1. #1

    LUA Help with Scenarios

    Now that I have been able to test my addon (SMQueue) with Scenarios via Theramore's Fall, I am having some trouble with a few things. In particular, I have included an option that allows the user to display an introduction and a goodbye message to the party when entering and leaving the group, and the ability to leave the group with confirmation. To display the introduction message, I watch the event LFG_PROPOSAL_SHOW, set a flag for entering the instance, and then process that flag one time during GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE to display the message to the group. This works for both Dungeon Finder and Raid Finder just fine, but Scenarios don't seem to fire that event. As far as I can tell, they don't seem to have a proposal event, even though pet battles, pvp battlegrounds, challenge modes, and everything else seem to. So I am trying to figure out what event or what other way (if there is one anyone is able to think of) to send a message to the party upon entering the scenario.

    Secondly, to send the goodbye message to players, I follow the LFG_COMPLETION_REWARD event, and then follow the START_LOOT_ROLL and CHAT_MSG_LOOT events until the loot is finished being rolled on, and then print the message to the party/raid and pop up the dialog to leave the group if they want to. Scenarios do not seem to fire any of the events listed above, so again I am wondering what I can do to output the message to the party/raid and then show the confirmation dialog. I have a subscription to WoWProgramming.com (and the third edition of the book which is now waaaay out-dated! LOL) and they have a few events revolving around scenarios listed but they are all undocumented, and google returns nil as well. They are listed below. Doing my own finicking in game to figure stuff out as well, any help is appreciated. Thank you.

    My AddOns: SMQueue (@WoWInterface) (@Curse)

  2. #2
    You could just document them yourself then. The API and event docs are a group effort - all of the docs are made by way of authors going "oh, this and that was changed and the docs don't reflect that, I'll fix them".

    If you need to find out which events fire when, check out /eventtrace. It shows timings and arguments.

  3. #3
    Thanks Treeston, that was a ton of help! I have no problem updating documentation, I just wasn't sure how to go about finding the stuff out. It seems that the LFG_PROPOSAL_SHOW and LFG_COMPLETION_REWARD do fire when doing Scenarios, so something I'm doing with detecting those events must be wrong. Thanks for your help!

    EDIT: Got it to work properly! Thanks again.
    Last edited by sorcerermerlin; 2012-09-20 at 04:44 AM.
    My AddOns: SMQueue (@WoWInterface) (@Curse)

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