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  1. #1

    Does everyone think the game is fun in inferno mode?

    First of all, I absolutely agree that inferno mode should be challenging.. And so far the only tactics I've seen people used in inferno mode (past A1) is kite or glass cannon zerging.

    My question is, do people actually find playing with these style fun?

    To me it pretty much reach the point that it's just frustrating.. Yes I know it's possible to kill them, but the processing of fighting those monsters is simply not fun for me.

    Do people actually find all the kiting and glass cannon zergling entertaining?

  2. #2
    What, for you, would be fun whilst remaining challenging?

  3. #3
    nope i dont like the concept of inferno past act 1 was okay for act 1 but past it its just ridiculous i get one shotted by the slightest breeze of wind so no fun there
    the ultimate answer's to all rogue issues :

    -Rogues might still be dealing with the changes to combo points {2014}

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Matchu View Post
    What, for you, would be fun whilst remaining challenging?
    WoW raiding was actually pretty fun and challenging at the same time.. So that's an example right there.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Semihage View Post
    WoW raiding was actually pretty fun and challenging at the same time.. So that's an example right there.
    How is that relevant to Diablo? Would you like raids in Diablo? Multiplayer parties beyond the 4 cap?

    I guess my question would be better as "What would make Diablo III fun for you whilst remaining challenging if you're unsatisfied with the current setup of Inferno?"

  6. #6
    its ok i guess just the uber randomness of loot is meh 4 days farming inf act 1 so can get into act2 got 1 semi decent item which didnt sell .. mostly crap =/ rng is rng etc

  7. #7
    WoW is trinity based and raiding consists of everyone performing a specialized role. Diablo 3 is more free form. I think it resembles PvP more than raiding.

  8. #8
    Sure, it's kk. It takes a certain type of player though, I think, to enjoy that kind of play style. But that's why the game has four different difficult levels. Something for everybody, so to speak.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Semihage View Post
    WoW raiding was actually pretty fun and challenging at the same time.. So that's an example right there.
    I'm pretty sure pre-nerf brutallus,,m'uru, kiljaeden and heroic lich kind were the fights i found challenging but not fun after the 50th wipe.

    But that's just me.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Ton00 View Post
    its ok i guess just the uber randomness of loot is meh 4 days farming inf act 1 so can get into act2 got 1 semi decent item which didnt sell .. mostly crap =/ rng is rng etc
    Yeah it can be quite tiring trying to get the gear required. The AH isn't great because there is so little supply of good level 60 items at decent prices, makes the progress incredibly slower when compared to Hell and earlier.

  11. #11
    I do enjoy this game, and Inferno mode, but I wish that Inferno Mode was challenging because of new mechanics which required you to utilize more skills. In its current state everything is just a "gear check." Farming for hundreds of hours does not necessarily =/= challenging, or skill-based.

    For example, Belial on Inferno mode is identical to Belial on Normal mode mechanic-wise.

    Instead of making the game harder in Inferno mode, they just turned the game into a massive grind fest (at least for non-ranged characters). Perhaps this was to amplify the RMAH?

  12. #12
    Pandaren Monk
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    I think the big step from act 1 to 2 is too big (and I dunno how it is to 3 from 2). Act 1 could have been harder, and 2 a bit easier.

    Anyway, I think Blizzard might have some Inferno changes coming up.

  13. #13
    Nope, I do not enjoy Inferno past act 1.

    Kiting has it's place, but it simply isn't fun doing it for *everything* you come across. And I kind of gave up on my melee characters because kiting as a melee just goes against everything I think a melee should be. I agree kiting has it's place don't get me wrong- but kiting =/= always equal challenging IMHO.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Strah View Post
    I'm pretty sure pre-nerf brutallus,,m'uru, kiljaeden and heroic lich kind were the fights i found challenging but not fun after the 50th wipe.

    But that's just me.
    They never felt completely impossible...inferno is just not doable at times due to special mobs with special combinations.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Matchu View Post
    How is that relevant to Diablo? Would you like raids in Diablo? Multiplayer parties beyond the 4 cap?

    I guess my question would be better as "What would make Diablo III fun for you whilst remaining challenging if you're unsatisfied with the current setup of Inferno?"
    Ok, it needs to be more about applying your spec and use that to find the best way to survive or kill monster....

    Let's take D2 for example, its hell mode can get challenging, but there is different play style between different classes to kill mobs without just glass cannoning(sorc teleport, barb/paly using mana/hp absorb, necro rely on revive and skellies)

    In D3, the only way to survive is to kite (which really isn't fighting mobs by properly relying on your defensive skills.. you are just avoiding them and poke them enough times until they die).. Or you glass cannon and zerg one mob at a time.. and that's just stupid in every coop game.

    At the end of day, you gotta ask yourself this question.. you are playing the game for fun.. And kiting/glass cannong is something we have to do in inferno, but to me it's just fucking stupid and not fun.

  16. #16
    From a design stand point I thin they need to relook at it. The challenge of inferno doesn't result from the player learning new and more difficult mechanics which is odd because Blizzard has been pretty good about that in WoW. The challenge in d3 inferno comes from Blizzard turning the nob wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy up on tuning and giving the mobs ridiculous combinations of already seen abilities. It's not innovative in the slightest and in fact it's really further evidence that d3 is a "retro" game in many aspects.
    Last edited by Leonard McCoy; 2012-06-01 at 12:04 AM.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Shiny212 View Post
    They never felt completely impossible...inferno is just not doable at times due to special mobs with special combinations.
    You can skip them whenever you want, however.

  18. #18
    Certain parts are fun other parts aren't

    e.g Any mob with reflective damage has to be kited to a healing well, or until healing potions / damage avoid are available. Certain ranged mobs can one shot you off the screen (Gear issue?). The loot buff is also somewhat annoying it compels you to play in a sense until you reach a boss. I can see why they did it but I would like to be able to logout and keep the buff as long as I join the same game at the same point.

  19. #19
    Well, something not requiring you to farm the past difficulities for a few houndred thousand gold, just to buy a weapon uppgrade to be able to even get past anything at all in end of act 1 and later could be nice....?

    I might be overdoing it, and myself i was lucky enough to get a legendary bow (playing a DH) from mr."body spread all over the place" (aka. kulle) and i managed to find a few very nice and helpfull people in a public game, which had already done Belial, to help me kill belial and some more in act 3.... but you almost have to flirt with a big hairy barb or a monk to make them tank for you to get past that as a DH.

    Yeh yeh, i'm sure some crazy ass DH in godly gear have soloed it all blindfolded and all that but... for us "normal" people it can be a bit boring to kite, kite, kite, kite, kite, die, run back, kite, kite, kite, kite, tiny lagg spike -> dead again and so on....

    PS: i didn't mean that stuff was too hard and that they should make it easier. I just mean that without enough gear to "glass canon" it like somone else said, you a pretty much dead from enrage timers or you will run our of discipline for your defensive stuff (as an example since i play a demon hunter). So in a lot of situasions you can't even kite, kite, kite if you don't have the gear to nuke them :S

    Edit: And don't get me wrong, i still think it's a great game and i'm having fun even tho i'm skipping 80% or more of the rare/elite groups.... but when I just spent 2-3 hours clearing out 2 areas for the quests Machines of war, and then DC cause of some stupid error (curse you error 3007, 37, 73 and 1) so all the mobs respawn and i have to get past them again + i lost my 3 stack of nephalem valor. Thats when it starts to get a bit annoying. Luckly the quest saved so i only had to vault/smoke screen trought the WHOLE crouded area to get to the bridge again, just to get the "Server shutdown in 5 minutes" messege... ohh well
    Last edited by Roguezor; 2012-06-01 at 12:04 AM.

  20. #20
    Immortal Luko's Avatar
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    I don't always have the patience for Inferno. I find myself doing crypt runs with my Gold Find gear on and hitting the AH for upgrades. It makes an enormous difference... but I don't really consider that a "Grind." I'd much rather just keep playing and killing and getting better to get my items, but as I chose a melee for this, I'm sort of stuck attacking Ash Jars for 2 hours a night for gold. (at my level of skill)
    Mountains rise in the distance stalwart as the stars, fading forever.
    Roads ever weaving, soul ever seeking the hunter's mark.

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