1. #3141
    The problem I see is that it's a snapshot on our scalable stat and it's why there is a maximum benefits for ES when we have 20 stack GoAK, prepot, ...

    But wings is an extra damage bonus and not a bonus on our stat (so don't taking in account by snapshot) so we can consider that we will have the maximum benefits for Es' damage with wings (if we only considering this cd) if wings share a full common line-up.

  2. #3142
    I may misunderstand the issue you're trying to debate here, so I apologize if i'm answering the wrong question... anyway.

    ES snapshots AW this has been tested and confirmed from multiple sources.

    So, very basically, use ES under wings. If you have spark/feather proc active, try to maximize it (10 stacks of feather) before using ES, but make sure to always use it before wings expire.

  3. #3143
    ES snapshots AW this has been tested and confirmed from multiple sources.
    I was very surprised about this but after test it seems i walked in a wrong way.

    Sorry for the lost time

  4. #3144
    Again, if an ability snapshots it uses ALL buffs (temp and perm) that WE (your character).
    Any debuffs (like our 2set) is NOT snapshot and such you're (ever so slightly) better off timing an Exorcism so the 2set lasts for the last 5 seconds of ES.

    Doesn't matter if it's wep proc, trinket proc, wings or guardian... if the ability snapshots it gets buffed by all buffs.

    So as an example on Jin'rokh, if electrify pool is coming up in less than 5 seconds you're better off throwing out ES inside the pool regardless if feather is on 2 or 8 stacks simply because it snapshots. If trinket doesn't proc then I'd personally save it for the next pool but it depends on other timings like trinket/cds. You can also jump around with seal swaps since Censure also snapshots, for me Censure ticks double if I seal swapped on the last 2sec of feather (no other buffs). Same goes if you're spreading Censure on Council or Horridon adds etc, say you have Censure up at 3 targets and feather procs, 6 sec left you refresh on one, 4sec another, 2 sec another and then you change seal, congratulations your 3 fully stacked Censures now deal the same damage as 6 for 12-16seconds. Is this going to show in logs? Yes, is it a lot? no. Is it going to make or break a kill? Not likely. Will you feel better? Yes. Will other rets be able to see it?

    Oh and btw, if your ES is on CD and you got all cds (wings, guardian, trinket(s), second pot and other raid buffs) for the love of god seal swap when buffs are running out. The difference between a 50k AP Censure and a 140k AP + buffs Censure is insane.
    Last edited by Huntingbear_grimbatol; 2013-06-08 at 10:07 PM.
    9thorder.com | Recruiting exceptional players!

  5. #3145
    I have a dilemma. Should I be using Shado-pan trink or 502 Spark of Zandalar. LFR "raider" btw but guild have started on Heroic ToT. Want to be able to raid if they need me.

    Last edited by mmocf2ea624ac6; 2013-06-08 at 10:10 PM.

  6. #3146
    Did we ever confirm that ES snapshots crit banner? I assume it does, but.

  7. #3147
    A few weeks ago, I did math on ES.

    ES does 600% of your SP + 13,000 (rounded). that means it does 300% of your AP + 13,000 every 60 seconds. translate that to per second and you get 5% of AP+216 DPS.

    what this means is that you can delay your ES by 1 second, IF that means you get 5% bonus AP in that next second. if your base AP is 40K, that means if you get 2K AP (1K STR) in the next second, it's an improvement.

  8. #3148
    Do you know any addons for retibution paladin to manage multitoting seal swap like this equivalent for affliction warlock : http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/affdots ???
    Last edited by mmoca677383a5d; 2013-06-09 at 08:23 PM.

  9. #3149
    Quote Originally Posted by Belephebe View Post
    Do you know any addons for retibution paladin to manage multitoting seal swap like this equivalent for affliction warlock : http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/affdots ???
    so you want to track your dot power on multiple censures? seems a bit overkill.

  10. #3150
    If you have tidy plates you can customize the dots (or effects) that's show on the health frames, so you can for instance have Censure show as an icon with a timer and make it rather large.
    9thorder.com | Recruiting exceptional players!

  11. #3151
    so you want to track your dot power on multiple censures?
    Yes it's exactly what i want by taking in account spell power snapshot for censure but i don't believe that tidy plates can help me for.
    Last edited by mmoca677383a5d; 2013-06-09 at 10:21 PM.

  12. #3152
    Quote Originally Posted by Belephebe View Post
    Yes it's exactly what i want but i don't believe that tidy plates can help me for.
    Weak Auras Tutorial 13: Tracking DoTs and HoTs on Multiple Targets

  13. #3153
    I'm not looking for basic dot tracker but a spell power snapshot tracker for censure on multiple targets (for exemple with different color code on the nameplates according to the sp's snapshot)
    Last edited by mmoca677383a5d; 2013-06-09 at 10:34 PM.

  14. #3154
    I don't think there's any other addon that can handle it besides affdots.

  15. #3155
    If a developer read us...

  16. #3156
    Hi guys , do you have any advices or spec suggestions for Heroic leishen in 10 man ?

  17. #3157
    Quote Originally Posted by akabane500 View Post
    Hi guys , do you have any advices or spec suggestions for Heroic leishen in 10 man ?
    Unbreakable Spirit + Speed of Light (replace haste on boots with Pandaren's Step).

    That way you will have a way to survive Helm of Command (w-o needing priest grip or warlock portal) + bubble off static shock every intermission + once in phase3. And well Engineering is very good to have on that fight aswell. You're also one of the only classes (togher with monk/rogue) that can reliably "solo" a platform, with a tank, baiting a third overcharge if that's what you're going with in 2nd intermission.
    Last edited by Neldarie; 2013-06-10 at 10:16 AM.

  18. #3158
    Quote Originally Posted by Belephebe View Post
    If a developer read us...

  19. #3159
    Same goes if you're spreading Censure on Council or Horridon adds etc, say you have Censure up at 3 targets and feather procs, 6 sec left you refresh on one, 4sec another, 2 sec another and then you change seal, congratulations your 3 fully stacked Censures now deal the same damage as 6 for 12-16seconds.
    1 or 5 targets the benefit of seal swapping is the same for high AP censure as the other targets you can simply delay on refreshing whereas the reason to seal swap would be to prevent overwriting the high censure on the target you are melee attacking.

  20. #3160
    I hope it's also clear to people that you should switch to Justice, not Righteousness, unless you have at least 3 targets up. SoJ does 20%, SoR does 9%. so unless SoJ does not trigger from half our skills, it does over double the extra damage. in fact, SoR does LESS damage than SoT proc.

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