1. #1

    Warmaster Blackhorn 10 Man Heroic Help!!

    English is little weak sorry :\

    Group Make up--
    Tanks: Dk x 2
    Dps: Mage*Fire/Arcane*x2 -- Hunter -- Boomkin -- Warrior -- Spriest or Ele Shammy
    Heals: Pally -- Priest (disc) or Shammy
    Priest and shammy swap see what we can get out of it

    Our guild is having some issues with the fight itself, we always get to 2 drakes left roughly and near that time ship goes from roughly 60 - 40 % life to 0% very fast. When we stand in twilight Barrage but there are few of us who just drop like fly's from standing alone (I.e. Priest heals, Druid*boomkin*), Yes we have tried to pair up and that works on stopping people from dieing. As for the Sapper they don't get in on our good try's. As for Onslaught we have tried both, 1 person standing in it (Dk*Tanks*, Mage*Fire*) none of them die, and having everyone stand in it besides the tanks.

    (sorry if the questions little hard to understand)

    Does the Dmg still split the same with 1 person standing in it or all 8 people

    How to mange the Barrage better. should we pair up with 2 - 3 people to stand in it, or whoever closest jump in.

    Do we also split our range dps on each drake (I.E. 2 left 2 right.)

    Any tips from your personal kills would really help lots, advice or strates would be also welcome.
    Feel free to ask any question i can answer.

  2. #2
    The ship takes more damage with just one person standing in the onslaught, it's better to have more people inside than for example mage cauterize/spriest disperse. We have everyone except the tank with the adds go inside the onslaught (so people don't get melee'd by them). Plan raid cooldowns in advance for onslaughts.

    We have 1 tank take both of the adds, and tank them at the side next to a drake. The melee can be cleaving to these adds when the drake is down. The other tank runs around the ship soaking barrages. In addition to that other raid members help with barrages when close by. Some classes can soak better than you think (e.g. I play disc priest, you can stack up Divine Aegis on yourself + PW:S and survive, or PS one go).

    We also find it helps to get a smooth transition into p2 with less fire and no adds alive, we do that by on the last set of adds, focus one drake, then the vrykul adds, then focus the other drake. He'll fly away so it will take longer and some fire will clear. But if the ship is on it's last legs you maybe can't afford to do that way.

  3. #3
    so ship does take more dmg from 1 person standing in it. can anyone else confirm this also plz or few links to info on it also
    Thank you Kikurii

    Any other advise would be help as well anyone else can post.

  4. #4
    Can only confirm, cant provide links

  5. #5
    Never bring the melee adds to Onslaught is what I can say, you just get unnecessary raid damage from the DoT the Melee adds apply to 3-6 people.

    I cannot say much for 10m tactics, as I have only done it as 25m.

    But definitely go with DPS that have good cleave and multi-dotting capabilities(Shadow Priests are the best, at least our Shadow Priests are top damage/DPS before P2 starts.) If you can get

    The hardest part of the fight(more so in 10m) is the Phase 1 execution, it is way easier for 25m(due to have more people, duh) to spread around the ship to soak the Twilight Barrages.

    The way we handle the drakes is:

    1st set, Ranged start at the top of the ship and DoT the Drake(The one on the left side of the ship) and it should be the drake at the right side of the ship once they are harpooned down. We kill the Right side drake and then move to Left side, where our tanks keep the melee adds, so Melee can cleave the Drake aswell.

    2nd Set, our RDPS blow CDs to get down the Right side drake asap and then get Right side regularly.

    3rd Set, Here we kill the Left side drake with Assist of melee first and leave Right side alive until Melee adds are dead(or near dead, 5-20% health)

    P2 is quite simple, there is nothing of difference for the healers/ranged in terms of positioning compared to normal mode. You just have to deal with Goriona on the ship deck and healers have to heal the debuffed person. Shockwave is same cast time as in Normal. You just have to start chaining CDs a bit from 30% and below(Shadow Priest can do Hymn, Boomkin can Tranq etc.)

    Our first kill was when we had gotten through P1 without deaths, that's when you get your kill, p2 is laughable compared to p1 execution

  6. #6
    Well seeing as you have a lot of solo soaks (Firemage, Spriest, holy pally, hunters deturrance, and tank cooldowns). You could eaisly just soak a lot of the little ones. Or you can use the tatic where you don't soak the small ones ( or very little) of them. Basicly you just all stack in onslaugghts and burn the drakes fast enough that your boat doesn't die though it will likely end up at 5% boat health and shittons of fire.

  7. #7
    thats thing not sure if our raiders know about using cd's besides select few. witch we are still pushing for people to do. but now that you pointed that out Aethon i relized we could be soaking easily with 1 person in most of them, if not all.

  8. #8
    We have one tank pick up both adds and have other tank soak as many onslaughts as he can . This way your dps that have Jenky cooldowns don't have to use them . Just make sure that after you get in the barrage that u don't have the Debuff for when u stack for the big onslaught ...use bubble or ams in our case . For drakes have your dps Pre pot at the top of the boat and use dots and just put out as much dmg on the drakes are u can.

    Also when you get to the second phase and you see there's alot of fire up ...some of the fire is glitched and takes a few seconds to disappear even though the robots watered it .

    Just a reminder to save heroism for the third set of drakes. Since that's when you get a Sapper + onslaught and 2 melee adds up .

    Edit : i saw you have mages and boomkin in your group , makes sure they are both double tripple dotting stuff . Our Mage and boomkin are top dps for this fight cuz of their multi dotting .
    Last edited by xwarriorx331; 2012-05-07 at 04:20 PM.

  9. #9
    Simple keys to success for this fight:
    - Have one tank pick up both elites and tank them near a dragon to make dps easier.
    - Kill drakes in one harpoon. If they fly off you've failed the dps check
    - Tank not on adds soaks at least 2 small barrages solo
    - You have a dream team for soaking small barrages. 2 mages and spriest can all take one easily. Make sure they do this at the minimum. You only need to soak 4/6 to be safe. You can soak at least 8 trivially with DK's / cauterise and dispersion. Keep it simple. Tell your healers and boomkin to avoid the barrages like the plague and don't make teams to soak, it just ends up in one person dieing because his buddy let him down.
    - Deathgrip the sappers. If they get through you failed. I can't stress this enough. You have 2 DK's and death grip makes this a joke. Make a macro /target twilight sapper /cast Death Grip problem solved. If one tank takes both adds then the other is just soaking a couple of swirls and scratching his arse anyway.
    - Soak the big onslaughts with 8/9 people. The only person who has an excuse for not getting in it is the tank with the elites. The damage is shared between people in the onslaught +1 (the +1 is the ship) If you have one person in it the ship takes huuuuuuge damage. If you have 9 in it it takes about 1/10th of the amount.
    -GTFO immediately after the onslaught because a charge is coming to mow you down.

    If you can tick off the points above then getting to p2 is imminent which means a kill should follow shortly.

    After every wipe do a 30 second post mortem. Did the drakes die within one pass? Did people soak a barrage as they were assigned to? Did someone fail to get in an onslaught? Did a sapper get though? This isn't about blame, its about seeing what went wrong so you know where you need to improve. This fight isn't about faceroll dps, its about execution and 10 people doing the little things right. If a charge is coming then break off that cast so you can run and avoid it and so on. Execution > all for this fight imo.

    Good luck.

  10. #10
    Thank you thats what we have been doing sorta for most part. besides 1 person taking the onslaught. now we see where most the dmg is coming from.

    ---------- Post added 2012-05-07 at 08:09 PM ----------

    Does the trinket of Mirrior of Broken Images worth taking for boat fight to reduce the shadow dmg of the small aoe.

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