrong initiation could've had a massive impact.

  11. #491
    Remembering some of M5's stomping games, jungling was not high priority. They got so many kills early game due to uberganks he could just go in later. Especially that game with roaming Alistar that was highly underlevelled for a long time but still helped get kills was gold.

  12. #492
    Quote Originally Posted by Hybr1d View Post
    Remembering some of M5's stomping games, jungling was not high priority. They got so many kills early game due to uberganks he could just go in later. Especially that game with roaming Alistar that was highly underlevelled for a long time but still helped get kills was gold.
    Yeah but M5's aggressive counterjungling changed things a lot. It made people come to realise that if you chain gank and I just take your jungle over and over, I'll be so far ahead of you because people at a high level of play know how to ward and avoid ganks, so you will be wasting time while I am being far more efficient and get so far ahead because of this.

    That said, level 2-3 gankers like Ali are still really strong just because this is often the only time high elo players can gank, due to the huge amounts of warding and map awareness, while also overextending much less. As an aside, this is also why really cheap junglers, like Mundo, shine because they can buy an oracles without hurting their build at all, because people like Mundo and Ali can build 2 items and be as tanky as most other people with 4. If someone like Master Yi jungle buys an early oracles and can't make the money back from it (only 1 or 2 wards), then he falls behind a bit because his build is very expensive. With Mundo it's 'Heart of Gold. Check. Spirit Visage, check. Well, that's all I need till 50 minutes in!'.
    Cho’Gall: Cairne Bloodhoof is dead? Did we kill him?
    Deathwing: No. The Grimtotems weakened him with poison, and then Garrosh accidentally hacked him to death with an axe during a heated political discussion.
    Cho’Gall: How do you accidentally kill someone with an axe?

  13. #493
    Start Galio mid (first time, bought him today) against Veigar, was beating him very nicely (2-0 at lvl 7) and about 40 cs ahead which kept growing until end of game, meanwhile bottom is feeding and top is going equal, our jungler is just doing i dont even know what (0 ganks except one where he towerdived and gave veigar free kill), their jungler was babysitting me from the point where I got 2 kills ahead. End up losing 13-28 after being up like 12-10. Ends with mister Veigar telling me I'm a 'noob' for stacking MR against veigar on Galio.. dafuq, dude ended getting fed like fuck by his teammates (he ended like 10-3 or something) and was having a big mouth about how good he was.

    Some people just need to diaf or be shot down.. what a fucker >.>
    TLDR: Enemy mid lost lane, got fed by teammates, starts boasting.

  14. #494
    I had an incredibly frustrating game last night, and I just need to let off some steam.

    I play support, mainly. I absolutely despise playing top lane, and don't have very many champions to fill that slot yet.

    Had two guys instalock in Garen and Darius and say they were duo laning bot, ok, fine. I go to pick up an AP mid, my second best role.... nope, instalock Morg. Other player picks Jungle, I get stuck with top. I tell everyone in select that I'm a terrible top, this will end poorly, etc. They say "you'll be fine," "we don't care."

    We get a team with no jungle and I end up Riven top vs. Fiora and Teemo. I managed not to die, but I couldn't farm much because they actually froze the lane properly, or snowball and was just INCREDIBLY useless all game, and because I was so useless, the jungler wasn't even able to help because I didn't have the damage. I got frustrated and kept playing worse and worse. It was one of the shittiest feeling games I've had in a very long time, and I can't help but feel that it was my own damn fault... yet I warned the team that they were forcing me into my worst role.

  15. #495
    Quote Originally Posted by Buutch View Post
    Seriously, remove Master Yi from the game. Im not a pro, but Im not bad either. They just stack movement speed and attack speed and pewpew everyone alone. In teams, they cant do shit.
    Im playing Caitlyn pretty much atm, and if a master yi comes against me, I usually think "hey, lets slow him and knock myself back and place a trap" NOPE, ulti, cant be slowed, 2 shots me. Noobhero, no fucking skill required.

    (sorry if I seem mad, but I am really mad!)
    If you get killed by yi as caitlynn, you should be mad cuz u bad.

  16. #496
    Quote Originally Posted by Trafalgarlaw View Post
    If you get killed by yi as caitlynn, you should be mad cuz u bad.
    Oh how very constructive and so very, very wrong. Yi takes on almost anyone 1v1, given his opponent isn't stupidly overfed.

    Anyways, just had this amazing game as Shaco. Successfully ganked top twice, our Lee got first blood and second kill. Then proceeded to gank mid, also succesfully (I got the kill though.), went bot and got another kill. blue pilled, got some items, took wraiths and proceeded to kill Swain who was their mid, once again. I then took their blue buff, gave our Ryze our blue and got another kill top, then our Lee got their second turret down (Yes, second turret.). Got yet another kill on Swain in mid (3 successful ganks so far), went bot and died =(.

    Anyway, at this point I figured Ryze would be able to handle himself, so I started counterjungling a bit, boy was I wrong. Ryze started to feed Swain like it was his last day on earth. Not only that, he let Swain roam free without warding (Would've warded myself, but I was busy warding their buffs so I could sneak them;; managed to steal all their blues except first (took their first red though), and Swain got his first blue at ~28mins), without calling anything, without following - or without ATLEAST pushing his lane, he just kept it frozen in the middle. This kept on happening for quite a while, and after 40minutes I notice, hey, Ryze haven't gotten a single MR item yet. Instead, he rushed Frozen Heart after he got his ToG and Catalyst. Needless to say.. we lost the game with Swain ending 16-18ish/6/X. Arghghghghghghgghhhhhhhhh. ARGHHH.

    And you gotta love his response when I confronted him about his build. "You dont know how Ryze works, do you?", "You problaly think his damage comes from AP, haha noob". I just... facepalm... sigh. Just, sigh.

    And next game, I met the same Ryze. I'd picked Swain (What a coincidence, eh). Anyways, I crushed his clueless fucktard of a face completely to bits and pieces, then I stomped on the pieces and set them on fire, laughing while doing so. FUCK me sideways that shit felt fucking great. OH YEAH. FUCK. YEAH. YES. I'll admit it, I behaved like a douche towards the guy, but MAN THAT FELT GOOD. FUCK. YES. I think I just jizzed, hold on.. yep, definately, gotta go change my pants, fuck that felt awesome. Ended the game with "Remember those MR items next time" *coolguy sunglasses on*
    Last edited by mmocfaf6580671; 2012-05-25 at 08:51 PM.

  17. #497
    Played a normal game (where mouthbreathing fucktards play Riven because she is free).

    Our Riven jungler starts with boots, pot and ward. Wipes at Red buff -.-

    She comes to my lane when she is lvl 2 without clearing the red, Irelia is lvl 4 and ofcourse gets fed first blood. Obviously this is all my fault (Riven players name was something like Pr01998PL), I just went AFK immediately, can´t play with these kind of retarded inbreds.

  18. #498
    Quote Originally Posted by Blackroo View Post
    I'll admit it, I behaved like a douche towards the guy, but MAN THAT FELT GOOD.
    I guess you weren't being extremely vocal towards him, so we'll let it slide this time.

    And man, I didn't know Riven was such an idiot-attraction. Though I haven't met many good ones, now that I think about it.

  19. #499
    Quote Originally Posted by Swiftero View Post
    I guess you weren't being extremely vocal towards him, so we'll let it slide this time.

    And man, I didn't know Riven was such an idiot-attraction. Though I haven't met many good ones, now that I think about it.
    Not extremely, no. I did toss in the "How's those mana items workin' for ya?"-smartass comments whenever I killed hiim, fun times. I dont care, it felt friggin good crushing the guy after he ruined my other game.

  20. #500
    Awghr, such a good game as Morgana, ended lane phase with 4/0/2 ganking both other lanes, still lose because top Darius fed (and of course, blamed everyone else whole game, go * yourself). If you play 2/10 after 30 minutes and you aren't getting roflstomped by the enemy you just suck. He didn't even have ghost or flash on Darius, so no shit he can't escape ganks...

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