1. #961
    Quote Originally Posted by mrpoker View Post
    I would like to blame my parents for this. QQ. (i kid, must learn not to take games so seriously).
    I know the feel, man. They obviously don't do it on purpose, but sometimes, parents have such awful timing.

    Which is why I ask mine to tell me if they want me to do something some time in advance, because I might be busy online and don't want to ruin the game for them.

  2. #962
    The Lightbringer Axethor's Avatar
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    I've come to the decision that the only way to win games anymore is to play jungle Darius. Anything else and I can't carry the fuckwads I get teamed up with.

  3. #963
    Two days ago, I played 8 games, winning 3 and loosing 5. Before this, I played 6 games, winning all, 4 as Mundo support and 2 as Singed solo top. Yesterday I played 5, winning 2 loosing 3. Today, 2 wins and one lose.

    Sometimes I don't understand this community. I seriously think most of them are around 12-14 years old, cause no one mature would act like this. The 5 games I lost two days ago were some of the most hilarious stuff I have seen. I can tell you that there are more assholes at level 30 then there are in the 1-29 range. I hardly saw people act like douchebags when I was leveling. There was the occasional dc, which is, trust me on this, not a big deal at all, then some random retard on the internet calling you a feeder cause you died twice to a 3v1 gank as AD carry in bot lane while your partner is getting his ass handed to him mid lane as he tries to gank.

    2 games that I lost 2 days ago were acceptable defeats. But the remaining three were so fucking shit. Here are the stories:

    **Game 1

    I'm top as Mundo against Garen, Veigar from my side is against Mal in mid, enemy Eve jungler and Sej from my side. I don't remember bot lane. So the Viegar on my team goes 0/3 in the first 10 mins. My bot lane gives first blood. My jungler is ahead of their jungler and counter jungling and I'm about 20 CS ahead of Garen even though Eve tries to gank me and Garen is doing his usual retarded stuff (btw, I really think Garen is retarded, the way he runs, the way he uses his sword, his entire animation is shit and his spells are so fucking shit. I am thinking of placing him in the same rank as I place Master Yi.)

    Sej helps Veigar gank Mal. Veigar DIES in 2v1 situation, but his ignite kills Mal. Sej now goes to gank bot and end up giving Eve a triple kill. Eve tries to gank me, but I knew she was there, so I'm careful. After that Sej again tries to gank Mal, and Veigar gets a kill barely living. Sej goes bot and history repeats itself, triple kill to Eve.

    I go 1-on-1 against turd Garen, he was at 5 hp when he killed me when I had about 150 hp. That pissed me off so fucking much. He did his usual spin crap and then his shit ulti. He did his spin crap TWICE during that fight. Anyways, I was about 35 CS ahead of his, so I'm not bothered when I see that. Now Eve comes top again, and literally, three shot me. She was 4 levels ahead of me. 4 fucking levels as jungler. After that I come mid to help out Viegar who runs away with 3 or 4 hp. Eve and Mal are in mid. Mal is 3 levels ahead and Eve is 4 levels ahead of me. I'm trying to clear the creeps from the tower, when I get turret dived, two ultis and die. Veigar goes "OMFG MUNDO. Report him for feeding". Feeding?? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? Mal is THREE levels ahead of you and me, Eve FOUR. I had a few brief encounters with Eve, in which she killed me once cause she was fucking fed, then two fed people killed me and you are saying I fed? Garen is a level behind me and about 45 CS behind me, and I am feeding and not you? Viegar was, about 50 CS behind Mal. Mal shut him down completely.

    Sometimes I feel like meeting these people and see how they are irl. Are they seriously this mentally retarded and feel that they are never wrong? I played a game as Singed top against Jayce. Who kicked my ass. I couldn't even hit him once. I was so ashamed that I kept on apologizing to the team, who miraculously understood and said it happens.

    **Game 2

    In the selection screen, we have a Janna, Gragas, Kayle, Jayce and me as Tris. Kalye and Jayce go top, I'm going bot. Janna goes "me and Gragas". WTF? You couldn't say that in the selection screen? I pick Tris to play AD carry, if you could have said something, I would have gone mid as AP. They want me to go mid as AD tris against an Eve, who can just pick me off with her stealth and they have Amumu jungler. Kayle says, Gragas mid and Janna bot. I'm bot, so they BOTH GO MID. Some people are seriously retarded.

    Kayle gets FB on Amumu and then kill the enemy laner. I'm bot against Cait and Alister, all by my self. Janna and Gragas try to kill Eve and they both die to her. They come back, and it happens again. So Janna now think that this is not going to work, comes bot and tries to solo BOTH Alister and Cait. I ask her "what are you trying to do?" and the reply is "just stfu and attack them". Ye, cause Alister is going to roll over for you and your boobs.

    Lost the game, cause Eve is fed and Cait is fed as Janna keeps on trying to solo her and Alister.

    **Game 3

    In the selection screen Brand wants to play as AD. We ask him not too, so he goes Brand support... me and him go bot, Kass is in mid against Ryze. We harass the opponents alot cause Brand just keeps using his pillars. We drive them out. Then suddenly, Ryze gets FB on Kass. Fine they are not level 6 yet, the game will change then. Then Ryze gets another kill. Then again. And again. And again. And again. And a couple more after Kass is level 6. Ryze goes 9/0 in the first 10 mins of the game by only killing Kass. Kass' excuse? "He doesn't get silenced". Brand goes top to kill a fed Ryze, dies, blames me for the not helping when I'm trying to keep two enemies away from my turret. After that, enemy Pantheon comes to my lane to gank me. He isn't successful, hides in brush. I say ss, cause I know he can ulti. Kass dies right after a couple of secs. Says too late ss. You are over extending after feeding, then whine about a "late" ss?

    All this time, Brand goes, report Tris. Report for what? Wtf did I do? I was bot, all by myself, you want me to leave it so I can help you do retard stuff like running into the jungle with shit items and as AD carry?

    You guys wanna know what he was doing? He was hitting everyone with a pillar and couple of other spells, then hiding in the brush with extremely low hp, thinking that he can "surprise" kill three or four enemys with almost full hp and who knew he was there. When he died, his reaction was "omg, no help". That, what you are doing, IS feeding and you don't deserve any help from anyone.

    The game ends in a massive dickward lose.

    Yesterday, as I said before, played 5, won 2, lost 3. One that we lost was against a three man premade, a fed GP (our Galio sucked top) and a 55 minute game. Fought hard, went 4/10/31 as Mundo support, fed my AD carry so much that she was 27/8/10. Got a wp Mundo (specifically) from team and enemy, got my team out of many sticky situations, and in the end it was just Nexus vs Nexus. We lost. This is a loose that I can happily accept. I don't mind these. Team played well, worked together, no one whined even though out Galio wasn't having the best of times in lane. A mature game. The enemy was humble as well.

    But the remaining two...

    **Game 1

    I was Galio support. We were doing really good top and bot. Our Annie in mid was a bot. Literally a bot. Bots play better then her. I can assure you this. Didn't respond to a single ping. We warned her multiple times to stay back cause we knew the enemy was going to gank her (I had alot of wards up and so did our jungler). Kept on pushing and dying to ganks. We try to save her many many times. Because of this, the game opened up really early, and it was all team fights. We aced them 4v5 three or four times. What was our Annie doing? Trying to push a lane where no fights were happening and ended up feeding the enemy team hard. They all ressed after we killed them and went on gank Annie. After sometime, the 4v5 thing started to get to us, so we ask Annie to help us. She came along, did ONE spell and then ran away, came back, ONE spell, runs away. Kept on doing this. Worst player I have EVER seen. I donno what was going on in her head, or maybe she was just a proper troll. Even got reported by the enemy.

    **Game 2

    Mundo top against Nasus and Mundo. Their TF gets dc so Mundo goes mid. 4v5. We should win? Nope. Bot lane had other plans. I win my lane hard. Deny Nasus farm (MOST BORING laning phase EVER btw. I wish I never come against a Nasus again, EVER). I had about 50 CS more then him, destroy his tower. But wait, whats this, bot lane and jungler have fed the enemy Vayne. She 11/0. Even got FB. Mid has fed MUNDO. Mid fed Mundo. He was 4/0.

    During team fights, WW kept on jungling. Even though I was fighting them and surviving for a long time, my team did no damage. None whatsoever. After we died, WW comes in, ulti a full hp Mundo instead of a half hp Vayne... /facepalm /double faceplam /triple faceplam /quadra facepalm /penta facepalm

    You guys wanna know something funny? Yes more funny then WW ulting a full HP Mundo rather then half HP Vayne. Bot lane and jungler were a premade. A fucking premade. I wonder how these people win any game or whether they have brains and how they live and how they live irl. Cause I can seriously tell you that they have very very, very, very low IQs.

    We surrender and loose to four people. Four fucking people.

    Today, I lost a game where I had Xin Zhao as support (I was Tris). He did nothing in lane and only stole my CS. NOTHING. Didn't do a single spell on the enemy. We lost cause I was doing shit damage as I didn't have any items except a couple of Dorans and Boots.

    All was not lost however, had some AMAZING games in the past three days. 7/1/9 as Tris. 14/4/28 as Ryze. 8/9/38 as Mundo (where I fed my Ashe and Fiora to go on and have end score of 18/10/33 and 21/11/29). This was a game where we should have surrendered at 20 cause we were really behind in terms of kills (27-28 to our 10 I think), our Fiora fed the enemy top and enemy mid got fed as well. Got a "awesome game Mundo, thanks" at the end.

    Overall, the past three days have shown me the worst parts of online gaming and the best parts of online gaming.
    Quote Originally Posted by Culnar
    Sometimes people act like blizzard is their friend who betrayed them and now they're pissed!
    Quote Originally Posted by Vulpei View Post
    Actually the backlash from pandas is because alot of the people didn't grow up.

  4. #964

    They should add an option to report players after leaving the result screen. There's a ton of times when I'm so disappointed, I just want to get away and then I forget to report people I were supposed to, like the Vladimir in my last game that turret dove at level 1, then disconnected for the rest of the 45-minute long 4v5 game.

  5. #965
    Just had a game where our Eve and Fiddles weren't English. For fucks sake, seriously, I see no reason why you can't report someone for "not communicating with team" if they are foreign.

    Anyway...Eve managed to get ahead, getting a double kill as soon as she hit level two. We were doing good, their Brand dc's, easy win. Nope.

    The game goes on and Eve keeps thinking she's ahead and keeps getting caught out. Our Fiddles went 1/11/something.

    We lost, and got taunted for losing 5v4. If we just lost I'd be okay, but taunting us seriously made me want to scream. Fiddle's was worth nothing - actually less than nothing, because he fed them gold. It was 4v4.

    There there, everything will be okay...

  6. #966
    Win 14 games in a row when, suddenly, FEEDERS! FEEDERS EVERYWHERE!

    In other news: Still haven't seen a good Ev yet. Still not playing with them on my team either. Maybe soon.

  7. #967
    Quote Originally Posted by Muzual View Post
    I would agree but it's not listed as an English server, it's a European server. The argument that they should learn English is just as valid as you should learn their language
    The only issue being that English is much more widely used around the world. Granted, it's silly expecting people to pick up a language just to play games, but the world could sorely need a language everyone can understand.

  8. #968
    Quote Originally Posted by Muzual View Post
    I would agree but it's not listed as an English server, it's a European server. The argument that they should learn English is just as valid as you should learn their language
    No matter how you look at it English is the closest thing we have to an universal language right now, comparing learning English to for example learning Polish or Croatian is apples to oranges. I can't imagine how anyone can live, -especially- if they use internet for any purpose, without at least rudimentary knowledge of English nowadays.

  9. #969
    Herald of the Titans Kuthe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrpoker View Post
    How do you jungle Wukong? I play WK solo top quite often, but due to his lack of sustain i didn't think he will be a good jungler. Although it only seems right that a Monkey should be in the jungle.
    Cloth Armor + 5 H Pots.
    Ability order: E, Q, E, W, E, R.
    Max R, then Q, finish with W.

    Boots1, Wriggles. Greaves. Then I just build the 3 - BF Sword items. Phantom Dancers, and I spin to win like a boss!

    His clears are fast, and easy. His ganks are awesome with his 1.5 second stealth and armour debuff.
    His my favourite jungler at the moment. If I get annoyed and want to win, I play him.

    I followed this guide for the basics, but I altered the masteries/rune pages and build to be a hard hitting ninja monkey!

    Edit, OT: Got a Varus that talked trash all game, claimed he was pro. Ended up like 1/15, and said it was my fault (as Galio) because every time I went to him to ulti them away from him, he would just run away from me. Then he refused to defend towers because he said it was over. Would only Ulti when we lost the teamfight and he was being chased. Missed with nearly every single one of his Q's. So yeah, I hate some people.
    Last edited by Kuthe; 2012-07-24 at 10:50 AM.
    We stopped searching for monsters under our beds when we realized that they were inside us.

    Tell me something, my friend. You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?

  10. #970
    I got a friend who wants to learn how to jungle. Obviously all the new junglers from the rotation got to be tested. Nothing bad until there but as soon as we're in game, she forgets EVERYTHING she learned before.

    She's acceptable with ww and mundo (although she tends to fall behind quite hard due to running around in circles instead of farming/ganking) and she's watching the minimap. In this skarner game instead, she didn't look at the minimap once, most ganks were from a very bad angle and sadly running away in skirmishes although we outnumbered the enemy.

    Sure playing a new champ is a bit distracting but why do you have to forget EVERYTHING, you've learned. Bit mad at myself now as well because I couldn't prevent myself to comment on a few things (commenting most mistakes even when you're trying to be helpful and not to flame doesn't really help when about everything isn't working. I guess I made things just worse).
    Last edited by meteo; 2012-07-24 at 11:05 AM.

  11. #971
    Leveling on my EUNE account... Turkish Skarner, feeds couple times then leaves... Yorick either not in this world or then he had no clue what to do... Then theres these 2 czechs, propably friends... Build armor and hp and then tickle the bots for half a match... They fed cait, malz etc... When we managed to kill the bots, they proceed to wander around the map waiting for the bots to come back and start the hugging process again... And everytime I thought Id help them, either joined on an attack on full health bots or secure kills on fleeing bots on the other side of the map after failed attempt from these 2 and managed to secure 2-3 kills, they both started barking on KSing... Then I said ok, Ill watch next to them in next teamfight but I will secure kills on fleeing bots if that happens... Well, 2v2, both fights themselves to low hp and flee... I kill the bots and get once again KS QQ...

    And I thought it would a laidback match just to get that level quickly... Thank god my main account is on EUW, the frequency for getting these brainfart matches seem to be much bigger on EUNE...

    Result: "I report you for KS "

    Last edited by mmoc974ef5d94f; 2012-07-24 at 01:57 PM.

  12. #972
    Quote Originally Posted by Belajasx View Post
    And I thought it would a laidback match just to get that level quickly... Thank god my main account is on EUW, the frequency for getting these brainfart matches seem to be much bigger on EUNE...
    There is a reason I made the transfer to West. Best choice I ever made.

  13. #973
    Quote Originally Posted by Swiftero View Post
    There is a reason I made the transfer to West. Best choice I ever made.
    Is it that much better? I just assumed the average person in LoL was retarded, but I guess it´s possible it´s only on EUNE.

  14. #974
    Quote Originally Posted by Trollspwn View Post
    Is it that much better? I just assumed the average person in LoL was retarded, but I guess it´s possible it´s only on EUNE.
    From what I've seen, people just seem to be generally better. Not to mention you get away from all the Russians/Polish people who can't speak English.
    (No offense to those who DO speak English though, you guys are fine. I just want to communicate in a game.)

  15. #975
    What Ive noticed now that I leveled to 30 on EUW and now on EUNE is that on EUW, at low levels there actually was low level people playing, some of them were genuinely newbs and appreciated few tips and help. The shitsection revealed itself only closer to 30... But on EUNE, Ive had in these 15 bot matches even max level players that were so unbelievably hilarious that horribad is not enough of a word to describe it. Apologies for the rest of the players, but you know I dont mean you. Sometimes it reaches ridiculous levels... For me its EUW > EUNE anytime, anywhere...

  16. #976
    Quote Originally Posted by Belajasx View Post
    What Ive noticed now that I leveled to 30 on EUW and now on EUNE is that on EUW, at low levels there actually was low level people playing, some of them were genuinely newbs and appreciated few tips and help. The shitsection revealed itself only closer to 30... But on EUNE, Ive had in these 15 bot matches even max level players that were so unbelievably hilarious that horribad is not enough of a word to describe it. Apologies for the rest of the players, but you know I dont mean you. Sometimes it reaches ridiculous levels... For me its EUW > EUNE anytime, anywhere...
    Same way on NA. Granted the pvp gets out of hand with smack. Just started Tribunal cases and holy crap, people need to calm down.
    <-- That is otterly adorable.

  17. #977
    Quote Originally Posted by Fenlnir View Post
    Same way on NA. Granted the pvp gets out of hand with smack. Just started Tribunal cases and holy crap, people need to calm down.
    Lol. Yeah. They are just filled with anything they think will cause someone to get banned for. I do enjoy when people make smurf accounts and rage at the people who are bad, ie those who are actually new. May be guilty of doing the same though :l

  18. #978
    Quote Originally Posted by Trollspwn View Post
    Is it that much better? I just assumed the average person in LoL was retarded, but I guess it´s possible it´s only on EUNE.
    You wont regret transferring to euw. Its so much better here than in the eastern block. People actually speak english, jungle and dont build completely retard builds.

  19. #979
    Suggestion to Riot: EUBALRUS (EU-Baltic/Balkan/Russia) or EUSlavic region to create No offence ofc, but it just takes to too much time to translate the stuff and still not understand it.

  20. #980
    Quote Originally Posted by Belajasx View Post
    Suggestion to Riot: EUBALRUS (EU-Baltic/Balkan/Russia) or EUSlavic region to create No offence ofc, but it just takes to too much time to translate the stuff and still not understand it.
    Or they could just throw nordic countries to west. That would solve all problems. I played on east for like two weeks when I started lol and then made euw account. I think its just insulting that nordics are thrown in with the slavs who cant even speak english let alone play the game.

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