1. #1

    First time booting a new computer!

    Hello computer forums!

    I've purchased a brand new computer today - all happy and very exited about this as it's been a long time since last I had something new.

    While I was doing the pre-install that is "build in" with the computer as you boot it for the first time, I think something went wrong.

    As I got all of this over with I got to the log-in interface menu asking me for my name and password.

    I inserted the name and password that I had given the computer but it was being very persistant and kept showing an error box sayin' "Wrong name or password".

    I'm pretty sure that with the number of times I had to confirm both I did not make a mistake in the name section or password section.

    I wanted to reinstall the computer with the disc. that I had available to it and got to the black screen menu - nothing was showing at all. Not even the "simple" reinstall button.

    What do I do? I plan on calling the company from which I purchased this computer from for advice - but there may be a simple way to figure this out.

    Specs of the computer is very much up to date with what every "really good" new computer is like.

    Is this an unusual thing for computers to do?

    Thanks a ton!

  2. #2
    I personally don't think you should hesitate this much from calling the company. They do have apartments for specifically helping their customers, after all
    Especially if it's your first time booting the computer.

  3. #3
    not sure bout 2nd half but as far as the name and password it could be case sensitive? Maybe the caps lock was turned on by accident

  4. #4
    I got to open up the computer briefly with a forceprompt to see if the actual name was mispelled or the password was different from what I wrote - nothing was out of key.

    I than did a normal reboot to see if I was able to log in once more, and I wasn't - odd compared to my old computer that had no issues like that

  5. #5
    the usual culprit in one of these incidents is a misconfigured keyboard setting: either your keyboard switched from the setup you're used to to another setting, or it's a shift/num lock problem.

  6. #6
    have you tried logging in without putting a password in?

  7. #7
    Did you accidentally hit <ALT> + <SHIFT> at the same time? That is the standard hotkey combination for switching between keyboard layouts and it can really mess up entering passwords.

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