Thread: New to LoL

  1. #1

    New to LoL

    How do I get up my summoner level w/o getting farmed?

  2. #2
    Play some coop vs ai games with some of the champions to get a feel for them before you start normal matches. There are some guide sites you want to check out as well like solomid.

  3. #3
    The Lightbringer Isrozzis's Avatar
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    You can do Bot games to get exp for awhile too. I really don't recommend leveling up with bots, but you can.

    It will go faster against real players and you should learn a lot more too. Bots can give you a nice feel for your champion, but they don't really teach you that much. LoL does have a rather high learning curve, so you will die a lot a first, but it should get better.

  4. #4
    Watch a lot of top players streaming to get an understanding of when to back out or when to turret dive etc..

  5. #5
    yes don't let losses discourage you from playing! you will get better in time. Another thing to do is to find a champion or two to devote time to learn how to play well, take advantage of free weeks and give them all a shot

  6. #6
    After lvl 5 you will get a lot less lvl 30 who make low lvl account "for the lolz", you will start to play with real new player. Don't give up!

  7. #7
    harden up tbh, when i first played the game when it first came out i was doing terrible as i had never played dota before on wc3 and i played pvp games as there were no Bot games. so suck it in and keep playing playing bots will get you no skill what so ever. only by playing real people and real players will you get better and the game will be enjoyable

  8. #8
    When playing new champs I recommend you go onto Mobafire and look up a guide. They're really helpful.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Veroly View Post
    harden up tbh, when i first played the game when it first came out i was doing terrible as i had never played dota before on wc3 and i played pvp games as there were no Bot games. so suck it in and keep playing playing bots will get you no skill what so ever. only by playing real people and real players will you get better and the game will be enjoyable
    I get that but I have been paying some real game with friends, and even in full premades there's little I can do but flail around and feed the other team. It's not me losing that bothers me, it's that if I'm playing with other in randoms or premades Im being a hindrance at such low levels.

    Also I check out

  10. #10
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Platinus View Post
    When playing new champs I recommend you go onto Mobafire and look up a guide. They're really helpful.
    I disagree. I would tell new players to stay away from Mobafire. Mobafire guides are ranked by popularity and viability. Humor/gimmick are mixed along builds to make you a better player. I recommend Lolpro for in depth guides, Solomid for a wider variety.

  11. #11
    The Lightbringer Axethor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pacox View Post
    I disagree. I would tell new players to stay away from Mobafire. Mobafire guides are ranked by popularity and viability. Humor/gimmick are mixed along builds to make you a better player. I recommend Lolpro for in depth guides, Solomid for a wider variety.
    I've had issues with some of lolpro's guides, but those are champs I play all the time and know like the back of my hand. Mostly related to item builds. I like Solomid better because most good guides go through every possible item and weigh their usefulness or when they would be better over another item. Also, Lolpro isn't updated as often as some Solomid guides are. A few still mention dodge.

  12. #12
    Its really not a bad idea to buy an IP or XP boots. If you just want to hit level 30, just buy the XP boots, because even if you loose a match, you will still get shit load of XP. But i would prefere the IP boots, and the reason why is that when hit level 30, you might consider playing some ranked. But before you start playing ranked, you need some champions, atleast you need cchampions for the five different roles.

    Top lane - You want a bruiser like, Warwick, Riven, Singed, Jax. (Bruiser, are RIOT's term for Tanky-DPS)

    Jungle - There are tons of champions there can jungle some are better than other of course, tier 1 junglers right now are, Lee sin, Maokai, Shyvanna, Alistar, Skarner ( You really want the right rune and some practice in the jungle before starting playing Jungler in ranked) you check this list out!

    Mid lane - Here you want you AP Carry, like Cassiopeia, Brand, Xreath, Gragas, Karthus, and so on.

    Bot lane!
    AD Carry - There arent many choices for AD Carries mostly you want to counterpick them, either with burst like Graves have, or range like Caitlyn/Tristana have. The strongest AD carries, listed in order (Graves, Vayne, Caitlyn, Ashe, Tristana, Sivir, and might have forgotten some)

    Support - If you playing support there are a wide range of champions, but you want a champion who you AD carry can benefit from, and most important you want a champion there arent item dependent, like Soraka she dosent need AP to heal like a beast, Sona dosent need items either, she can still heal, CC, and so on. And Janna, she is great, and she dosent need AP either to be effective. ( She is one of my personal favorite champions)

    ---------- Post added 2012-04-13 at 06:35 AM ----------

    I deffently agree with the others LOLPRO, is a good place to find guides to champions as well as guide to improving your skillz. The thing that makes LOLPRO one of the best place is, it's only serious guides, there are only ONE guide to each champion (If a champion have more than one role, like Lee sin, he cant both Top and Jungle, then there a top lane guide and a Jungle guide.)

    So i can definitely recommend LOLPRO!

  13. #13
    Other similar threads about new players to LoL:!

    *Random Tips:
    -Research information on the characters you play, its a good idea to create a mastery page for each one, and try to memorize an item build:
    -Play several free heroes each week in VS AI or Dominion games to see what types of heroes you enjoy playing and to see which type of playstyle you are interested in playing as (Mage, Tank, Carry, Support, Jungler, etc). Odds are you will innately be better at playing a certain type of hero than other types, and figuring out your 'nitch' will help you out early on.
    -Starting out in LoL it is not a bad idea to invest 10$ into the game and have enough RP to buy 3 heroes on sale that normally cost 6300 IP each (18900 IP total), it will help you expand your hero options efficiently early on. They rotate 3-4 heroes on sale each week, usually 1-2 of them are 6300 IP heroes. Do some research in the shop!
    -Generally your goal should be to be getting the 'last hit' on every single minion in your lane. Obviously you won't get EVERY one but the more last hits you get the more gold you have and the better off you are.
    -DO NOT sit there an auto attack. Sitting there and auto attacking pushes your lane then you will be vulnerable to ganks from the sides, and will have a hard time killing the enemy hero since he will be sitting next to a tower. Only push when there aren't any heroes guarding a tower.
    -Playing as a tank or a support you should prefer having a Carry or a DPS hero get the last kills on heroes instead of you, so they can do more damage and help lead your team to victory.
    -Do not buy runes until level 20
    -Save about 10,000 IP for when you hit level 20 to buy tier 3 runes (I managed to do this from my IP from levels 13-20)
    -If someone is genuinely being an asshole, hold Tab in game, find their name, and just mute them. This will save you a lot of trouble.
    -If you are playing on an older computer or just want a FPS boost in game, while you are in game press control+alt+delete, find your LoL client, right click it, go to priority, set to high.

    I think these should be enough helpful tips for starting off
    Last edited by MOGATRON; 2012-04-13 at 06:46 AM.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by scorpious1109 View Post
    I get that but I have been paying some real game with friends, and even in full premades there's little I can do but flail around and feed the other team. It's not me losing that bothers me, it's that if I'm playing with other in randoms or premades Im being a hindrance at such low levels.

    Also I check out
    Don't play with your friends if they're really high level. You will regret it. You'll probably be faced off against equally high level players and get owned. Have them make low level accounts if you have to play together. Otherwise play with other low level people, or queue up by yourself until you start getting the hang of things.

    People are going to be incredibly rude and mean to you. Don't fall for their tricks and rage back at them. Just remain calm and tell them the truth. That you're new, you're learning, and they're acting like a raging animal. And ask them kindly to be quiet please.

  15. #15
    I played with 4 level 30's when I rerolled (so I had a level30) and faced level 30's in lane. 2 of the level 30's I played with were gold+ ranked. So on skill I was equal with my opponent, but you'll go /daymn when you notice the difference in facing someone with full runes/masteries as level 5-10. My best was me as LeBlanc vs a Riven mid with a full MR page (around 70 MR on level 1). My Q hit her for less than 10 damage. I wept and lane swapped and then they did as well. Luckily one of the gold ranked guys jungles so we won, but its hell.

    Play normal, lose a couple, get on your skill level, continue

  16. #16
    Thanks for all the helpful tips guys, much appreciated.

  17. #17
    Just want to make this clear: You know you're matched up with people of similar experience right? Although there are plenty of people making alt accounts, the majority of players you meet will have the same summoner level on their accounts.

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