1. #1

    Global cooldown to dance?

    Actually i'm referring to Aspect dancing. Not mistaken bliz has put a global cd whenever we're changing aspects and this would mean a dps drop. I'm just wondering why put a global cd on it? Aspect dancing has been a really fun hunter playing style for certain raid bosses and i feel disappointed that they are nerfing it.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by necromorphs View Post
    Actually i'm referring to Aspect dancing. Not mistaken bliz has put a global cd whenever we're changing aspects and this would mean a dps drop. I'm just wondering why put a global cd on it? Aspect dancing has been a really fun hunter playing style for certain raid bosses and i feel disappointed that they are nerfing it.
    They're changing it back, it'll be off the GCD in the next patch. The problem wasn't aspect dancing, it was that people were macroing their aspects into every shot instead of changing manually.

    Basically, they can't figure out a way to stop people macroing aspects without also breaking aspect dancing, and decided that letting people macro-spam was the lesser of two evils.

  3. #3
    it's already been reverted. Aspects trigger GCD on each other but not for any other skills. They are currently macroable

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