1. #1

    Question Holy Paladin - request: MOP Judging

    I have one request for MOP: I pray that they make judging viable (though I doubt they will). Currently, the only reason to judge is if you're spec'd into Selfless Healer. Now I've heard the arguments regarding specing into EF (Eternal Flame), SH (Selfless Healer), or SS (Sacred Shield). I'm picking SH because I've judged for 6 years and it just feels weird not to judge when you're spec'd with EF or SS.
    Isn't there some way to make judging more viable - please?!

  2. #2
    The Patient Kerfax's Avatar
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    If you really want some mechanic changed to make Judging viable/necessary, I advise that you post it on the official forums where Blizzard developers can read it.

  3. #3
    Scarab Lord Grubjuice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcbubble View Post
    I have one request for MOP: I pray that they make judging viable (though I doubt they will). Currently, the only reason to judge is if you're spec'd into Selfless Healer. Now I've heard the arguments regarding specing into EF (Eternal Flame), SH (Selfless Healer), or SS (Sacred Shield). I'm picking SH because I've judged for 6 years and it just feels weird not to judge when you're spec'd with EF or SS.
    Isn't there some way to make judging more viable - please?!
    what more important to you judging or taking a talent other than Selfless Healer?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by mcbubble View Post
    I have one request for MOP: I pray that they make judging viable (though I doubt they will). Currently, the only reason to judge is if you're spec'd into Selfless Healer. Now I've heard the arguments regarding specing into EF (Eternal Flame), SH (Selfless Healer), or SS (Sacred Shield). I'm picking SH because I've judged for 6 years and it just feels weird not to judge when you're spec'd with EF or SS.
    Isn't there some way to make judging more viable - please?!
    Spec Selfless Healer and tadaa, judging is viable.

    The reason they took judging away in the first place was because a lot of Paladins didn't enjoy it. As soon as you make judging mandatory (ie for mana return) it becomes a hindrance on fights where raid damage is so heavy it isn't viable to spend the globals judging. Then on fights with lots of downtime or that you overgear a bit, judging for benefit becomes overpowered because you lose nothing and the gains are big.

    This way if you enjoy judging you can choose a mechanic that rewards you for judging. If you don't enjoy judging you can choose a different talent that doesn't force you to judge for benefit. Best of both worlds really.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Pasture View Post
    The reason they took judging away in the first place was because a lot of Paladins didn't enjoy it. As soon as you make judging mandatory (ie for mana return) it becomes a hindrance on fights where raid damage is so heavy it isn't viable to spend the globals judging. Then on fights with lots of downtime or that you overgear a bit, judging for benefit becomes overpowered because you lose nothing and the gains are big.
    funny how ppl would rather be spambots and drop Class signature ability rather than do something different and usefull which actually need some timing and attention (dont want to say skill as there is nothing skillfull on judging here and there).

    Lets hope it will remain at least as an option then...

  6. #6
    I don't think it's about being a spambot. I never liked judging for mana because in new, heroic content, judging isn't always an option. It never required timing and attention over and above 'judge if you can spare the global'. There's nothing more frustrating than a very healing intensive fight, where you need the mana regen most of all, than having your regen mechanic tied to spending your globals not healing those that desperately need your healing attention.

    I'd probably have less of an issue if judging rewarded throughput rather than mana regen.

    Your judgement attack now also heals your beaconed target for HEALING NUMBER (let's say the same amount as a DL) and grants a charge of Holy Power, but the mana cost is increased to % mana (again let's say the same as DL) and the cooldown increased by 4 seconds.

    In this example, Holy Paladins could judge every 10 seconds to put out a DL equivalent heal. It has the benefit of being an instant but the judgement cooldown is increased to compensate to give it less PvP synergy with Selfless Healer. However, it doesn't give a regen advantage and heals about the same as a DL, so Holy Paladins who like to judge can do so as part of their actual healing rotation, and Holy Paladins who don't like to judge don't have to.

    I'm sure there are problems in giving Holy a DL level heal on an instant every 10 seconds, but it's the sort of thing I would prefer to see. Judging directly tied to healing rather than regen means it's truly a choice of whether you like the mechanic of judging or not. Probably not the best example, as if this was a glyph everyone would want it for the sake of tank healing mobility but you get the drift.
    Last edited by Pasture; 2012-07-16 at 08:57 PM.

  7. #7
    holy could have a talent to make judgements have no global cool down?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Tullkas View Post
    funny how ppl would rather be spambots and drop Class signature ability rather than do something different and usefull which actually need some timing and attention (dont want to say skill as there is nothing skillfull on judging here and there).

    Lets hope it will remain at least as an option then...
    In my opinion, when we were using Judgement every 6 seconds is when it felt more like I was a spambot. It wasn't really about timing, you just had to use it whenever it was off cooldown. Even if you had to delay it to get a healing spell in, you were going to cast it after that anyway and weren't going to screw up your healing by doing so. It was never a critical, life or death situation. It was like using Holy Shock. It was even more mindless than HS, in fact, because you don't even need to aim it any anything but a boss. At least with HS you need to use it to either heal someone or damage a boss.

    Once every minute was a lot less spam-like, but it required little to no attention. Judgement is a defining Paladin ability, no doubt about it, but I personally don't see how it was defining of the Holy playstyle. I've always associated much more with Retribution. I didn't mind the one minute Judgement, but I can't say I feel like I'm losing an essential part of my spec by not using it.
    Last edited by Archibalde; 2012-07-16 at 10:43 PM.

  9. #9
    In my mind paladin is a battle healer, plated and occasionally hitting stuff warrior blessed with divine powers (ret hitting more, holy less). As a dedicated PvP player I like to switch between offensive and defensive and judgement as a form of regen and haste buff was great imo and supporting paladins lore. I understand that other people might not like such a play style, but srsly asking for removing a GCD from it so that you can just macro it to holy shock or whatever is lame... Yes I can imagine there are healing intesive fights in hard PvE encounters but again you radher drop this ability so you can spam more? Constant QQing about "quality of life" issues and "feedback" which push developers to do more and more changes leading to easier, more efficient and smoother gameplay is making this game dumb.

    Its just a point of view of PvP player who like some obstacles and decissions in a game play - do I have to spam - I spam, do I have time to judge to buff my self and spam better? do I have time for it now? will my target die or can I make it and then spam heals better? I think thats something that need timing and fast decission and is far from spamming the button on every occasion.

    No need to flame Im not offending anyone here, anyway if they keep that game play style as an option we all can be happy and that how it should be - you should have a choice and play as you like. Overall holy paladins looks promissing and we got some nice offensive tools for this expansion.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Tullkas View Post
    Yes I can imagine there are healing intesive fights in hard PvE encounters but again you radher drop this ability so you can spam more? Constant QQing about "quality of life" issues and "feedback" which push developers to do more and more changes leading to easier, more efficient and smoother gameplay is making this game dumb.
    Speaking strictly about PvE, Judgement is pretty much the easiest thing about healing on a Paladin. The difference between MoP and live, gameplay-wise, is not going to be noticeable at all. You won't be using a global cooldown once every minute, now. That's next to nothing. The change in gameplay, efficiency or quality of life will be completely trivial. It's not going to make us spam other spells more than we already were. I'm sure it's different in a PvP situation.

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