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  1. #401
    High Overlord Rege's Avatar
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    Aug 2009
    California, USA
    Has anyone seen or done and math on Haste breakpoints? I was doing some rough math (really rough btw) and I'm coming up with 8.33% (~3541 Haste) as the first breakpoint for a 7th tick of ReM. What's interesting is the effect Haste has on ReM. The closer you get to the 8.33% point, the faster the 6 ticks hit, then once you get to that number, the HoT goes up to give you the 7th. I was seeing sub 17 sec HoT uptime before that breakpoint and 19 sec plus after it. When you check the combat log, it does indeed change from 6 ticks to 7.

    Looked all around for some nifty spreadsheet, but have found nothing. Thought I would share my findings.

    (If I'm way off, apologies. Again, rough math :P)

    /popcorn enthusiast!

  2. #402
    Our PVP gear finally has models in.

    Last edited by MixelPlx; 2012-07-29 at 03:41 AM.

  3. #403
    I also notice that ReM spreads faster now and wihtout ppl taking dmg

  4. #404
    EG could you post a better quality screen? Because it's hard to see the new skin well
    A screen of the caracter selection screen for example.

  5. #405
    Turn your settings on ultra for the screeny too, low FPS doesn't matter in a still image

  6. #406
    How is mistweaver monks compared to the other healers in hps are they doing high numbers like a druid/priest or more like a shaman?
    the reason i as is because a guildie told me monk healers got nerfed alot so they are shit atm.

  7. #407
    Quote Originally Posted by shindaah View Post
    How is mistweaver monks compared to the other healers in hps are they doing high numbers like a druid/priest or more like a shaman?
    the reason i as is because a guildie told me monk healers got nerfed alot so they are shit atm.
    Was in the middle of replying to this and my Kindle Fire died .
    We are equal to Druid and Priest if played correctly. Mind you this is still beta and a lot can happen with spell values before release.

    Edit: PVP image has been replaced above. Helmet textures are kinda wonky(hence why I posed from the front!)
    Last edited by MixelPlx; 2012-07-29 at 03:42 AM.

  8. #408
    Anyone else think a 20% chance for a Chi off Soothing Mist is a tiny bit low? It may just be me >_<

    On another note, I seem to be doing a lot better with healing =)

  9. #409
    Quote Originally Posted by Tatuin View Post
    SCK is scaling right now. Heals for alot so probely a bug. And with RJW its even more powerfull
    As of just last night my SCK (at 90 in full PvP gear) was healing for 40K+ each tick, with Crits around 110k. Previously it was around 15-18k, so yeah something is not right here.. nice to be able to heal an entire group through a boss fight with just clicking this a few times but no way this is working as intended.

  10. #410
    SCK was hotfixed between raid tests today. Was healing for about 50k per target, but now heals for roughly 10k dissipating above 7-8 targets. A needed nerf, but I'm beginning to think they don't know how they want Mistweavers to AoE heal.

  11. #411
    they're just testing things to make a final decision in the comming months before final release !

  12. #412
    10k per tick? Isn't it near the value it was before the buff? I agree that the buff was too much, but I expected something like 15-20k, 30k AoE per 3-seconf channel with small range? Dont know the numbers on other healers AoEs, but i guess that Holy Radiance/CoH and similar spells are healing for far more on 90

  13. #413
    So what about MW in r25?

    Got videos/logs?

  14. #414
    Quote Originally Posted by Elkeen View Post
    So what about MW in r25?

    Got videos/logs?
    There were 0 pugs to actually test with yesterday so I didn't have a chance to test out the bosses they allowed.

    Only 2 guilds I noticed around the time I could test on Lost Isles were testing content.

  15. #415
    Mistweavers are in an extremely good place in 25 man raids at the moment. There's so many different ways to heal and to be viable; ReM with TFT/Uplift gives insane uptime if timed correctly on ReM, Spinning Crane Kick and RJW are still very powerful even with the nerfs and Eminence healing on certain fights is exceptional (Amber Shaper on 25 man, and I'm going to assume Elegon too).

    Chi Burst really does seem brilliant for 25 mans aswell, if the positioning is good enough to make it hit most of the raid and hostile mobs.

    I'm afraid my videos and logs are private though so I can't share.
    Last edited by Redfern; 2012-08-02 at 01:58 PM.

  16. #416
    Thank you for your feedback.

    And what about mana regen?

  17. #417
    Had a question concerning Professions. I initially had planned to go LW/Eng. Now seeing how those professions only give spellpower bonuses and how Int no longer increases mana pool, also seemingly how strong spirit will be at the start. Should I consider other professions like Alch/JC. I am in a progression raiding guild so the perks matter. I already see people saying go BS/JC but from what i hear BS will be receiving some kind of nerf to bring it in line.

  18. #418
    The problem I'm seeing with Monk mana is that once it's depleted, that's it for the fight (assuming all Mana Tea stacks are used). Granted, our mana pool, I assume, is intended to be a slow exhaustion down to 0 mana at the end of the fight.

    Other classes have cooldowns and/or abilities that actively restore mana, but we need to spend mana (to earn Chi) to gain mana back through Mana Tea; which ends up with us breaking even with mana, or even losing it because our Chi generating abilities cost so much.

    • We agree that monks have mana issues right now, but in our tests, Mistweavers are still doing quite well. Expect healing number reductions if we do reduce mana costs and/or buff Mana Tea.

    They are however aware of the mana issue facing monks and I guess the most likely thing to do would be to reduce the mana cost of Jab. With careful use of abilities and especially making use of melee healing, monks can still perform very well even with the apparent mana issues.

  19. #419
    We don't seem to get enough out of Chi to warrant the huge cost of our other abilities at the minute, considering they can't really buff anything for Chi generation at this point without risking infinite mana monks - they need to reduce the cost of Enveloping mist to 2 Chi, Uplift in it's current form for 2 Chi scales terribly for low amounts of players and the Chi Wave/Zen Sphere/Hadouken tier doesn't see much use at all.

    ---------- Post added 2012-08-02 at 08:15 PM ----------

    Well what do you know, they made uplift stronger

  20. #420
    New beta build: Uplift and Revival getting buffed and SCK no longer has a target limitation. Really good changes.

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